First Mission! (Part 1)

After an intense training session with Commander Thorian, Nizara returned to his dorm room. As he opened the door, he was shocked to see Emiko inside. "How did you get inside the room?" Nizara demanded with a stern tone. Emiko stood up, her voice shaking with fear. "I-I wanted to t-talk to you, Kai—" Nizara's visible annoyance stopped her mid-sentence. Emiko corrected herself, "I mean, Nizara."

Nizara sat down on the bed, his tone uncompromising. "You have five minutes. After that, you leave immediately." Emiko nodded, her frustration evident. "Nizara, I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but can you stop being so cold and disrespectful? I miss the old you, the real Nizara."

Nizara sighed heavily. "You don't get it, Emiko. I'm doing this for a reason, and it's all for your and our classmates' benefit." Emiko's frustration grew. "How will your cold and disrespectful attitude benefit us?!"

Nizara stood up, walking towards the door. "Your five minutes are up. Now, as you promised, leave the room." Emiko yelled, "Answer the question first!" Nizara covered his eye, his voice barely audible. "You'll soon find out, Emiko." As she left, she whispered to herself, "Did he just cry?"

Nizara closed the door quickly, sitting on the floor with a sad tone. "What the hell am I doing?"

The following day, Nizara returned to the Attack Force headquarters, continuing the training program assigned by Commander Thorian. "Looks like you're getting the hang of it, Nizara," the commander said. Nizara, drenched in sweat, asked, "Seems like it. How long will this training program last, Commander?"

"This training program will last for a week," the commander replied. Nizara questioned, "Why are we doing physical training though? Shouldn't I learn how to use magic first?" The commander explained, "You need to be physically capable to use your magic. Stamina is the main reason you are doing this training program. Without stamina, your magical energy would run out instantly, which would lead to fainting."

Nizara imagined the outcome in his mind and agreed, "I guess you're right." The commander suddenly announced, "In case you didn't know, I'll be sending you out on a mission." Nizara spit out the water he was drinking in surprise. "W-what did you just say?" The commander repeated, "I'll be sending you out on a mission to the Villanova Kingdom."

Nizara exclaimed, "EH!" He stood up, panicking. "Why am I going on a mission already?! I haven't even learned how to use magic!" The commander reassured him, "It's okay. The Black Squad will be joining you on the mission." Nizara recalled, "The Black Squad? Didn't that one guy say he's from the Black Squad?"

The commander confirmed, "Oh, you mean Captain Zane?" Nizara snapped his fingers, "Right! Zane Vaughn. So he and his squad will help me out?" The commander replied, "Of course. You'll be safe no matter what. They aren't called the Black Squad for nothing."

The next day, at the headquarters of the Attack Force, Nizara waited for the Black Squad. "Yo, Nizara, glad to see ya, lad," Zane greeted. Nizara responded, "Likewise, Captain Zane!" Captain Zane then introduced his team to Nizara: "Nizara! Meet the Black Squad: Kaila, the unparalleled sword user and combat fighter who cares for new members like a mother; Selene, the shy yet powerful magic healer and supporter; Leon, the stealthy and intelligent gentleman who moves unseen in battle; and Kai, the unpredictable and messy wildcard whose surprises keep the squad on edge."

Nizara introduced himself, "My name is Nizara. I am a person who got transported into this world and I've experienced a Second Awakening. That's what the King and the commander told me." The other members were shocked but kept their cool, except for Kai, who patted Nizara on the back. "A Second Awakening! Wow, you must be special, Nizara!" Zane pulled Kai away and apologized, "Sorry for that, Nizara. He's a bit of a pain in the ass."

Leon intervened, asking Nizara, "So, have you heard about the details of the mission?" Nizara replied, "No, I haven't." Kaila explained, "The mission is to escort the Second Princess of the Villanova Royal Family." Nizara asked, "And where are we escorting her to?" Kaila replied, "We are escorting her to the Arcadia Kingdom. The route goes through the Forest of Death!"

*To Be Continued…*