Teases and please

After few hours of traveling in the air we finally land at the airport of New York City the filght attendeant open the door and smile at them _ well obviously the man beside her (Jackson)Anna clashes her fist and cause in her mind .

Damn!why does she want to beat the hell out of this woman body ? suddenly, Jackson hold her balled fist and look down at her

She glareed at the women who is smirking,as if she won something against her . Anna does not want to look at her face;she then went closer to her but Jackson stop her" Annna '" he said more of a woning then he shook is head

Jackson then guide her down the plan with his hand on her waist

He was taller than her the man almost dragged and carry her down . "Let go of me I will teach that bitch a lesson "_

Enough Anna

She wiggle and let go of his grep

Jackson sign and walk after Anna who was now walking ahead of him she trun and glare at him

Can you just move faster? She crossed her arm together , furrowing forehead

He shook is head I disbelief

They wait about five minutes before a limbousing came to get h them

Surprised? Jackson ask when he was how Anna lips partedwhen her eye draft to the car

Anna look at him and roll her eye before entering the car she is no t that all inocent when it comes to this kind of stuff she used to watch a movie when typical the bachelor literally has one of this luxurious car .

You are going to meet a client here?


But you said you are doing business here ?

Yeah why?

What kind of business ?

Confidencer.but we are attending an audition tonight ,he informed which make her froum

Anna doesn't know what to do after she heard the world auction. Auction of what ?

"Item "

"What item "

Confidencal ,he replied with make her scoff

We traveled for more then fifteen minutes for just an auction ?I thought it was a business

Jackson chuckle softly ,now you want to go home ? I can send you home ... Now he said graping a bottle of wine from the table fridge

He poured a little amount in one glass and then another Anna just watch every move he make

Jackson hand her one" have one and chill "he said and rasies is glass" tossed " he added and slip is glass

Her heart beat faster when her gaze down to Jackson Adam apple as he gluped the fluid

She bite her lower lips then take a slip from her glass and look outside

We are going to stay at an hotel Jackson said am going to get one for you or let us stay in one room he quried and s sily smile from on is lips .

She roll her eye -- just rent one room for us

His laugh cut the hm of her thought .I see seem you want to gueid me down are you.

She roll her eye and tosses her drink, fuck you

Jackson smile,am willing to do you baby all you have to do is beg ..... Oh how I miss to plunged deep into your mould