Marcelle's body seemed much smaller, when she was glued to Leonardo's body, she gave off a feeling of fragility, a more feminine air, something she didn't usually emit, she was always so serious, and had few words, but as soon as she grabbed hold of In his arms, she seemed to let go, to let something that was inside her come out, something that made her even more sensual, and in an almost trembling way. Marcelle held Leonardo's arms, while the two kissed, she squeezed tightly, as if she felt something far beyond the kiss, as he was tall and had thick arms, it didn't bother him, it even pleased him, being held like that. 

Marcelle, after a long kiss, seemed to feel all the texture and sensation of Leonardo's lips, with her eyes still closed, she slowly moved away and stood a few centimeters from Leonardo's face, with her eyes still closed, like if you were expecting a gift, or something special. Leonardo could spend an entire hour looking at that image, of Marcelle, right in front of him, waiting, waiting... with wet lips, as if she were a princess at her birthday party, waiting to dance with the prince, Leonardo he gently ran his hands down the side of Marcelle's body, completely feeling the entire side of the body, the ribs, the racing heart, and what seemed to be a slight tremor, he ran his hand down the right side, and Marcelle's body, if stretched out, and went even more towards him, and first he kissed her cheek, and his hand went up her side, and then he gave another kiss on her face, close to her mouth, and his hand was still delighting in Marcelle , then his hand crept towards Marcelle's back and pulled her tightly towards him, and Leonardo kissed Marcelle's mouth as if it were pure nectar, filled with affection for that mouth, for that body, for Marcelle . 

They were still on the edge of the beach, close to the concrete benches where they rested, but they were close to the trees, and the sun was still shining, and the sands of Flamengo beach were crowded, which was common on a Sunday day. The wind that came from the sea gently swayed Marcelle's hair, lifting it little by little, and revealing a very pleasant perfume, and, after a few more kisses, Leonardo kissed Marcelle's cheeks again, gave a few kisses, and Marcelle he laughed, very pleasant to hear, and he couldn't hold back, too, he let out a loud laugh, and then, another kiss on the face, and then, Leonardo gave a light bite on Marcelle's earlobe, very soft, just to make her feel something different. This was also something he learned from editing Jane's videos. 

A shiver, a very soft moan, trying to hold back what he felt, apparently it had worked, Marcelle seems to be sensitive in the ear area, and he decided to explore that area a little more, and with his right hand, he went up her back , feeling everything, and the shirt she was wearing was very thin, you could almost feel her skin, and the goosebumps she felt, and he slowly raised his hands, until he reached the back of Marcelle's neck, and he began to massage her the back of her neck, and held her hair with a little force, while he gave light bites to her ear, and alternated with kisses on the cheek, and with his left hand, he held her side, and she seemed to be melting in his arms, and her neck was throwing her head back, her whole body seemed to respond positively to everything Leonardo did. 

Marcelle didn't say anything, she was just giving more of herself every moment, and she ran her hands over Leonardo's body, which was much bigger than her, and she, with her small hands, walked between his arms, passed his shoulders, felt the texture of his shirt, he was still a little sweaty, and his odor pleased her, a natural essence, his natural smell was very pleasant to her, but it still had a little essence of some perfume, she had already noticed that he always used lotion, but now, she was enchanted by this mixture of smells and sensations, everything seemed better, everything was going much better than she imagined, and Leonardo's body was very comforting, she felt protected in his arms, and I felt an unusual softness in his skin, all over his body, on his face, his lips were also very thick, soft to kiss, to bite, and his cheeks were also very soft, very pleasant to feel, and everything he was doing to her was going beyond everything she expected, far beyond, it had been a long time since she had felt that way, or perhaps, she had never felt it, but the rhythm of the two, was matching each more and more, and going beyond the physical. 

