
The pain in his head makes him wake up.

In the whole city, it is possible that on the whole planet, this bed is not plastic and without a single electrical element.

The lamp ran out of charge, so he had to sleep so little.

The skinny guy stretched out on the bed and ran his hand over his face and short-cropped hair. Huge, disproportionate gray eyes squinted in the morning light.

HISS-a home individual smart system, to which he gave the name Roderick, turned on.

Eden Mills was British, there was British order and discipline in everything. At the age of 22, the guy has already managed a lot ...

The morning begins with cereal, coffee and two "Wake up-24" tablets. They make his mouth sour.

— Incoming call, incoming call...—Roderick repeated monotonously.

— Accept...—Eden yawns wearily.

— Detective Mills, hello. I'm contacting you from Hollis Center. I have a most interesting case for you. From a friend of mine who has already contacted you, I learned that the problems of consciousness are close to you and they interest you very much...— a plump man was displayed in the visor. The call below is signed "Art Hollis".

— Yes, you're right. If you explain everything at least briefly now, then I will decide if I am interested in your case. It's a long way to go before you...— Eden unpacked a package of new painkillers from the film.

Although the private detective was well provided with money for watching other people's wives and searching for missing children, the pills cost a pretty penny…

From the pill, the condition became half-drunk. He wasn't as anxious now as he is in the morning…

— Roderick, the close.— he said in a calm voice.

A long pole with hangers appeared from the wall. Choosing a black T-shirt with a tiger and jeans, the young detective took off his disposable pajamas and sent it to the garbage disposal.

The scars on Eden Mills' back brought his thoughts back to his childhood…

Picking up his backpack, the detective gathered his standard provisions there: a pack of cookies, synthetic fruit juice, chocolate. It happens that the pills end very early and then the sweet helps, but it need to eat, eat, eat…

Everything quite often ended in vomiting.

Hills Center... a long way from Titan…

Picking up the old visor again, Detective Mills began to flip through the calls, looking for the last one.

If he hadn't hesitated then and would have taken the Motorola... oh, it's not about the Motorola now that he need to think…

— It's me. Mr. Hollis, I'm going to have to take the shuttle to your place. Along with waiting for a place, I will not get to you before a week. Do you agree to wait?— he asked a plump man in the hope that he would not have to leave the borders of Titan and his services would be refused. In order not to travel to Europe…

Once he went to Mars and almost went crazy with fear.

— I ordered you a pass card for a gold-class shuttle. You'll be here tomorrow morning...—

Eden went outside to calm down a little there.

Is it agoraphobia? Really?!

— Ugh... no. I will go. I want to go there...— gray eyes stared at the airship flying in the sky.

Vacationers have returned from Venus…

Many people are resting on other planets, resting…

And Eden is afraid to leave for work.

Going back into the house, he took a backpack from a chair.

Something was throbbing in my head. It seems that money was wasted on pills…


The shuttle was not as cold as the street outside.

Eden slowly sat down in his seat, before pressing the card to the scanner. Pressing his forehead against the slightly cool glass, Detective Mills watched as the Titan colony slowly disappeared from view. Along with this, panic is also growing.

His face burns from this, just like after Candice left, calling him a psychopath for the last time.

Candy... Damn Candice Wilson! He would be only too happy if something happened to her.

Only after a while, out of boredom, he began to look at the ION-101 passengers.

The huge inscription "ION"-the brand of the shuttle-shone on the same wall where there was a huge holographic clock. There were only five passengers in the shuttle. And it is clear that the ION, especially the one hundred and first model, was a very expensive means of transportation.

The girl sitting across from him didn't look up from her laptop for a second. Eden saw this model once at one of the tourists, but he couldn't even believe that the model of the distant 2010 was really so tenacious.

Well, Samsung after all ...

a monstrous headache attack begins as soon as the young man tries to fall asleep. I had a feeling that my head was going to burst.

Mills grabs his head. A helpless moan of pain quietly escapes from his lips.

No one paid attention to the fact that he was ill. Everyone was too busy with themselves...

