Chapter Six.

Xu Lili came back a few minutes later with Zhang Leihan. Zhang Leihan was a cool kid who preferred playing and reading by himself as he hated associating with other kids lest they dirtify his expensive silk woven clothes. Consort Chen knew him well but she was still ready to get him to approach Yan Yu. As he came in,he didn't even greet Chen Liang.

"Han'er where were you?"

"In my room practicing characters,"Zhang Leihan replied all at once after figuring out what her next question would be.

"That's good. If you learn all characters would you like to show off to others?"

"Of course,"Zhang Leihan responded arrogantly.

"Then you can go back and continue practicing characters,"Consort Chen said smiling gently.

Even though he was young, Zhang Leihan could tell Consort Chen wanted to tell him something or was hiding something from him as she rarely disturbed his study. Despite knowing that,he still went back to his room.

"Kids in the Zhenyan State love eating glutinous rice balls the most. So have the kitchen prepare that,"Consort Chen instructed Xu Lili.


"I have a Guardian Foo Dog jade pendant in one of the drawers in my room. Find it for me,"Consort Chen added.

At night Yan Yu sat on the floor and leaned against the Bamboo bed in his new room. The room was a little damp with a stale smell filling the air and millions of cobwebs clinging on to the surfaces .The room was dimly lit with only one candle illuminating the room.He hugged his legs immersed in a pool of loneliness and sadness. The room had a few things unlike his former room at Zhenyan Palace. He hadn't eaten and there was no sign of him eating soon. Suddenly he heard the main door creaking open. Fear gripped him and his heart started racing fast as he became more terrified . But still he didn't let cowardice take the better part of him. He suddenly took off his hair clip and held it tightly in his hand to use it as a weapon. He could hear the approaching footsteps getting louder and clearer. He tiptoed towards the door and stood there waiting for the enemy to barge in. The door creaked open and he immediately hid behind the door.

Xu Lili walked in carrying a tray with food on it and placed it on the small wooden table in the room. She began searching around for Yan Yu.

"Little Highness! Little Highness!"she called out walking around the room and checking the hideous places. Yan Yu finally revealed himself when he got assured the lady meant no harm.

"Who are you calling Little Highness?"

Xu Lili turned around and smiled at her. Yan Yu didn't trust people's smiles anymore as he believed there more people smiled the more harmful they were.

"What is that?"Yan Yu asked pointing at the plate of food at the table. The steam along with the aroma of the food filled the room.

"I brought you glutinous rice balls,"Xu Lili smiled.

"Glutinous rice balls!"Yan Yu repeated after her excitedly.

"Go ahead and eat."

Yan Yu took the plate of food from the tray and sat on the floor to eat. He took big bites and stuffed them in his mouth greedily.

"Eat slowly."

"You're not the maid who brought me here earlier. Judging from the outfits you're not ordinary maids"

"That's right."

"Could it be that you two serve Her Majesty?"

"No,"Xu Lili laughed mysteriously not wishing to answer Yan Yu's question. After finishing the meal,Xu Lili picked up the used plate along with the tray and left instructing Yan Yu to lock the doors. Yan Yu was a little weak to close the main door by himself. He slid the two sliding doors towards each other,one at time. He then brought the light portable furniture and placed it against the door to boost the security of the whole pavilion.

Though he had locked the room it was no guarantee that he would sleep peacefully. The dampness in the room attracted a number of mosquitoes which buzzed around him the whole night threatening to suck his young fresh blood dry. The thin quilt he covered himself with barely provided enough warmth for him. In the morning he was finally able to find peace,and he slept till the afternoon. Xu Lili woke him up as she brought him food and clean clothes. She also brought a few more maids to clean the pavilion as per Consort Chen's instructions.

Since it was the weekend, Zhang Leihan didn't have to attend school so he was at home playing by himself as always. Consort Chen summoned him again, something he hated the most but he still went.

"Han'er do you know what this is?"Consort Chen asked referring to the Guardian Foo Dog jade pendant she was holding. Zhang Leihan nodded in response.

"Do you know it's purpose?"

"To ward off evil spirits."

"Smart. I want you to take it to someone."


"A new kid at the Garden of Whispering Shadows."

"Garden of Whispering Shadows! I'm not going!"He refused.

Zhang Leihan was a hard to convince kid and he rarely let others influence his decisions, not even the elders or his mother.