Sweet pleasure

The next morning I wake up and do my routine in the bathroom wear my dress o went down the fresh smell of bacon and eggs with cheese enter my scene of smell I follow the smell into the kitchen,you are awake Jackson said I take my seat on the dining table Jackson save breakfast I eat to my full .

I went to the crough and sit with a popcorn in hand I choose to watch romance movies early Jackson said he have some things to do at work and will be late I keep watching the movie the end of the film was sad the husband died and the wife later end up alone it was a very sad and happy movie after all the money spent the husband later died sav while saving the wife from a gun shot,I watched the movie till 7o clock in the evening ,I went to the kitchen to make myself some dinner and wait for Jackson to come I was awake till 9oclock and there is still no sign of Jackson I fall asleep on the couch while waiting for that Jack or is he in his room while I fall asleep I here

I walk up to is room slightly opening the door and want inside the room was full of his scent' this is heaven" I said and fall into is bed roll on his bed I can stay in this place forever if that was possible in the first place I fall asleep on Jackson bed getting lost in his scent

................ (Dream)

I was on my way to the kitchen when Jackson enter the front door" hi" I said walking colser to him his eye scream lust he was in a gray shirt and pants he looks like he was out for jogging the shirt suck to his body due to the sweat he look handsome I fleet like devouring him right now

He move closer to be grabbing me by the waist my body was pressed against him I fleet a wave of spaks rush into my body making me souck in wet in my pants, he push is lips on mine sucking the life out of it his kiss is full of vengeance he bit my lower lips make me gaps with that is toung enter my mouth meeting my toung half way we fought for dominance we fight back and forth his toung explore my mouth he won the battle

His move his lips away from mine and went to my neck sucking his hand find there way to my breast graping them achely I moan in pleasure he pin me in the closet wall by the kitchen he tear my clothes, he grap my throbbing clit and rub them making me throw my head back in pleasure

Mine .. he growl he said kissing me hungrly devouring my lips is moth found there way to my breast sucking while is other hand grab my other breast pinching it on the nebble

J.. Jack....son I moan his name in pleasure