character 1: introduction

Author 's thought:life is not easy as it seems

all you have to do is face it .

Were should I start this story of mine let start with my name first names ANNA ASHLEY SKY .

A twenty years old woman bolnd hair blue eyes shape nose and a body all men die for but there is one particular thing about me that is what I want I get no matter how diffeicut it is.

That all it is about in this mafaria life of mine and for your information I don't have a family my family end when I was four years old I was an orphan with no parents and siblings all I have to do is to challenge life face to face whit one destination that is I don't care what you say about me ,my high school life was different every single things about me is different when other kids play with ball I play with knifes when there are in there parents warmth am in the chilling cold whit my newspaper as a blanket when others eat fresh food I eat leftovers whit pleasure but that does not stop me form study that one thing about me I love studing an always the best am a very intelligent girl always leading .

Am all but one I have no fare for no man am not afraid of no one but it all change when I met this cold hearted guy named Jackson salvata a man who fine pleasure in killing in the mafaria world.


In the cold 🥶 night show a night club the club was field with people dancing and drinking,achol fill the air in the club in the VIP suit show a beautiful young lady with blond hair and a black mask on her face in fornt of her there was a man with dark hair and a slut on his lap giving him a lap dances the blond hair lady look them with disgust she tries to hide it with a expression less face under her mask .

Mr Mark were are the flies the boss ask me to collect from you she ask.

The files... files he said through pleasure he was getting from the slut on his lap get up he told the blond the blond respond immediately seat beside him with her hand on his lap .

What your name again em ....em ANNA my names ANNA okay ANNA your want the files then your have to earn it .

I thought the boss paid him I said to gary who was seating beside me .

The boss paid him Anna I don't know more than that Gary said .

I face Mr Mark the boss paid you didn't he I ask .

He did but I want you to pay extra for it you boss don't have to pay but you can if you want the files he smile a little,his smile look disgusting to me .

So want do you want from me Mr Mark I diside to play along this club is fill with his boys so I don't want to stain my clothe with there blood .

It not like I can't kill them but I came for one person and his Mark .

I want you to warm my bed Anna for a night what do you say the corner of my lips rose in a smirk.

I want you to warm my bed tonight Anna you want the files right .

I thought for minute before answering

Okay I said I agree.

Gary look at me with a look that say are you crazy I give him a knowing look and he smirk then he look at Mark with anger.

Shall we I said to Mark getting on my feet .I was dress In a black pants White top black jacket whit black mask on my face .

Mark lead the way I follow behind when we get to the room I push him on the bed and walk seducly towards him his gaze hold lust after all Mark was know as a womanizer I let my hand tounch is chest from Is abdomen to is peivlc .

Mr Mark I said we're are the files I ask .

The files... flies are with cam is the name of his manager.

Mr Mark give me the files and I will make sure you see heaven all you have to do is call cam ,Mark I said seducly.

He immediately pick is phone and call cam after two ring cam pick the call .

Give the files to Gary cam and hung up i smirk what a fool I thought I take two step back pending to remove my pants I grab my gun and shoot him in the brain the bed was slock in his blood .

Two minutes later the door bust open Gary stand by the door with an expression less face.

"'wow' Anna you Fack is brains out

What about the files I ignore is question it here let go I said no one get to talk to me like that not even the greater God's okay .

We descend the stairs walk out of the club and hope in the car we speed off .did you deal with is so called manager I ask .when we are in the car

Of course Anna ,Gary ans with a smirk

Anna why do you were mask Gary ask

None of your business guy face you facking front .

Chill out am just asking he rise right hand up .

Well you don't get to ask I ans coldly .

What ever he said .whit that the car was quite.

Character 2 :n