Chapter Five.

'Fierce Sun ' was a term used in the pugilistic world for someone with strong and purest yang energy. It was similar to the purity of the sun's yang energy. Individuals who possessed this kind of energy were rare. When they learnt martial arts they would easily pick up the techniques and most of them ended up being the top martial arts experts. Chen Liang took the task of protecting the envoy himself trying to create an opportunity to confirm Meng Xian's assumption.

The following day,under the guidance of Chen Liang, the envoy went to the palace to see Emperor Zhang. Emperor Zhang had appointed a group of his trusted ministers to carry out the negotiations on his behalf. The envoys of the two countries went to a different room to carry out the negotiations. As the negotiations were being carried out,Yan Yu was waiting at the palace with the emperor. Emperor Zhang reviewed official documents while keeping an eye on Yan Yu. Yan Yu hadn't spoken a single word since he arrived at the palace. Emperor Yan couldn't tell what kind of personality the little prince had. Emperor Zhang signalled the eunuch to come closer and said something to him.

"Ask Empress Han to prepare a residence for him."

"Yes Your Majesty,"the eunuch bowed respectfully and left. As Emperor called Yan Yu to go closer to him,members of the envoy came back. It was difficult to tell the outcome of the negotiation through their facial expressions. The negotiation had turned out well and the Zhenyan State envoy was to return immediately.As the Zhenyan State envoy was about to leave,Yan Yu ran over to them and gripped Minister Bai's robes.

"You guys are leaving already?"

"Yes. We have to report back to His Majesty."

"Can't you send a letter?You're liars . You said you would accompany me for a week and even said you would ensure I settle in a better residence,"Yan Yu spoke aggressively practically raising his voice.

"Your Highness,the Qijun Palace will be in charge of your accomodation."

"You are all traitors!"Yan Yu suddenly became emotional as tears flowed down his beautiful cheeks uncontrollably. Yan Yu was still a child so it was natural that he was emotionally unstable,"Wait till I become strong I will avenge myself!"

Emperor Zhang was shocked by the Little Prince's aggressive behaviour. He had guessed all kinds of personalities the kid would likely have but he didn't expect this to be his real personality. None of his sons dared to make a mess in his palace no matter how angry they were. A palace maid walked in and greeted Emperor Zhang distracting Yan Yu from venting.

"Reporting to Your Majesty,Her Majesty has prepared a residence for the Little Prince."

"You might not be able to handle this Little Prince,"Emperor Zhang spoke depicting a little sarcasm in his voice and called in the guards,"Take him away otherwise I might end up having him executed."

The guards grabbed Yan Yu and dragged him away while he vented back at them till he disappeared out of sight. The Zhenyan State envoy left the palace feeling bad that Yan Yu had to be treated like a prisoner.

Yan Yu was the enemy state's royal member so he wasn't treated the least bit better and his residence wouldn't be any better. The residence designed for him was none other than the Garden of the Whispering Shadows. The garden had lotus flowers surrounding the main residence itself. This garden used to be the residence of a former imperial consort,Consort Jiang. Consort Jiang committed suicide at the pavilion and ever since people said the place was haunted with presence of shadows whispering to each other and plucking lotus buds. Palace maids were afraid of this place the most so it would be difficult for them to serve Yan Yu even during daytime.

As they approached the Garden of Whispering Shadows,the palace maid hesitated a bit,she abruptly curtseyed and asked them to proceed with the excuse of reporting back to Empress Han about the successful settling in of Yan Yu. Meanwhile Consort Chen was having a talk with Chen Liang at her residence. Chen Liang had confirmed Meng Xian's assumption of Yan Yu being a Fierce Sun and found it to be true.

"If what you said is true then Han'er still has hope though it may take time,"Consort Chen spoke calmly.

"The Fierce Sun has to practice martial arts himself to enrich his energy. That way Han'er can utilize it fully without restriction. If the energy is not strong enough,Han'er won't make any progress,"Chen Liang explained.

"How long will it take ?"

"Six to seven years."

"That's a long time. He will have gone back to Zhenyan ."

"If we create a bond between Han'er and him then it will be easier to access him even when he goes back."

"That's a good idea but Han'er is cold I'm afraid it will take time."

"The only thing that desperate kid needs is fake sincerity. We can send Han'er to give him little gifts to tighten their bond."

"Sounds like a plan."

Consort Chen's personal maid Xu Lili comes in.

"Your Highness,as expected the Little Prince has been settled at Garden of Whispering Shadows."

"Where is Han'er?Get him here."


Of all the emperor's wives,Consort Chen was the most beautiful. She was a calm woman with a hideous personality.She was known to be calculative and did things based on whether she will benefit or not. This behaviour was genetic since her father was the same and even her uncle is the same and it's possible her son would end up being the same.Unlike other wives who tried to please the emperor,she avoided him at all costs and stayed at her residence as if she had been confined there. She was in charge of recruiting servants to the palace and she had tested all of them to find out whether they possessed the purest yang energy.