Suspicious About The Incident

 It's been ages since they last saw their grandson truly happy and carefree.

 During lunch, Butler Beau and David joined in, as they've been considered part of the family for so many years.

 After the meal, Thomas asked Ethan to come to his study on the ground floor, with David following closely behind, while Zara and Eleanor stayed in the living room.

 As they entered the study, Thomas took a seat on the couch, Ethan sat on the opposite couch, and David stood behind Ethan.

 Thomas gazed at Ethan and inquired softly, "Seems like you're not planning on leaving anytime soon, huh?"

 Ethan calmly responded while pouring a glass of water, "That might be the case. But I'll step out at some point to take care of things." He then handed the glass of water to Thomas.

 Thomas grinned as he took the glass. "What's your plan moving forward?"

 Ethan sensed that Thomas was avoiding something, so he asked while looking at Thomas, "You can just tell me, Grandpa. What's bothering you?"

 Thomas paused for a moment, then turned to Ethan and placed the cup of water on the coffee table. "We didn't tell you the cause of it back then because you were not in the right state of mind after Lia's incident," he explained.

 Ethan met Thomas's gaze and responded in a composed manner, "I tried to look into the incident from that time, but all I could find was information about Zara's accident and death. It seems like someone is deliberately hiding the truth from us."

 Realizing that there was more to the story behind Zara's death, Ethan decided to seek answers from his grandfather since he couldn't find any information on his own.

 Thomas made sure Ethan was fully informed so he could be more cautious in the future.

 Thomas let out a sigh and told Ethan, "I had a conversation with Mathew when I found out Lia was still alive."

 Ethan gazed at Thomas, waiting for him to continue.

 Thomas calmly recounted the events from the past and the reasons behind Zara being sent overseas and having her identity changed for those few years.

 Ethan's demeanor remained composed as he listened to the explanation, but a closer look would reveal a dangerous aura around him. Anyone who dared to stand in his way right now would be risking their life.

 Ethan's hand clenched into a tight fist, his knuckles leaving an impression on his palm from the sheer force of his anger.

 Recognizing his grandson's anger, Thomas spoke calmly, "I have my doubts about that. How could a family of lower status than the Adams have the audacity to harm Lia, who is cherished by both the Adam and Daisen families?"

 Ethan released his grip and turned to Thomas, inquiring, "Are you saying there's someone behind this?"

 Thomas simply nodded and remarked, "If news of Lia being alive gets out, I don't think that person will stay quiet. They'll definitely try again."

 "But I don't want to risk it. Last time, we were clueless and couldn't help. But now that Lia's back, we can't put her life in danger again. We need to have guards with her 24/7."

 Ethan pondered over it for a while.

 Ethan glanced at Thomas, lost in thought. "I know Lia doesn't like too much attention. I'll talk to her before assigning bodyguards to protect her discreetly," he assured his grandfather.

 Ethan's expression turned serious as he added, "I've already lost her once. I won't let it happen again. Don't worry Grandpa."

 David, who had been eavesdropping, was horrified by the idea of someone targeting a young girl.

 Did Miss Zara really experience so much in her past and spend so many years away from her family?

 That's really sad.

 David mainly felt bad for Zara who spent her life away from her family and had to go through a lot at such a young age.

 Feeling sympathy is one side, but if Miss Zara is really that weak, then she won't be compatible for his boss. This is mainly the point that David thought about.

 Even though she is the eldest daughter of the Adam family and she has some medical knowledge, it doesn't mean that she is strong.

 It's clear that even the Adam family's daughter is not strong. It's not that the Anderson family couldn't protect someone.

 But the person in question is the future Mrs. Anderson, who can't afford to be weak. If she is, the whole world will take advantage of her.

 David just sighed and thought about how deeply in love his boss was with Miss Zara. He didn't have the right to judge his boss's taste. So he kept his thoughts to himself, fearing his boss would kill him.

 After discussing it, Ethan and Thomas came out of the study to find Eleanor happily chatting with Zara, who was still calm with a slight smile on her lips.

 Thomas grinned and remarked to Ethan, "Your grandma hasn't been this cheerful with anyone since you went abroad."

 Ethan gazed at the women in silence.

 Approaching them, Eleanor inquired with a smile, "Are you grandpa and grandson had a nice chat?"

 Thomas chuckled and replied as he sat down next to her, "Looks like we're not the only ones having a conversation."

 Ethan glanced at Zara, recalling his grandpa's words. He composed himself, concealing his emotions as he calmly took a seat beside Zara.

 Zara grinned while observing Thomas and Eleanor chatting joyfully, resembling a newlywed pair.

 Out of the blue, she sensed a warm sensation in her hands. Glancing down, she noticed Ethan holding her hand, gazing at her serenely with a smile in his eyes.

 Raising her eyebrows inquisitively at him, Zara seemed to silently ask, "What are you doing?"

 However, Ethan just continued to hold her hand, intertwining their fingers without acknowledging Zara's expression.

 Eleanor and Thomas shared a knowing smile as they watched the scene unfold, exchanging playful glances without letting their laughter interrupt the young couple.

 Zara glared at Ethan and attempted to free her hand from his grip without showing any sign of annoyance, mindful of Thomas and Eleanor's presence. Despite her efforts, she couldn't break free. Ethan just grinned and as he met Zara's gaze.