It was time to go for a run, and Leonardo had just arrived home, the conversation with Jane was longer than he imagined, and when he said he was going to buy new clothes for running, she decided to go with him, and helped him choose some clothes, and new sneakers, she was really very friendly and simple to talk to, and Leonardo felt safe with her, and was of great help in many matters. 

He hurriedly took a shower, bought a cream to exfoliate his face, Jane said that this changed a lot of things, as he had oily skin, it would bring new freshness to his face, and he also bought a new set of shampoo and conditioner, which gave more shine, and strengthened the hair, and she said that this would also help a lot, that women noticed these details, and things that men didn't give so much importance to, and after the new skin care routine, and washing your hair with the new kit, he hurriedly put on the new set. 

Before leaving, he looked at his cell phone and saw that Marcelle had left a message. "Good morning! How are you? Everything's good for the race today, right? We'll talk about anything here, a big kiss." 

Leonardo thought it best not to talk about it with Jane, because Marcelle wanted to, for now, not communicate to others what was happening to them, and that made his insecurity burn and rise even more, perhaps she was ashamed of him, despite her telling him didn't care so much about her weight and appearance, she didn't feel comfortable with it, or maybe it was something really recent, neither of them knew where this story would end between them, but he would just do his best to dance the dance of Marcelle, he didn't want to lose her, mainly because of his own insecurity. 

A dark green, dryfit shirt, taller socks, reaching up to half the shin, white with green details, gray shorts with black designs, running shoes, suitable for the distance that Leonardo used to run, the perfume that Marcelle demonstrated to have liked it, and so he continued, through the streets of the Flamengo neighborhood, passing through the stores, seeing a bit of his own reflection in the store windows, and he had the feeling that he was attracting more attention than usual, some people seemed to be looking at him, but differently from how he felt before, they were friendlier and more inviting looks. 

The facades of the houses were becoming lighter and whiter with the light of the mid-afternoon sun, which seeks its refuge in the twilight, still far from the end of the day, the sun seemed to hum something, as it prepared to leave, and everything was brighter , the sky changed that strong blue, for a lighter blue, more receptive to the tiredness of those returning home after an exhausting monday, there were many clouds in the sky, perhaps it was going to rain, even that week, that's how the weather is in Rio de Janeiro, everything is clear, and protected by the sun, and suddenly, everything changes, strong gusts of wind begin to throw the dust that remains on the soles of the feet upwards, towards the sky, and after a short time of this wind strong force that causes a change in people, the rain comes, as fast and sudden as the wind that knocks the clothes off the line onto the terraces, and the rain is almost always sudden in Rio de Janeiro. Maybe it was going to rain. 

Jonathan and Fernanda were already in their usual place, both talking about something they needed to change at home, a new painting, a new curtain, new dishes, it was something like that, couple things. Upon seeing Leonardo arrive at the meeting point, Fernanda immediately opened a big smile, and hugged him with impressive strength, she was much shorter than Leonardo, but she had incredible strength. 

"How was the weekend? I missed being with you and everyone." Fernanda said. 

Leonardo had not yet rehearsed or planned what to say, he did not even think about this possibility, of being faced with questions, and he was not used to lying, or hiding something from people, and showing clear nervousness, and even stuttering a little, he managed stay firm in the conversation. 

"I also missed running with you, being with you, and this is already becoming part of my routine, I even dream about racing, and things like that, but other than that it was very peaceful, normally I do some work on the weekends, and I went for a walk... on Saturday..." Leonardo said. 

"This weekend was also really busy for me, for some reason, Jonathan needed to go out on Saturday night, and I spent a lot of time alone with our daughter, but he made up for it on Sunday morning, going to do some shopping for me." Fernanda spoke. 

"Ah yes, I met him at the market, on Sunday, we even had a pastry together." Leonardo spoke. 

"He didn't even talk about it, but Jonathan is like that, he always keeps things to himself, if he doesn't force it, he hides a lot of things to himself." Fernanda spoke. 

Jonathan was scratching his neck, looking a little embarrassed, he just said "I ended up forgetting to talk to you about it, but it was pretty quick, we just talked a little, ate some pastries, then went home." 