The smell of Marcelle's neck was attracting Leonardo's attention more and more, her hair brought a wonderful sensation to his hands, and that makes he loosens up, and has more confidence in himself, then, he starts kissing Marcelle's neck, and giving small bites, but gently, so as not to leave any mark, and he kisses her neck completely, and pulls with it. take care of her hair, and Marcelle let out soft, gentle moans, and Leonardo's hands tightened even more, Marcelle's body, which seemed to weaken more every second, and Marcelle's hands also passed over Leonardo's body, until Marcelle gently slipped her hand inside Leonardo's shirt, she began to feel her body even more, the skin and the softness of his ribs, she slid her hands to his back, and he got goosebumps completely , he got goosebumps and also let out small moans, and whispers, he growled in a masculine way until he kissed her neck again and pressed her body even more against his, feeling her smoothing his body, feeling Marcelle's delicate hands passing through his entire body. 

A car's horn caught Leonardo's attention, so he got scared and moved away a little, first he looked around, despite the beach being very crowded, only the two of them were in that place, in the shadows of the trees, feeling the loving rhythm from one to the other, and he calmed down, and looked again towards Marcelle, she bit her lips, and her eyes shone, and she sighed very slowly, she felt something in her body, she felt it and demonstrated it, with gestures, and with the look, always indirectly, but she communicated that she felt something, she said it, without saying it. 

With her hands still inside Leonardo's shirt, she seemed to be stroking him, or massaging him, she liked the sensation that Leonardo's body made to her, but she didn't say it directly, she continued massaging, and stroking Leonardo completely under his shirt. , and without saying a word, she approached, and placed her head on his shoulder, his heart was racing, and she could feel it, and he didn't say a word either, but he hugged Marcelle, even tighter, against his body of him, circling her completely, with his arms, and the smell of her hair, were almost aphrodisiacs for Leonardo, he could only think of the two of them, together, nothing else was going through his head, and he once again started massaging her hair, this time, more delicately. 

While Leonardo was massaging Marcelle's hair, she asked "You must be the boyfriend type, right?" This left Leonardo a little confused, he didn't know what Marcelle meant, but that feeling was so good for him, that he decided not to delve too deeply into the subject and just asked "What do you mean, by "like a boyfriend.", I've never heard that before." Maybe he heard, he thought, since he had watched practically all of chess_jane's videos more than once, but still, feeling Marcelle's body pressed against his shoulder, and being able to feel even her breathing, through his palms, he could barely think of himself at that moment, and waited patiently for Marcelle's response. 

"You have a way... very different, I feel comfortable around you, Leonardo, apparently this is your way of being." Marcelle said. 

"A different way? I'm not sure what that means, I just hope it's something good" Leonardo replied 

"Yes, it's good, that way of yours... it really got to me, I really needed it." 

"I needed this too, I didn't know that being here with you would do me so much good" 

"This Sunday with you has been incredible" 

Marcelle moved away a little and gave Leonardo another kiss, the trees around were silent observers, some leaves were falling, while Marcelle was stretching to reach Leonardo's mouth, some leaves had already fallen, but not as much as the kisses of passion that they both exchanged. The sun was now divided, a part of the sky was already darkening, covering the meeting between the two like a blanket, to make them even more comfortable, the cars and buses, in the distance, returned crowded, people far away, watching the coming of the night, and the meeting of two souls, who on a Sunday afternoon, chose to spend time together, with each other. 


 . . . 


It had just fallen, it was around 6:30 pm, Leonardo and Marcelle had walked a little along the promenade, without saying much, the cold and the sensations of the night were already present, the brightness of some stars really caught their attention, when a thought about kissing Marcelle came to Leonardo's mind, he looked at the stars in the sky, with a silly smile on his face, and thinking about what it would be like, but he didn't say it to her, because the feeling of her clinging to his arm was so as good as this kiss, in his thoughts. 

