Ethan's Sudden Raise Of Voice

 Ethan looking at Zara's calm face, could not help but say firmly, "But for me it's necessary. And I don't plan to go back on that."

 Hearing the seriousness in his voice, Zara looked at him carefully and asked, "What did you find out?"

 David who was driving was shocked to hear that just by some words from Mr. Ethan, Ms. Zara could tell that there's something behind it. Not everyone can understand his boss except for his family members.

 It appears that Ms. Zara has a deep understanding of his boss. Despite this, he couldn't help but wonder if he was underestimating her.

 He nodded in agreement, pondering how someone chosen by his boss as a fiancée could lack foresight.

 There must be something special about Ms. Zara for her to be the ideal partner for Mr. Ethan.

 Ethan gazed at Zara, reaching out to hold her soft hand.

 Zara didn't resist Ethan's grip this time. She knew she wouldn't win anyway. So, she simply allowed him to hold her hand and gazed at him expectantly.

 Ethan, stroking her hand gently, met her eyes and spoke softly, "I don't think it's a simple matter from the past. It's better to be cautious than to fret."

 "But, you're missing something," Zara remarked calmly, attempting to pull away. "Let me hold your hand for a while," Ethan replied calmly, his gaze fixed on her.

 "What did I forget?" Ethan inquired. "To the world, Zara Adam is still considered dead," Zara stated, her expression unchanged.

 Ethan abruptly sat up and sternly stated, "Let's not bring it up again." "But it's the reality." "I said no!"

 Witnessing Ethan's intense expression and tone, Zara fell silent and gazed out the window.

 Observing Zara's profile, Ethan suddenly comprehended the impact of his words.

 He quickly drew Zara near, embracing her tightly.

 Zara was taken aback by the sudden gesture, unsure of what was unfolding.

 By the time she processed it, she found herself embraced in Ethan's arms.

 David couldn't believe his eyes when he glanced at the scene through the rearview mirror. It was something he never thought he would witness - his boss embracing a girl in his arms.

 Zara struggled to break free from Ethan's tight grip, attempting to push him away. However, Ethan held onto her firmly, not allowing her to escape.

 Resting his chin on her shoulder, Ethan spoke in a husky voice, "I'm sorry, Zara. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. I truly apologize."

 "Let me go," Zara demanded. But Ethan insisted on holding her a little longer.

 "Ethan, release me!" Zara's voice grew colder as she tried to break free.

 David, sitting in the driver's seat, felt a shiver run through his body when he heard Zara's voice. He glanced in the rearview mirror but couldn't see her face, making it impossible to gauge her expression.

 Meanwhile, Ethan reacted differently, letting out a sigh and releasing her.

 However, he then took hold of Zara's shoulder, made her look at him, and said, "But don't ever say those words again. And I'm sorry again."

 Zara pushed away Ethan's hand and leaned back in her seat, gazing out the window.

 Despite this, Ethan quietly held her hand and showed no sign of letting go.

 Ethan couldn't tear his eyes away from Zara's profile. The sharp angles of her jawline and the way her skin glowed in the moonlight streaming through the window captivated him.

 Looking directly at her, he spoke in a composed tone, "I'll set up a team of four bodyguards, no more. You can't say no."

 Zara turned to respond, but Ethan anticipated her and continued calmly, "Grandpa insisted on it. Please, do it for him."

 Upon hearing this, Zara fell silent, choosing not to argue but simply adding, "I already have a team of bodyguards. It's unnecessary. Let Grandpa know."

 Ethan gazed at Zara with a calm expression, "Even if you tell him that, Grandpa won't trust anyone else unless he forms his own group to protect you. You know him well. What do you think?"

 Seeing that Zara is thinking, Ethan added with a calm voice, "If you don't want bodyguards that's fine."

 Zara anticipatingly looked at Ethan for those words but Ethan continued as he looked at Zara, "But, I'll come wherever you go and will always be with you. And you can't leave my side even for some moment."

 Zara, realizing the direction of the conversation, had no choice but to agree to Ethan's proposal.

 Ethan looked at Zara eagerly, and she simply nodded before shifting her focus to the outside.

 Ethan felt relieved when Zara agreed to his plan, knowing that he could only relax if he had his guards watching over her for safety.

 Ethan continued to hold Zara's hand firmly as they made their way to Mayledge Mansion.

 David remained unfazed upon learning that Ms. Zara had a team of bodyguards, as it was a common practice in wealthy and aristocratic families to ensure their children's safety.

 If someone has already attempted to harm their children, it's likely that they would take extra steps to ensure their child's safety.

 Upon arrival at Mayledge Mansion, Ethan stepped out of the car with Zara, never letting go of her hand.

 Walking towards the entrance, the door suddenly swung open with a loud noise.

 Instinctively, Ethan positioned himself in front of Zara subconsciously to protect her.

 When the door swung open, a man stepped into view. He appeared to be in his mid twenties, looking dashing in a white shirt paired with dark jeans. His shirt was untucked, the top two buttons undone, and he wore a black jacket.

 But if you paid attention, you could see the anger in his eyes and feel the intense aura he was giving off.

 Upon seeing the man, Zara's face lit up and she greeted him calmly, "Hello, Fourth Brother."

 As she spoke, she attempted to move closer, but the grip on her hand was firm. She glanced at the person holding her hand. Catching her eye, Ethan smiled at Zara and released her hand so she could approach her brother.

 The man's expression darkened further as he saw Zara's hand in Ethan's grasp, his anger palpable as he glared at Ethan as if shooting daggers at him.

 The man standing before them was none other than Noah Adam, the youngest son of the Adam family's second branch.