
Then why do you say my family then ,I mean I my mom and younger brother

oOoOO I see what about your father

He is dead , Jackson said with an expressionless face

Am sorry about that

Why would you be sorry?you are not the one that killed him

Okay forget about that what are you having?

That is one of this build your own burger and fries what about you

Am also having that buger but with a juice to go with

The waiter came and took our order and after some muits it was saver and the table was full

Mooom this is good I said and take another bit from my burger

Baby you should not moan like that you see waking up he beast you don't want to start what you can't finish my dear

I look around for this so called beast but I see none where is the beast I said

You don't want to know love , just eat and stop moaning okey


No but just eat, Jackson said

After we finished eating we look at the desert manual I ordered for some chocolate ice-cream and cake while Jackson order some vanilla cake whit extra cream on top

I eat to my full Jackson paid the bills and we head home I want straight to my room have a nice show and slump on my bed for some rest off the lamp and wait to darkness to do it work


I was about to sleep when Ray called and now we are surrounded by my enemize in front of my enemy I was know for my ruthlessness and mercyless I kill any one without mercy we are ten against fifteen

Boss what should we do ray ask

I put on an expressionless face saying kill them all ray not one of them should remain I said stepping forward I shoot one in the stomach my boys follow my action, taking one of my enemy's in hand I kick him in the abdomen and Filipe him on my shoulder and hit him on the floor soon all of them are down Ray come forward saying boss the leader escape.

Go after him

Yes boss

Luckily none of our boys were injured clean this place up Ray I have some were to be I got out of the room and head straight to my car start the car ,voom voom the sound of engin was heard I head straight home hoop off my car I want to check on Anna I was glad to know she was still asleep I close her door and head for my room change into my pajamas a lay on the bed off the lamp and wait for the darkness to do it work that's