After walking a little, they stopped to eat something, Leonardo was hungry, he had only eaten some market pastries with Jonathan, and the tiredness came all at once, along with the hunger, almost desperate, and Leonardo suggested that they start nearby, and they went to a nearby snack bar, very pleasant, it served some sandwiches, savory, but the strong point was the matte tea, so Leonardo ordered a glass of açaí with cheese bread, and Marcelle, a glass of iced matte tea with cheese bread. While they waited, Leonardo's cell phone rang, it was Jane. Leonardo answered the call. 

"Hi Leonardo! I sent you a few messages, but you still haven't responded, normally you do everything so quickly, I thought something had happened to you and I was worried." 

"Hi Jane, I'm fine, I'm fine, I haven't seen the cell phone yet, I left the house to go for a run, and I stopped to eat something, but today I'll still send you the finished video, don't worry" 

"It's all right then? Good, I'm glad nothing bad happened... I didn't know you ran, I also need to exercise, I've only been leaving the house to go to parties and then come home, I haven't had time to take care of myself." 

"I started running recently, less than a week ago, but I'm feeling great, it really helped me a lot..." 

"Really run? Then we will plan to run together, the good thing is that we are both starting, so we can maintain the same pace" 

"Ah yes, at first we will even be able to maintain the same pace, but you are in great shape, you will quickly overtake me, I still need to lose a lot of weight" 

"But your legs are huge! Over time, no one will catch you, and you'll get in shape quickly if you keep running." 

"So you make me embarrassed, it seems like I'm one of the cases in your videos" Leonardo said, while laughing 

"It could definitely become the subject of a future video, especially if you're single, I really need something like that..." 

"I don't know if I have the content for a video, but we can talk as friends, no problem" 

"Let's talk, then, I'll let you finish your snack, then we'll talk, bye, see you later" 

Leonardo was putting away his cell phone, his snack had already arrived, and Marcelle was already eating her cheese bread, he just smiled and took his cheese bread and started eating, and then asked "Did you like the snack here?" 

"It's the first time I've been here, but I really liked it" 

"I used to come here, when I came home from work a few years ago, I would come three or even four times a week, but now that I work from home, I hadn't been coming for a long time." 

"I know what it's like to have to change your routine like that, there was a place close to work that served some excellent cakes, when Fernanda and I worked together, we went to that store almost every day, I must have tried all the cake flavors, I was I'm super used to eating sweets every day, but after Fernanda left, I almost didn't go to that place" 

"You seemed to be great friends, did this distance affect life between you two a little?" 

Marcelle took a strong sip from her glass of iced matte tea, and then gave a sigh before putting the glass back on the table, he almost didn't say anything, but ended up letting out an almost outburst at the end "A lot of things have changed, especially with me myself, for a few years now... but I don't want to talk about those things." 

Leonardo wasn't used to this type of conversation, not even before, he had conversations with so much depth, the closest was when he was dating, but he didn't want to remember anything related to his ex-girlfriends, especially at that moment, where everything it was going so well, so he just held out his hand with the açaí cup to Marcelle, he said it was great, and she took some, the warm light from the outside counters of that little cafe left Marcelle's skin and hair still more flashy, soft music was playing in the background, and in a movement that was both quick and zealous at the same time, Leonardo reached towards Marcelle, put his hands on the back of her head and held firmly at the base of her hair, and then immediately kissed him, with a fulminating and joyful kiss, and he felt her lips contracting a little, and kissing him back, as a thank you, a calm passed between the two, bringing a comforting emotion to both of them, Marcelle's hand rested on one another, just above Leonardo's collarbone, he felt that soft and gentle touch, and soon after, he thought it best to return, he was feeling excited again, and without worrying about who was around, he could just spend hours and hours hugging Marcelle's body , feeling her perfumes and essence, her soft hair, her soft mouth, and the sparkle in her eyes, he could spend a lot of time like that, but that wasn't the right place. 

