Brother's Coldness

 Zara walked towards her brother after Ethan released her.

 Noah walked towards Zara with a smile and opened his arms for a hug as he saw her approaching, unlike the person who had just appeared with a stern face and cold aura.

 Zara smiled and gave Noah a hug.

 As Noah hugged Zara, he looked at the person behind her with a stern expression. His smiling face vanished when he looked at Ethan.

 Ethan didn't react when Noah looked at him, as he was used to it from childhood.

 David, who was carrying gifts, observed the scene in front of him. Despite hearing from Butler Beau about the Adam brothers' cold treatment towards Mr. Ethan, this was the first time he witnessed someone boldly staring at Mr. Ethan.

 Noah embraced his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder and another on her chin, questioning, "You didn't even inform us about your return, huh?"

 "I thought you might be occupied," Zara replied calmly with a gentle smile.

 "What kind of busy are you talking to?" Noah inquired as he held Zara's hand and guided her inside the house, not sparing a glance at Ethan.

 Ethan smiled and shook his head while silently trailing behind them.

 Even with everything appearing surprising to David, he simply walked behind carrying presents.

 Upon entering the living room, the trio spotted the entire family gathered and chatting.

 Zara observed the united family members seated together. Her older brother had returned, and even the siblings who had left for work were back.

 Kylie beckoned Zara over with a grin, "Zara, come here. Sit with me." Spotting Ethan trailing behind, she added warmly, "Ethan, why don't you join us too? It's been a while since we've all been together."

 Ethan flashed a smile and nodded before settling into a couch across from Zara.

 The cozy living room was furnished with couches on every side. Kylie and Andrew shared one, now joined by Zara.

 On either side of them sat the four Adam brothers, two on each side. With all the brothers rarely home at the same time, Olivia was also there, seated next to Hendry while Jack occupied a single-seated comfy chair nearby.

 Ethan glanced at David as he approached and set the gifts on the coffee table.

 Kylie opened her mouth to speak when she saw the gifts, but Jack quickly interrupted with a scoff, "Looks like Mr. Anderson thinks our family needs a lot of stuff."

 Ethan smiled and replied calmly, "That's not it at all. Grandma gave these because Zara returned, and Aunt Kylie also gave plenty of gifts. It's only fair that we reciprocate."

 Upon hearing Ethan's explanation involving their grandma, Jack scoffed angrily and turned away.

 Kylie looked at her sons, who were looking at Ethan with a stern look that showed displeasure.

 She knew about this because, from their childhood, the brothers would react coldly to Ethan whenever he was here that too mainly from when Zara was born, and was said that they both were betrothed.

 She can't say anything and just look at her daughter for help. 

 Zara understanding her Mom, asked calmly, "What is the sudden reason for this gather up?"

 And for sure, as she spoke, the Adam brothers' attention shifted from Ethan to her. The cold expression on their faces suddenly turned warm when they looked at Zara.

 Alan, who had been sitting quietly, teased with raised eyebrows, "It's obvious that someone didn't inform us about their return and made us come back right away."

 Zara calmly replied, "Oh... that's because you all are probably busy most of the time."

 Noah inquired from the side, "Did we mention that we are busy?" "Okay. Is this the reason we are here?"

 Alan gazed at Zara and replied calmly, "Okay. You've been out all day. Go back and get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow."

 "Yeah, go and rest. If you want anything call me or ask Ava for it." Kylie smiled and said to Zara as she caressed her face.

 "Okay." Without another word, Zara stood up from her seat and went upstairs.

 Kylie smiled at Ethan and said, "Thank Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Thomas for these gifts." "Of course."

 "I believe it's about time for Mr. Anderson to head back since it's getting late. We wouldn't want him to feel like he's missing out on rest because of us," Hendry mentioned, glancing at the clock with a smirk.

 Ethan responded with a simple smile, "Why not? It's perfectly fine to drop by my future in-laws' place, mainly if the brothers-in-law are around, right?"

 The Adam brothers' expressions shifted from sly to anger because of the words 'in-law' and 'brothers-in-law'. Olivia, seated between Hendry and Jack, could sense the tension rising between the two.

 Olivia felt a shiver down her spine as she saw her four brothers glaring at Ethan with hostility.

 She turned to Kylie for support, and Kylie, feeling sorry for Olivia, tried to defuse the tension.

 "Ethan, it's getting late, and you must be exhausted. Make sure to get plenty of rest when you get home. And don't forget to thank Aunt Eleanor for the gifts."

 "Okay," Ethan replied, realizing why Kylie was so eager to send him off.

 If he stayed for even a minute longer, it seemed like a war could erupt.

 Understanding the situation, he stood up from the sofa, buttoned his coat, and bid Kylie and Andrew goodnight. "Good night."

 He paid no attention to the Adam brothers and headed towards the entrance, with David trailing behind him.

 Alan got up from his seat and said calmly, "How can we send the great Mr. Ethan Anderson without anyone occupying him to the entrance? I'll come and send you off, Mr. Ethan."

 Hearing the words, Ethan turned and looked at Alan and said calmly, "Why not? Please." Ethan gestured with his hand as he said.

 Alan gritted her teeth in anger as he walked towards Ethan.

 When Alan passed by David, David felt a cold aura as if he was in some extremely cold region. He shivered before looking at the two people who are walking towards the entrance and followed them.