character 2: The boss

In the dark room light show in it on a chair there is a man in black from up to down all is dress are in black.the man as an aura of danger around him no one in that room dear to make a sound or noise when the boss

is anger unless asked to .

Ray what is the meaning of this he below in anger you are my right hand man and this shit happens in my club and you are not dead yet .

Am sorry boss ray bow his head you better be where are the man in charge of the cameras in the club boss, have sent snake and triger to fresh him good ray don't let this repeat it self get out .yes boss

Two minutes later there was a knock on the boss door come in two men comes in whill there drag a men as if he is a paper the boss stall at them before saying bring him in with out his permission no one dear move the two men comes in whit the man in charge of the cameras,the man was in a pool of blood is body was beaten in blue and black he was nearly are life the boss walk toward him and Scott in front of him .

Who killed Mark and Cam he ask when the man falied to ans a cold slap was throw in is face the man scream in pain .Ans me I don't like repeating myself you know.

I ..w ...was Anna.....and .....her crew the man slutter the .

It not like Anna and him has a problem it just he want to kill mark with his hands but Anna killed him last night .

Last night he was with one of his filgns and ask not to be disbured .

He does force himself on woman, woman come to him .

He was devil hand some with is dark hair shape nose crystal blue eye pink eye and a nice body the girls die for .

Okay ray you heard that get me Anna yes boss whit that ray went to assign his new mission. That is getting Anna to his boss

Through him and Jackson (the boss)as being friends scine high school.he remember when his mother die there was no one there for him other then Jackson salvata when there are at work there act like boss and assistant and when no body is around there act like friends.

There is one thing about him and that is when is anger he as no control over him self ,he never force a woman on him self no matter what .

Now he has to call ANNA ASHLEYSKY to him.

When he got to Anna he enter with out strees he met Anna in her room with a sniper in her hand Anna he greet .

Hey Ray why do I owe this vist of yours nothing much the boss want to met with you Anna sntiff why that I don't know about he just want to met.

Jackson salvata I know never met with out a reason you know.

That why I like you Anna you are good at guessing so coming he ask whit out any emotions in is eye . Okay let go lead the way fucker .v