GGs Earth

Hey guys, I am back from my trip and wanted to put out this small chapter for you guys. For the schedule, I'll try to update more and finish the first season before my semester starts but no promises.

"They're Mad Because I Know How To Hurt Them" -Batman, Justice League #0 by Brad Meltzer, Eric Wight, Dick Giordano, Rob Leigh, and Alex Sinclair


The sun hung low over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the vast expanse of the ocean. The waves shimmered beneath the setting sun, and the sound of the water lapping against itself was a serene backdrop to the intense sparring session happening high above.

Eve hovered in the air, her eyes locked onto Beerus. She wore her suit, its vibrant pink and white colors contrasting sharply with the deep blue of the ocean below. She could feel the power coursing through her veins, her connection to the atomic structure of everything around her giving her a unique edge.

Beerus floated opposite her, his arms crossed and an amused smile playing on his lips. His posture was relaxed, almost casual, but his eyes betrayed a keen alertness.

"Ready when you are, Eve," Beerus said, his voice calm and measured.

Eve nodded, taking a deep breath. She raised her hands, and the air around her shimmered as she began to manipulate the atomic structure of the water below. A column of water shot up, twisting and coiling like a serpent as it flew towards Beerus.

He smirked, effortlessly dodging the water column with a quick sidestep. He moved with such speed that he left a blur in his wake. Eve's eyes narrowed, tracking his movements.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Beerus taunted, his voice echoing over the water.

Eve responded by creating a series of crystalline barriers around herself, each one shimmering with energy. She then sent a barrage of energy blasts towards him, each one crackling with destructive power.

Beerus dodged the blasts with ease, his movements fluid and precise. He closed the distance between them in an instant, his fist aimed directly at Eve's midsection. Eve barely had time to react, raising a crystalline shield just in time to absorb the impact. The force of the blow sent her skidding backward, but she managed to maintain her composure.

"Not bad," Beerus said, with genuine admiration in his voice. "You've got some tricks up your sleeve."

Eve gritted her teeth, focusing her energy. She created a swirling vortex of energy around her, the air crackling with power. She then released the energy in a concentrated beam aimed straight at Beerus.

Beerus's eyes widened slightly, impressed by the display of power. But then, with a swift and powerful motion, he delivered a crushing flick to Eve's side. The impact was immense, sending her plummeting toward the ocean below.

Eve hit the water with a massive splash, the force driving her deep beneath the surface. She quickly summoned her energy, creating a protective barrier around herself. As she regained her bearings, she began firing energy blasts from within the barrier.

Above the water, Beerus hovered, watching her struggle. He could see the effort she was putting into her attacks, but the water was clearly hampering her abilities. With a sigh, he descended to just above the surface, his eyes blazing with frustration.

"Eve," Beerus called out, his voice cutting through the sound of the waves. "Stop."

Eve paused, her attacks ceasing as she looked up at him, confusion and frustration etched on her face.

Beerus shook his head, his expression stern. "This is pointless. Your attacks are too slow, too weak. Why are they slower?"

Eve frowned, glancing at the water around her. "Everything moves slower in water. Water is like…830 times more dense than air, Beerus."

Beerus sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Your attacks are light-based, Eve. Light carries no mass. Your attacks are slower in the water because you expect them to be slower."

She blinked, her brow furrowing as she processed his words. She had been fighting the water's density, expecting resistance, and that mindset had hindered her. Realizing this, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing her energy once more. She envisioned her attacks cutting through the water with the same speed and intensity they did in the air.

Beerus watched her intently, sensing the shift in her focus. "Stop thinking of the water as an obstacle. It's just another medium. Your mind is the only thing holding you back."

Eve opened her eyes, a new determination blazing within them. She raised her hands, and this time, when she fired an energy blast into the water, it sliced through with incredible speed, the light leaving a shimmering trail behind it.

"Oh," she murmured, a mixture of surprise and understanding dawning on her face.

Beerus nodded approvingly. "You see now? It's all about perception. You have the power to control your attacks regardless of the environment. Don't let your mind create limitations."

Eve hovered for a moment, the realization of her newfound control sinking in. She looked at Beerus, gratitude and determination shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Beerus. I understand now."

Beerus's expression softened, a rare hint of pride flickering in his gaze. "Good. Remember this lesson, Eve. Your power is only as strong as your will to wield it."

As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle above, the two descended toward the rocky outcrop. The waves lapped gently against the rocks, and a calm settled over the ocean. Eve felt a sense of accomplishment, but also a recognition of how much more she had to learn.

Beerus turned to her, his demeanor still firm but carrying a subtle warmth. "You've made progress today. But don't get complacent. There's always more to learn, more to master."

Eve nodded, her resolve firm. "I won't. I'll keep pushing myself, keep improving."

Beerus gave a small, approving smile. "Good. Then we'll continue tomorrow. Rest and reflect on what you've learned."

With that, Beerus took off into the sky, leaving Eve to watch as he disappeared into the distance. She felt a renewed sense of purpose, a fire ignited within her to reach her full potential.

As she flew back toward the shore, Eve glanced at the horizon, where the last light of the setting sun was fading. She knew the path ahead would be challenging, but with Beerus's guidance and her own unwavering determination, she was ready to face whatever came next.

