Dine with the Devil (ii )

In the front of a restaurant a limbo was park the door of the limbo opens ti see a beautiful lady step out of it she was dress in a sliver dress that glue to her body like a second skin with her killer hills ,on the other side of the limbo was a man in black shirt and pants the man look like a model who is ready to shoot.

Let go love Jackson said,and stirech his hands out Anna place her hand in his a wave of spaks rush into her body and she shivers .

We enter the restaurant hand in hand I was the staffs bow to in greeting to Jackson then a man in his early fourty came forward saying Mr salvata good evening, Jackson just nood his head to acknowledge to his greeting

Mr salvata we have serve your personal room in the best way to your liking

Good of you Mick , Jackson said now lead the way

Yes sir

The room was twice the size of my bed room the them was beautiful, as in when there say beautiful it is beautiful and the room was painted in the colour and f gold and white the Chandler was in gold the floor was ties in white the sound of our shoes connect to the floor

I just keep wondering how much money does he have I mean this is exterordinary

This way Mr salvata the man said leading our to our seats be Side the glass wall, with this place you can see the whole city from up here .

So what do you think Anna , Jackson said taking is seat and crossing is legs to the other he looks so handsome whit this posture

Well I must say it amazing I said also taking my seat in front of him

Then will let say you are enjoying yourself, Jackson said


Why don't you tell me about yourself self Anna, while we wait Jackson said taking the Manuel

What do you want to know about me I said also taking the Manuel in my hands

Well anything

Okey ,where do I start let start with this then i have a very lovely family but it all change when an accident occur my mom ,dad and my sister is dead and am the only one who survived the incident then a man came I thought he was my savior but all was good I was train to kill it all change when the man betrays me so my life was pretty chaos and boring.

What about you ? I ask Jackson

Well let say I have a good life to live and a family to look out for

You are married I ask