"Yes, it was no big deal, I soon returned home, and yesterday… I… finished my work, and then ate pizza with my mom while watching a Korean series." 

"Eating pizza? You have to focus completely on your diet, that's not how we're going to achieve the body of our dreams." Fernanda spoke. 

As Fernanda was much shorter than Leonardo, she was also apparently fatter, her face was very thin, but she had huge, very thick thighs, and this really marked her silhouette. 

"Actually, I've been very focused on this, it was just because my mother insisted, in fact, she also wanted to schedule something, a dinner, or something like that, she's dying to meet your son, Jonathan slept over at the house sometimes, but there are times when he doesn't visit the house." 

"Wow, I'm going to love going to meet your mother, maybe she'll talk a little more than Jonathan about his youth, she hardly talks about these things, but let's make an appointment, then you can talk to her about the best day." 

Jonathan didn't say many things, he was just thoughtful, he looked at Leonardo smiling, and he smiled too, but he didn't say anything much beyond that, perhaps because Fernanda was already a more spontaneous person, more proactive in conversations, he felt a little intimidated , and that was noticeable, but Fernanda didn't mean anything wrong, from what Marcelle said about her, she's like that with practically everyone. 

Isabela and Marcelle arrived for the race, they were talking about something, very excitedly, and laughing together. Everyone was stretching, and Leonardo remained more closed to conversations, meanwhile, Marcelle acted normally, as if everything was under control. Leonardo carefully observed Marcelle's every movement, he watched her stretching, while bending down, he took a good look at the side of her body, the shape of her breasts, underneath her shirt, they weren't big, but they were beautiful, to look at, to feel. watching, and as he looked at them, Leonardo began to float in imagination, he imagined his hand slowly passing over Marcelle's sports bra, her sweaty body, and the texture of her bra, he had never noticed these things, now it seemed like it was the very flame in his eyes, and he imagined himself massaging her body, after the run, delicately removing her shoes, while she was lying down, on her stomach, and starting to massage her feet, over her socks, and he passed his hand all over her leg, massaging the soles of her feet, her shins, gently squeezing her thighs... 

"Come on, let's run." Fernanda spoke. 

And the group continued running, along the beachfront, everyone seemed more excited, perhaps because it was Monday, or because the wind had increased, and it was much cooler than usual, but everyone kept the same pace, and ran together, while the ground beneath Leonardo's feet seemed to make waves, just like the sea, beneath his sole, everything seemed to move, and he was like a fisherman, casting his net with his eyes, casting and hoping to catch something valuable, in that ocean with White Stripes. 

To avoid being too visible, he held his pace a little, about two or three meters behind Jonathan and Marcelle, they were running together, they were well ahead, they almost had the same pace, and Jonathan wasn't overweight, so it was It was easy for him to keep up with Marcelle, they had a very similar body type, and from there, Leonardo could see a lot about the way they both ran, and their pace. 

Practically next to Leonardo, were Fernanda and Isabel, something had changed in them, as they both ran with a little more heat, they were breathing with difficulty, but they kept the pace, despite everything, they managed to keep the same pace as everyone else, different of what happened throughout the week, in which they walked a good part of the route. 

A burning heat passed through Leonardo's body, everything was hot around his body, but he continued to have a lot of energy, as if he could run for a long time, the pain came, but the energy seemed to keep pace with his tiredness, or the lack of it, due to tiredness, the sweat also seemed hot, making his dark green shirt even heavier, leaving his gray shorts a different color, he was sweating a lot, and would continue like that for some time, but he felt good like this, because every drop of sweat it meant a change inside him, which he overcame, and kept running, and absorbing more of that pleasant climate that Rio de Janeiro dedicated to him that day. 

There were still some sun rays remaining, which appeared on the tops of the trees, different colors, between the leaves, between different people passing by, the sun changes everything, and even it made a little of each thing more evident, and the leaves of the trees danced in different colors, they looked like people, crossing the green lawns of the Flamengo embankment, the birds passed from one tree to another, as if they were carrying secrets between them, secrets about that golden light under the green landscape, over the smell of grass being carried by the wind, or perhaps, over the salt of the sea, seasoning the environment, rushing with odors and essence, everything that approached, seemed different indeed, the world of outside, outside that square box that Leonardo called his room, and hid in, continually. 