After a long kiss with special flavors, Leonardo returned to his seat, while he finished drinking the açaí, he said something about how beautiful Marcelle's hair was, and she replied "I saw that you really liked my hair" and Leonardo became a little more shy, his shyness began to return to him, being completely hugged by her, now seemed easier than talking to her looking eye to eye, and she had a very feminine presence, despite being very silent, and throughout the week having remained silent most of the time, she really demonstrated that she was someone very different from who Leonardo was used to seeing, and her femininity was in contrast With him, it was something almost inexplicable, he rarely left the house, until a few days ago, and now, he was in front of a woman who seemed perfect, to him, and he remained silent, not knowing what to say. 

"And this Jane, is it something about work? She said she wanted to finish everything before coming to meet me, apparently she couldn't, anyway" Marcelle said, she had her hand resting on his right knee. 

"Yes, I work with video editing, as I have currently been working with YouTube videos, I can do everything in the same day, they are very practical to edit, and I have also been working with the same person for a few months, so I already know more or less As she likes things, but always has some adjustments to make, I came running before making the adjustments she normally asks for." 

"I think Jonathan said that you edited videos, it's an interesting job, I always liked that kind of thing, but I ended up going into architecture" 

"And have you worked with this Jane for a long time?" 

"I think... it's been over a year, it's very peaceful, and it helped me breathe a little, I spent a few years at a big agency, I practically lived just to work, it was very exciting, I'm not going to lie, I did some challenging jobs, but work was sucking everything around me, there was no space left for, neither personal life, nor love life, everything I thought about was about work" 

"I think I need some of that too, even though my work is more flexible, I need to think of new ways to put these issues aside, and connect with new people" 

"And what was it like starting to work with this Jane?" Marcelle asked "I think she is very famous, Fernanda loves watching her videos." Marcelle continued. 

"Although in the past I did a lot of work for commercials and music videos, I didn't have much contact with people, not even with other professionals at the agency, I had done a lot of work for famous people before, but my part was usually in a dark cubicle, or with blue lights, with your face glued to the monitor and editing videos and doing effects, at most a director would come to see how the process was going, but in general it was just the people on the editing line... with Jane it was practically the same thing, I met her through a recommendation from someone who worked with me, he used to edit Jane's videos, but he ended up going to work in another country, and recommended me instead, we just exchanged a few messages, Jane liked mine work, and we work together, and I took this opportunity to leave the agency, and I have only been working with Jane since then" 

Marcelle's hand smoothed Leonardo's knees a little, she seemed to have felt something, but didn't say much about it, her silent side seemed to be exposed again, she was an easy person to talk to, but for some reason, she I preferred not to, but it was notable that she understood things well, she looked at Leonardo with a serious look, like an off-key note, but her lips were closed, without saying what she felt, she was remarkably extroverted at times. 

Leonardo took Marcelle's hand, held it a little, it was really soft, something he wasn't used to, he didn't even think about it, how far he was from the old Leonardo, who barely left the house, who spent two or three days with the same t-shirt, who listened to music day and night, and never seemed to get sick, this was another Leonardo, now the only music he wanted to hear was Marcelle's voice, saying something, anything at all, even if she read the menu in that little cafeteria out loud, Leonardo would feel like it was the most pleasant thing in the world, and he really felt it, but he didn't know how to convey it, he didn't know how to make Marcelle feel a little of what he felt inside, the tightness, in different parts of the body, the sudden heat, which came and went, the silence that the streets caused, even though there were several cars passing by, Leonardo looked at the streets of the Flamengo embankment and only felt the silence, he saw the images passing by, the leaves of the Coconut trees swayed, but only silence was with him. 

It wasn't that typical inner silence, which grows inside a person, causing pain, it was an extension of what Leonardo felt, as if the emotions that boiled inside him were causing a breakdown in the world around him, everything was silent for the listening to his heartbeat, it was a pleasant silence to feel, his heart was at the same time, inside him, and hovering over all the things around him, through Marcelle, through the açaí, the matte tea, the coconut trees, From the sea, far away, and beyond the stars of the sky, beyond that refreshing thing, which falls upon us here on earth, Leonardo's heartbeat was going beyond all these things, at least, for him. 

