character 4: betrayal

Of course I will not forget.

You may leave,she walk out of the office .


Ray is the job done yes Jack he ans friendly

You must remember no mistake taken of

course you can count on me he said taking is seat next to him .

This girl namedcan you see she the not even filsh at my voice .

Yes I saw that I was amazed.

You get the guns you are killing Paul tonight.

Yes boss .

You can leave then .

Are you kicking me out ,he ask friendly.

Yes now get out .

Okay, okay now chilly,am going .


Anna ,yes boss (her boss John not Jackson)

You have to save some data from Paul tonight so get ready your are going .

Yes boss .

Were are we meeting boss .?

Is usually club don't forget.

Anna don't forget only you should go

She want to speak but she was cut off

That finally.



In a club called winde the air is full of sweat of people dancing at the back of the club there show a building.

Anna walk into the building good day Paul my boss said I should collect a data from you she said .

Welcome, welcome,Anna Paul said

He gave his boy a small head nod .

In a minute Anna was surrounded with no place to move .

This is a trap Anna said .

Yes you are right,your daer boss ask me to kill you here .

Why would her boss tried to kill her she ask ?

You see you have out pass him in the game of life.people think is under you not you under him ahhhhhhh he. Laugh

I have wanted to kill you but because of you so called boss I can't and now I have the opportunity to .

Anna was let shocked,when Paul saw she has her garud down two of this boys came forward hit her in the leg coursing her to fall on her keens .

How dare you am going to kill all of you she said.

Ahhhhhhh Paul laugh you are in the lion 🦁 den and you can still have mouth.

When I kill you and gain that stupid trust of the boss of yours is all so dead don't you think.

Pa a gun shot was heard two of his man dead the next gun shot hit Paul on the head .

Anna look around and no one with a gun only to look up to see a sniper and Ray shooting.


Ray was sent to kill Paul but when he was Anna he kill Paul and two of his men he rush down to help her .

You okay he ask

Yes thanks to you I will have been dead by now .

What are you doing here anyway he ask.

The boss(her boss)ask me to get a data from Paul only to know it was a trap .

oOoOO I see let go he help her up .

They went towards his car and hop inside .

So Anna what are you going to do now Ray ask .

That simple kill john my self .she said with a cold voice .