A little of the golden glow of the sun reached the running track, between the shadows of the trees, and the birdsong, Marcelle, ran, in front of Leonardo's gentle eyes, which now only had room for admiration for that person, that's all felt the joy of sharing that day, so unique and special, with that person, even if there was that distance between them, he still felt part of her, as if he was hugging her from behind, and through her own words, protecting her, and creating a place where the two could stay, without being bothered by anything, nor needing to hide, he created a place like that, every time he looked at Marcelle, and the race came to an end. 

Jonathan, seeing that Leonardo arrived right after him, already gave him a hug, they were both completely tired, and trying to stabilize their breathing, but that didn't stop Jonathan from acting that way, and he said he was surprised that Leonardo was already able to do all that, he was completely enchanted, and soon after, Jonathan shook Marcelle's hand, but didn't say anything, Marcelle seemed to be a little shy in that scene, but still, she congratulated Leonardo and also shook his hand, but it didn't go much further than that. 

Isabela and Fernanda arrived a few minutes later, but they managed to go much faster than usual, and both were tired, but with a happy smile on their faces, an expression of joy and happiness, it seemed like they were all aligned, with the same purpose, they were all seeking the same goal, and everyone was clearly happier, and in much better physical condition. 

They went to hydrate, this time, they drank plenty of water, only Isabela preferred watermelon juice, to start the week off right, she said she was full of tasks at work, and would have to go back there later. Normally, Marcelle would return from the run with Isabela, but she decided to leave the car at home, and said she would be fine, she would call an app driver, or a taxi. 

And out of charisma, or to maintain that frequency, Fernanda invited Marcelle and Leonardo to go to her house, have a drink, and talk a little more, as Fernanda couldn't stay away from home for too long, she thought it best to invite them. to go there. 

Leonardo was already ready to refuse, these social encounters didn't suit him so much, they would start asking questions about his personal life, and he wouldn't want to answer, and he wouldn't have much to talk about, he listened to a lot of music, and I hadn't watched more famous films and series for a long time, but Marcelle accepted right away, she loved Fernanda's daughter, and was dying to meet the little one, and when Leonardo said he couldn't go, that he was a little busy, everyone They started to insist, especially Jonathan, they insisted that he be present at that small meeting. 

Somewhat uncomfortable, and, thinking that it would really be better if he just went home, he just thought about spending some more time with Marcelle, and with everyone else, it was strange, but it seemed like he no longer thought about the friendship he had with her and Jonathan. So, he decided to go, to get to know Marcelle better, and to strengthen the friendship he had with Jonathan. 

  . . . 

Jonathan and Fernanda lived in a house in the Glória neighborhood, it was close to Leonardo's house, and Marcelle's house too, it was a two-story house, very comfortable, and they had a small yard in front, with some plants and some flowers , Fernanda's parents lived in that same village, almost next to Fernanda, and normally, they took care of Fernanda's daughter, when she and Jonathan had some commitment, Leonardo wanted to meet them, but on that occasion he couldn't. 

Fernanda's house was super comfortable, and cozy, everything was very similar to her, everything was very close, the personality, the wall colors, in light tones, the ceiling in a different color, the plants in the living room, and books on a part of the shelf, Leonardo would never say that the house of Jonathan, who lived with him, would be like that, or perhaps, he had really changed at that point, and all tastes had changed, this must be the face of the new Jonathan, printed on used furniture, on pictures of houses and flowers on the wall, and on books, Jonathan, reading books. 

"I'm dying of thirst, and since you're here, I think I'll have a beer." Jonathan spoke. 

Jonathan went to the kitchen and took some cans of beer, very cold, and offered them to Marcelle, who took them and thanked him with a smile, and then to Leonardo, but he refused, he hadn't drunk for a few years, and not even Jonathan I still knew that, when they were still fifteen years old, they already went to bars that played rock and drank very cheap wine, or soda mixed with cachaça, that was what their money could buy, in those days, hidden from their families. 