Eve landed gently on the beach, the sand cool beneath her feet. She took a deep breath, feeling a small sense of peace and anticipation. 


Beerus was flying away from the sparring area, the remnants of their training session still vivid in his mind, when he heard a beep in his ear. He stopped abruptly, hovering mid-air, and clicked on the device. Nolan's voice came through, tense and urgent. "Cecil is on to us. His little soldiers attacked me in my home. You know what you have to do. Destroy their world governments." The call ended abruptly, leaving Beerus in silence.

His eyes narrowed, the casual demeanor from earlier replaced by a cold, calculating look. He ascended rapidly, breaking the sound barrier several times until he was above the stratosphere, where Earth lay beneath him in all its fragile glory. The curvature of the planet, the swirling clouds, the blue of the oceans, and the patchwork of landmasses—all seemed so small and insignificant from his vantage point.

Beerus floated there, the vastness of space around him, the cosmos stretching out infinitely. He could see the thin veil of the atmosphere, the delicate shield that protected all life below. A part of him marveled at the beauty of it, but another part, the part loyal to Nolan and the Viltrumite cause, felt nothing but contempt for the chaos and division that plagued humanity.

The large Viltrumite contemplated his next move, considering which part of the world to target first. His smirk grew as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small coin. It was an old habit, a way to introduce a touch of randomness to his otherwise calculated decisions. He examined the coin in his hand—heads for Asia, tails for Europe.

With a flick of his thumb, he sent the coin spinning into the air, watching it glint in the sunlight before catching it deftly in his palm. He uncovered it slowly, the metallic surface gleaming with his chosen fate.



His eyes focused on the sprawling continent below, a sense of grim determination setting in. He knew the significant impact this action would have, the untold lives that would be lost, the governments that would crumble. But his loyalty to Nolan and the Viltrumite cause overshadowed any lingering doubts. He was a soldier, a conqueror, and this was his mission.

Beerus took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He began his descent, accelerating rapidly as he re-entered the atmosphere. The friction caused a fiery trail to blaze behind him, a harbinger of the destruction he was about to unleash.


Agents and analysts were scrambling in the Global Defense Agency (GDA) operations room, a hive of frantic activity and urgent communication. The tension in the air was palpable, the stakes higher than ever. The large, high-definition screen dominated the room, displaying a live feed from a drone capturing video of Beerus's latest actions.

Cecil stood at the center of the chaos, his usually composed demeanor strained by the severity of the situation. His face was a mask of frustration and concern, deep lines etched across his forehead. He barked orders into his headset, trying to maintain control over the spiraling crisis.

"Get me a clearer image," Cecil snapped, his eyes never leaving the screen. "I want every available drone tracking his and Omni-Man's movements. We need to know their next target."

Nearby, Debbie watched with a mix of horror and determination. She knew the destruction Beerus and Nolan were capable of and the danger they posed to everyone she cared about. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, nails digging into her palms as she tried to steady herself. The weight of the situation was crushing, but she refused to look away.

An analyst nearby interrupted, his voice urgent. "Sir, we're picking up an encrypted signal from Nolan. It's brief, but it's a command to Atlas. He wants him to destroy world governments."

Cecil's eyes widened, a new level of urgency creeping into his voice. "Patch that signal through to all operatives. We need to prepare for a coordinated global defense. Alert the UN and NATO. This is now a worldwide emergency. In the meantime, I'll try and slow Nolan down. Get the Kaijuu ready for teleportation"

Debbie stepped forward, her voice firm. "And what about Mark? He needs to know what's happening. He might be the only one who can stop Beerus."

Cecil nodded. "Get a hold of Mark. We need all hands on deck for this."

As the room continued to buzz with frantic activity, the screen showed Beerus hovering above the stratosphere, contemplating his next move. The coin flip had decided his next target. He began his descent, the flames of re-entry trailing behind him like a harbinger of doom.

Cecil watched the scene unfold, his mind racing. "Everyone, listen up. We have to hit him hard and fast. Use everything we've got—missiles, energy weapons, drones. If we don't stop him here, the devastation will be unimaginable."

Donald was furiously typing on his keyboard, bringing up detailed reports and analysis on the secondary screens around them. "We're tracking significant energy readings from Beerus," he said, his voice tense. "He's already devastated Tokyo in Japan. Casualties are... catastrophic."

Cecil gritted his teeth, his frustration boiling over. "We need to stop him before he hits his next target. What's his trajectory?"

Donald quickly pulled up a map, overlaying Beerus's flight path. "He's heading west, straight towards China. Based on his speed and current direction, Beijing or Shanghai could be in the crosshairs."

Debbie's heart sank. "We can't let this happen. We have to do something."

Cecil turned to her, his expression grim but resolute. "We're doing everything we can, Debbie. But Beerus is unlike anything we've faced before. He's faster, stronger, and more ruthless. We need a strategy, and we need it now."

Debbie looked at Cecil, her eyes filled with determination. "We have to make sure he doesn't get a chance to destroy another city. We have to protect our people."

Donald nervously glanced at the readings on his screen, the data painting a grim picture. "He's almost at his next target. We need to act now."

Cecil took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "All units engage Atlas. This is our last stand. We can't afford to fail."

The room fell silent as everyone held their breath, watching the screen as Beerus descended upon Asia. The battle for Earth's survival had begun, and the outcome was anything but certain.