"I need to go now, it's getting late, and I need a shower, a hot one" Marcelle said 

"Okay, I'll walk you, to…your car?" 

"Is that a question, or a statement?" 

"I don't know where you live, I can leave you at home, even though I don't have a car, I can keep you company" 

"No need, I came with my car, it's nearby, just accompany me there" 

Leonardo closed the cafeteria check, and the cafeteria attendant smiled at him, and said "Wow, it's been a long time since you've been here" Leonardo remembered her, she is much younger than him, she must be twenty years old, but they always talked about music when he passed by, it was one of the reasons he always went to that cafeteria, but he was so depressed after that phase of his life, that he didn't even find the strength to go there, he must have been about a year old that he didn't talk to that person, he really was someone special to talk to, even though they only talked about music. 

"Wow, I didn't even see you still worked here, I have to come back more often so we can talk a little." Leonardo spoke. 

"Yes, come back, only with you could I talk about certain bands, we really need to catch up on things." The attendant spoke. 

After paying the bill, Leonardo accompanied Marcelle to her car, she said that she was surprised that Leonardo knew so many people like that, he said that it was just because he always kept the same routine, and that reassured her, and she clung to him again. on his arm, and gave his arm two kisses right after the hug and said "Your body is very soft, very good to hold and squeeze, it's really nice to be with you like this" 

"Wow, this is the first time I've heard that, even though I've gained a lot of weight in the last month, I'm really pleased to hear that." Leonardo spoke. 

"You look great like this, you need to run just to stay healthy, you don't need to run to change your appearance drastically, these things are very personal, some people prefer men like this, stronger." 

This subject made Leonardo uncomfortable, in fact, any condescending subject about Leonardo made him that way, he learned to tolerate himself, despite knowing that he was completely out of his best shape, he didn't like how other people tried to make it milder, despite He hadn't lived with anyone else in the meantime, and that made him even more uncomfortable, as he wasn't used to confronting these ideas. 

He just smiled, and wrapped his arm around Marcelle, pressing her against him, a gesture of comfort, and intimacy, that he caused, and she seemed to like it. When they got to the car, there were more kisses, and this time, there was no one around, they felt a little more comfortable, Marcelle immediately passed both hands inside Leonardo's shirt, and he made the same gesture, and passed his two hands inside Marcelle's shirt, the sensation he felt was almost indescribable, he even felt the beat of her heart, every tremor, every shiver, her muscles were wrapping themselves and dissolving in his hands, it was colder, but both of their minds seemed to be very hot, and warming up even more, Marcelle's tongue was small and soft, good to feel, it went round and round, circling and caressing itself with her lips, with her tongues, with everything that they could feel, and both of their hands burned with heat, feeling each other's skin. 

After a few minutes of kissing, they stopped for a while, and stared at each other, their gaze on the other's gaze, connecting like electrical wires, passing energy through both, making a short circuit of dormant emotions, muscles that were barely worked began to awakening, and going out to meet other muscles, and other muscles beyond, beyond the body, beyond the soul, and the senses, things awakened between the two, while their hands continued to warm each other, inside each other's shirt, through of each other's skin, making the blood move, the heart beat, the breathing, stop, stop, come back, and then stop again, lips, touching, noses knowing each other, and now, and looking, from one to the other, connecting, in sidereal energies, almost inhuman, and as human as we can imagine, attraction made through the senses, and a connection, created through communication between the senses, the look, in the look, the hands, on the skin, and the flavor that one felt from the other. 

"When I get home, I'll send you a message" was the last thing Marcelle said before leaving, driving along the Flamengo embankment, she even offered Leonardo a ride, but he preferred to walk home, and pay for himself, some of what was left over from that night.