
The following day, after learning more about the Attack Force, Nizara headed outside to the Attack Force Headquarters. As he approached the huge, castle-like building, he marveled at its grandeur. "I was not expecting the HQ to look like this."

Right outside the entrance, a man in an Attack Force uniform waited for Nizara. Noticing Nizara, he said, "You must be Nizara. Welcome to the Attack Force HQ."

Nizara, initially suspicious, gave in and respectfully greeted the man. "Thanks, and you are…?"

"Oh, sorry for the late introduction. My name is Zane Vaughn. I am the Captain of the Black Squad within the Attack Force."

Nizara replied, "The Black Squad, eh? Sounds new to me."

Zane then said, "Commander Thorian is waiting for you in the Training Area."

Nizara waved at Zane as he headed towards the Training Area. "Where the heck is that Training Area?" he muttered, looking around. He then accidentally bumped into a girl who seemed unaware of her surroundings.

"Oi, watch where you're going!" the girl yelled at Nizara.

"HUH! You're the one who bumped into me!"

She slapped him across the face and ran off. Nizara was left speechless and a bit annoyed. "The heck was that about?" he said. Then he suddenly saw a book on the floor. He picked it up and it said "Aether."

"What the hell is this book? I guess reading it a bit won't cause any problems." Nizara opened the mysterious book and flipped a few pages. He then stopped at a chapter titled "Magical Energy."

"Sounds interesting!" Nizara said, intrigued. The book read:

"In the fabric of our world exists a universal energy known as Aether. This Aether is the very essence of all magic, an invisible force that flows through every living being, every stone, and every gust of wind. It is the source from which all magical power is derived, capable of being shaped into forms both pure and corrupt."

Nizara then said, "Aether? So that's the source of magic." He continued reading:

"Aether can be harnessed in two distinct forms:

- Light Magic, or Lumina, embodies purity and goodness. Those who wield Lumina use it to heal, protect, and purify. It is the magic of the noble and the just, aligned with the forces of creation and harmony. Lumina consists of elements such as Solar Aether, Aqua Aether, Terra Aether, Zephyr Aether, and Storm Aether.

- Dark Magic, or Umbra, represents corruption and malevolence. Those who harness Umbra do so to destroy, corrupt, and manipulate. It is the magic of the wicked and the twisted, drawing on the forces of destruction and chaos. Umbra comprises elements like Shadow Aether, Blood Aether, Decay Aether, Void Aether, and Hellfire Aether.

This duality of Aether, Light and Dark, shapes the very nature of our world, creating a delicate balance between good and evil. Understanding this balance is crucial for any who seek to master the art of magic."

"This is some crazy amount of information. I better keep this book to myself!" Suddenly, Commander Thorian appeared out of nowhere and said in a stern tone, "What are you doing here, Nizara?"

Nizara jumped in fear and said, "Oh Commander Thorian, sorry I got lost, that's why I'm here."

Commander Thorian then asked, "I see, so why are you reading through the Aether?"

Nizara answered, "You mean this book? Some girl dropped it on the floor. I tried to return it to her, but she ran away so fast."

Commander Thorian snatched the book away from Nizara and said, "This book is off limits. How much did you read through it?"

Nizara said, "O-only the Magical Energy and Second Awakening part."

Commander Thorian sighed and said, "Seems like you read through a lot, but let's forget about that for now. Our main focus now will be your training."

Nizara nodded as Commander Thorian guided him towards the huge and crowded Training Area of the Attack Force. "This is the Training Area of the Attack Force."

Nizara said, "This place is huge and crowded."

Commander Thorian said, "Of course. Naturally, all the members of the Attack Force train here to improve their skills, magical abilities, and physical attributes."

Nizara then asked, "So what will I do here then?"

Commander Thorian answered, "Firstly, we will find out your Magical Elements. After that, we will start a physical training program for you."

Nizara said, "Magical Element?"

Commander Thorian said, "Didn't you just read about that from the book?"

Nizara scratched his head while laughing nervously. The Commander sighed and said, "Whether you were born or teleported to this world, each and everyone has to at least have a Magical Element."

Nizara said, "Oh! Now I remember. You're talking about the Lumina and Umbra thingy!"

The members around them started to stare at the Commander and Nizara as Nizara mentioned the word "Umbra." The Commander swiftly apologized to the members and explained that Nizara was a teleported human. "I'm telling you this so this doesn't happen again. The word 'Umbra' is considered a taboo in this kingdom, ever since the evil Demon Lord Xanteria's death. Next time you mention something related to it, use the word 'Dark Magic' instead."

Nizara nodded to the Commander. "Good, let's head inside, shall we?" As they headed inside, the Commander took Nizara to a concealed room. The room was a protected area, with a single floating crystal ball in the center.

"What the hell is going on here?! Are we in space?" Nizara exclaimed.

The Commander chuckled and said, "Calm down, Nizara. This crystal ball is called the Elemental Sphere. Its role is to identify the magical element of a person."

Nizara asked, "Pretty interesting. So how do I make it identify my magical element?"

The Commander said, "To bring forth your magic, you must close your eyes and turn your gaze inward. Feel the Aether as it courses through your veins, an ancient river of power that lies dormant within. In this meditative state, a color will appear before you, a beacon that reveals the nature of your main magical element."

Nizara closed his eyes and soon saw a black-colored flame in his mind. The Commander watched as magic flowed through Nizara's arm and said, "Good, now touch the Elemental Sphere, Nizara."

Nizara opened his eyes and slowly touched the Elemental Sphere, which lit up. The Commander and Nizara waited to see the results. Suddenly, lettering appeared on the Sphere. "The Storm and The Zephyr Aether. It seems like those two are your Magical Elements, Nizara."

Nizara pointed at the Sphere and said, "Look, Commander, what is this question mark doing here?"

The Commander glanced at the Sphere again and said, "That's normal for those who experienced a Second Awakening. That magical element is your true and most powerful element that you will possess, but it also will tell us whether you possess Dark or Light Magic."

Nizara then asked, "What happens if the element turns out to be Dark Magic?"

The Commander answered, "An execution in the middle of the city."

Nizara was shocked to hear about the possible execution he could face if his true magical element turned out to be an Umbra. The Commander then said, "I hope it doesn't turn out to be an Umbra, especially for your sake. By the way, Nizara, have you heard about the Heroes yet?"

Nizara said, "I was about to until you appeared out of nowhere."

The Commander said, "I see, let me explain then. This world has five heroes, and they all possess one of the elements of Lumina, but they possess twice as much magical energy as the Prince, Princess, Viktor, Isolde, and myself combined."

"So they're that strong compared to us?" Nizara asked.

The Commander nodded and said, "We've talked enough. Now let me assign you the physical training program, and we'll start now."

After a few hours, Nizara had completed all the physical training. Exhausted, he asked the Commander, "Is that it for today?"

The Commander said, "Yes, that's it. You're free to go now. Rest up well; we will continue this tomorrow."

Nizara yelled, "YES SIR!"

*To Be Continued…*