
 Ethan glanced at his hand, which had been casually brushed off, and couldn't help but smile. He shook his head and thought to himself, "I've still got a lot to learn." 

 He knew that Zara would interpret this gesture as simply lending her a book, but he felt it would be beneficial to meet up with her again, even if it was just for a friendly catch-up.

 Regardless of any specific reason, Ethan was certain that he would meet Zara again and there was no changing his mind about it.

 Chuckling to himself, Ethan looked over at Zara, who was already settled on the couch in the corner, engrossed in her studies.

 Ethan quietly made his way to the couch, took off his jacket, and settled down with his laptop, not wanting to interrupt Zara's focus on her studies.

 Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was already past noon.

 In the living room downstairs, Eleanor and Thomas were engrossed in flipping through some magazines.

 Butler Beau emerged from the kitchen and said calmly, "Lunch is ready, Sir and Madam."

 Eleanor glanced at Butler Beau and gave a nod before shifting her gaze to the second floor where Zara and Ethan had been holed up.

 A smile crept onto her face as she pondered their connection, and she turned to Thomas, asking, "What do you reckon they've been up to all this time?"

 Thomas, wanting to indulge in some gossip like his wife, took a moment to consider who was in that room before calmly responding, "I imagine Ethan's been working or perhaps stealing glances at Zara, while she's probably engrossed in a book."

 Upon hearing Thomas' words, Eleanor pondered for a moment and nodded, "Yeah, you're probably right." "Things never seem to progress so easily, do they?"

 Eleanor let out a sigh and instructed, "David, go and fetch Ethan and Lia for me." "Sure thing, Mrs. Anderson," David replied.

 David made his way to the study room to call both individuals as requested.

 Upon reaching the upstairs area, David knocked on the door and heard a cold voice saying, "Come in."

 Entering the room, he noticed Zara engrossed in a book, not even bothering to look up, while Ethan had placed his laptop on the coffee table.

 It appears that Mr. Thomas was correct. It seems that nothing can be expected to go smoothly.

 David when thinking about it, shook his head helplessly.

 Ethan glanced at David, who was shaking his head in confusion, and remarked sharply, "If you're just going to shake your head, you might as well leave."

 Zara turned her head away from her book as she heard a stern voice beside her, meeting the gaze of the man seated next to her. She could now detect the coldness in his eyes and tone.

 She suddenly realized that he had taken off his jacket and was now sitting in just his shirt. She had only seen him in a jacket before, not in casual attire like this. It was clear that he was not someone to mess with, but she remained unfazed as if it would not affect her.

 David snapped out of his daze when he heard his boss's stern voice, quickly responding, "No, no, Boss. Mrs. Anderson wants you and Miss Zara downstairs for dinner."

 Ethan shut his laptop and gazed at Zara with a gentle expression not like a minute earlier, suggesting, "Shall we head downstairs, Zara?"

 Standing up, he reached out a hand to help Zara, but she ignored the gesture, got up from the couch, and walked towards the door with the book in hand.

 As David observed the scene, he couldn't help but think to himself, "If anyone else were in Miss Zara's position, they would seize this opportunity and feel ecstatic to be in contact with their boss. However, it's evident that the person his boss favors will undoubtedly stand out from the rest."

 As Zara made her way towards the door, David swiftly stepped forward and held it open for her.

 She walked out without even glancing back. However, David couldn't help but notice the book she was carrying. He instantly recognized it as one of the books that his boss cherished.

 No one had ever dared to lay a finger on any of the books in Ethan's extensive collection housed within the mansion.

 But it seemed that things were about to change as David glanced at his boss.

 Ethan simply smiled at her and followed behind her.

 David sighed and closed the door before following behind Ethan.

 Eleanor glanced at the stairs and spotted the two figures walking side by side, causing her smile to widen.

 Without shifting her gaze, she inquired, "You know, I didn't notice before. But now that I see them together, don't they look like a match made in heaven?"

 Thomas also observed them, and upon hearing his wife's words, he replied with a smile, "Absolutely, we couldn't find a better match for Ethan anywhere else. Only Lia could be the perfect fit for him and only she would be able to handle him. No one else could."

 Eleanor's face lit up with a smile as tears welled up in her eyes. "Yeah, you're right. It's such a relief that Lia is safe and sound now."

 Upon hearing this, Thomas patted his thigh and thought that he had forgotten something. "Oh shoot, I completely forgot to discuss something with Ethan after finding out that Lia is joining us for lunch."

 Eleanor glanced at Thomas and responded calmly, "Don't worry, you can talk to him after we eat. We still have plenty of time."

 Thomas simply nodded and extended his hand for Eleanor to hold as they both stood up, realizing that Ethan and Zara were already downstairs.

 Ethan and Zara stood near the stairs, waiting, as both of them made their way towards the dining room.

 Once they were seated at the dining table, Ethan took the seat on the left side of Zara, since she was sitting next to Thomas.

 The table was quickly filled with a variety of delicious dishes, including Bruschetta, bourbon chicken, creamy cherry strudel, as well as rice and various side platters.

 With a smile, Eleanor looked at Zara and said, while placing a bruschetta on her plate, "Lia, eat whatever you like. If there's something you don't enjoy, just leave it. Don't worry about it."

 Thomas added cheerfully, "Yes, Lia, your Grandma made a special request to the kitchen for your arrival. Make sure you don't miss out on anything!"

 "Thanks a lot, Grandma Eleanor and Grandpa Thomas," Zara replied warmly.

 With that, everyone started enjoying their meal.

 However, Thomas couldn't help but express a tinge of sadness, "Lia, we're all family here. Since you're Ethan's fiancée, it's only natural for us to be your grandparents too. So, feel free to call us Grandma and Grandpa, just like Ethan does."

 Eleanor nodded, her smile never fading, "Absolutely, Lia. Just call us by the same names Ethan does."

 Zara choked on their words.

 Didn't she always greet them the same way whenever they met? Why the sudden change?

 She didn't think that she and Ethan were anywhere near the stage of being engaged.

 Yet, she simply smiled and ate. Ethan kept piling her plate with food.

 Glancing at Ethan, she forced a smile and said with a hint of anger in her eyes, "That's very kind of you. Why don't you join me in eating instead of just serving me?"

 Ethan fully grasped her meaning to focus on his own plate and not overload hers, but he simply shrugged it off and calmly replied, "I feel responsible for taking care of my fiancée. If I don't do it, who will?"

 With a nonchalant gesture, he even added another serving onto her plate.

 Zara couldn't help but feel the urge to roll her eyes at Ethan's response, but since Thomas and Eleanor were present, she managed to restrain herself.

 Both Eleanor and Thomas were overjoyed to witness such lighthearted banter between the two. It had been years since they had seen something like this.