Even though he was surprised, Jonathan didn't expand on the subject, he asked if he wanted some soft drink, but Fernanda soon cut him off and offered Leonardo a huge glass of green juice, he had never had that before, despite it being common for those who do physical activity. he just accepted, and tasted a little, the flavor was very different from what he had imagined, maybe he wouldn't be able to drink it all. 

Marcelle held Fernanda's daughter up, played with her a little, smiled, said some things, as if she were a baby, she seemed to really like that child, Fernanda asked Leonardo how they acted when they were younger, and he talked about the bars in rock, about the afternoons playing the guitar on the park's lawns, wearing clothes that were too big for them, and torn, they looked different, and Fernanda, even without having met old Jonathan, thought the same, now he was more responsible, he worked for himself His own, he was a computer technician, he had a small shop in a gallery in the middle of the city, and two employees, he wasn't going to get rich, but he earned very well, enough for him, Fernanda and his daughter. 

Leonardo also asked his own questions, but he didn't know how to extend the conversations further, he must have lost his rhythm, when he worked, he only knew how to talk about films and music videos, and after that, he couldn't talk about many other subjects, while he was thinking in things to say, Marcelle and Jonathan were already on their second beer, and she was laughing at some joke he was making, and they divided themselves almost like that, He and Fernanda, Jonathan and Marcelle, and he wanted to hear about what they both Marcelle and Jonathan talked, and participated, but Fernanda was more interested in asking questions about Jonathan, about how they met, mutual friends, and what other things had been like. 

By the third beer, Marcelle was already completely relaxed, and was talking to everyone now, telling us about some cases that happened between her and Fernanda, how they always stirred things up in the company, and how they were so friendly, with everyone, and with others, but there were strange people in that company. 

Time passed, it was already night, it was time to leave, Marcelle was close to Fernanda, and decided to call an app driver to go home, he was already drinking his fourth beer, and Leonardo had barely finished drinking his second glass of green juice, the first one went down with great difficulty, and Fernanda soon filled the glass again, he was afraid to refuse, in the end, he ended up downing the rest of the glass in one go, making an ugly face. It was already night, Marcelle was laughing with Fernanda at the loudest possible volume, but she wasn't drunk, Fernanda even offered to make them a big dinner, or order pizza, but they thought it would be better to schedule another day, it was still Monday, maybe on a On Friday or Saturday, they would schedule another meeting like this, with Isabela present. 

Leonardo just said that he would share the race with Marcelle, and got into the car, Fernanda and Jonathan said goodbye to the sidewalk, without showing any distrust, or insinuating anything about the two leaving together, but during the race, Marcelle began to talk even more with Leonardo, she became even more beautiful in his eyes, her appearance was truly filled with a unique beauty that only she could have. 

"I didn't know you were that serious, no drinking or anything?" 

"I drank more during my adolescence, after I started working, I only drank at parties, and I felt so bad that I ended up stopping on my own, but it was no big deal." 

Marcelle listened to his words, with her gaze fixed on the movement his lips made, and when he finished speaking, she just hugged his arm and stood firm, looking straight ahead, after a few more blocks like that, holding onto his arm. Leonardo, she continued to talk to him. 

"You're really hot, is it always like this? Warm like that? Your body feels like hot lava." 

"No really, I can't say for sure, it's the first time they've said that to me." 

"No ex-girlfriend told you that?" 

"No, no one has ever said anything like that to me before." 

Leonardo couldn't see the expressions on Marcelle's face, but he was feeling great in that position, and he could feel all the softness of her body, it was much thinner, but it was still soft, like a feather pillow, he could spend a long time holding onto that pillow, feeling all the softness that emanated from it. That last question caught Leonardo by surprise, he didn't want to talk about ex-girlfriends, nor did he want to ask about Marcelle's ex-boyfriends, that subject didn't please him even in his thoughts. 

Marcelle, after the last question, remained silent, Leonardo couldn't even imagine what was going on in her mind, he just let the car continue moving, while he numbed his senses in that body that was next to his body. 

"We arrived at my house, do you want to come down here too, or are you going straight to your house?" 

Marcelle's question took Leonardo completely by surprise, but when he saw her walking away, he could only say one thing: "I'm going down here too."