Trace of jealously

Anna could feel some one (Jackson)is staring at her she feels better after a few minutes of rest she tries to get up and gaos when a wa hand touch her back and help her to get up

Am okey ,she tries to speak clodly as she can

Jackson didn't speak and look at her concern were visible in his eye.

Anna look doun to avoid id is gaze ,she heard him sign heavy

Am sorry Jackson said even though it feels wide to apologize to her he knows it because of him and what she saw that make her faint

What are you taking about,she foreign ignorance

He shook his head not wanting to talk about that thing again . He may act rude to get sometimes ,yet he knows how to respect her feelings .. even though is for the sake of her boss betary that bought them together

Damn,this is confusing he said

What are you balbbing about ,she ask

Nothing he said grap her hand ,her eye travel into it before it lingered back to his face,are you feeling better now he ask ,and the gentleness could be seen in his voice the gentleness she though she could never hear

She was awed and can't muzzle at himage look away and pulled off her hand away from is grap , am fine what time will the plan land in New York City she ask

1 am ,he ans

She nodded

Guess she will stay in this oaln with that attendant ,as it take 15 hours ride from Australia to New York

She stud up

Where are you going? Jackson asks

She lizily look at him saying at my place

She said sarcastically ,as she point to the other part of the plan with her thumb.

No you .... will stay here with me

She cross her arms and raised her left brow ,and why should I stay here with you ?

A sily smile from in his lips guess the Anna he was used to was back

That an order from your boss Anna if I remember you have been eating and drinking at my house now for mouths if you don't want me to froce you ,you better obey me please.he begged and it is nwmew to Anna he spoke genuinely for the first time Jackson begged in front of he,he said please throughly that she could nor resiet

-Damn she cause in side her mind

She seat on the couch now, what? she ask

Jackson smile a captivating one , with make her heart beat faster then the normal reat

Oh damn she can't get please by a beast

She got back to her deep thought, when she heard a soft chuckle

Don't assume I like you because of you get in my head some times,she said even though deep down she would love for it to work between them

Good, you are doing well in controling your mind he said

Yes sepert one that is sabing you in your chest

Jackson laugh she found it sexy..god is laugh is sexy

Well I need to be careful then,he said

Anna didn't speak again she roll her and seat properly on the couch with her hands rest on the arms rest she put her jaw above her hand and stares at him

Jackson return her gaze with a playful smile from on his lips

She rhen adverted her gaze and compose herself as she totally lay down on the couch

Wake me up your attendant is ready to saver luch ,she said as she close her eye

Don't worry baby am all your no need to be jealous,he said