— Hey, young man, what's wrong with you?— the girl who was sitting opposite him slowly began to put away her laptop and all her bags. She cleared the side of things where Eden was sitting pretty quickly. It didn't look like she was lingering.— Can you hear me? What's the matter with you? Ah, from Titan, I see...— the girl pulled the passing assistant of the pilot by the sleeve.— Do you have doctors here? —

— Not provided. There is only ro...— the blonde began to speak, but the one who, apparently, tried to help Eden, pushed her, interrupting the conversation:

— Then bring water! And a gun for injections! Don't you see, stupid oyster, that a person is ill!—

Mills could feel the sweat running down his face. He put a lot of effort into not switching off and now it's starting to get dark in his eyes...

— It's going to hurt-scream. Maybe you'll stay conscious...— he hears a voice as if through a column of water.

When the needle sinks into the skin, Detective Mills has no strength left to scream.

He feels the darkness carrying him away...


— I'll look after him.— Rox said calmly to the assistant pilot and lit a cigarette, turning on the hood.

The boy is pretty, despite the fact that he is from this colony for the brainy.

Roxanne had never seen people with such beautiful big eyes anywhere, except in pictures in idiotic books that her dad read to her even before this war with creatures from the forbidden zone.

And how beautiful Europe was ...

After throwing a cigarette butt into the ashtray, Rocks opens his transmitter, looks at the photo for a while. Tom Nelson, Laurel Kawasaki and she, their daughter, Roxanne Mirai Nelson ...

In the photo she is still full ...

Hiding the photo and her military badge back in the transmitter case, Roxanne decides to see who she saved.

Touching his jacket already makes her shudder. Disgusting! Brrrr!

Even the clothes look like plastic!

The ticket and the ID card were in the inside pocket together.

"Eden Mills. 22 years old, place of birth-Earth, Great Britain, London."

Nelson silently grinned and put the guy's things back in their original place.


— Hey, brain, aren't you going to Europe? Wake up, we've arrived!—a voice that had become familiar hours ago rang out.

Mills squints at the light that hits him right in the eyes. Clearly not a germicidal lamp...

leaning over him, the same rude girl was looking at him.

Even in a semi-faint, the detective remembered her slanted green eyes.

— I said we're here!—

The events of a strange, insane vision were still buzzing in his head.

Some woman, very old, next to a young girl, they are crying... The explosion descends on a half-empty city...

— Sorry for the strange question: why did you help me?—Eden asked, grabbing the bags and running after the girl.

— I'm just a figment of your imagination...— having lit a cigarette, the stranger went along the central road.

Taxis and buses passed by her, which she didn't even notice. So unusual, it would be interesting to know who she is ...


There were many trees growing near the Hollis Center.

It's the first time Detective Mills has smelled so many lively and fresh smells. A warm, real atmospheric wind was blowing his hair.

The guy checked the message in the visor-there was a built-in navigation link. Now it was glowing green-he was there.

Mr. Hollis was waiting for him. His gaze was intense.

— Eh... ahem... Are you Detective Mills? You are much younger than I thought.—the fat man said.

— Twenty—two isn't much, but it's not a lot. People start working on Titan at the age of sixteen. Well, shall we get down to business? It's so beautiful here that I stop thinking...— the smell of flowers was so sweet that the guy almost sneezed.

His head was slightly dizzy from such clean air.

— As you probably know, Mr. Detective, we have one of the five remaining oases in the Solar System on Europa. Even the air here is real, not chemical. Even diseases are a disaster here, but it's much worse. If you are not on pills, like most on Titan, we can go to a very cozy and high-quality cafe and discuss everything there, otherwise after what I just saw, I felt sick...—he seemed terrified.

Eden was lost for a second.

— Well, as you wish...—he said.

Detective Mills was looking at the menu as if seeing it for the first time.

On Titan, people did not go to cafes, because there were no such establishments there. If they wanted to eat ready-made food, people either ordered meals in capsules or bought synthetic semi-finished products.

Mr. Hollis ordered brandy in addition to food, which smelled so sharp that it could be used as ammonia.

Eden hesitated between beer and coffee and still decided that with a bottle of beer it would be easier to listen to Hollis's frightened speech.

He would not like to get infected with this hysteria...

— Did I say that diseases are a disaster for us? And it's true. Someone sharply began to reduce the level of the population and spoil our water supplies. I sincerely hope for your help...— the man drank the rest of the brandy in one gulp.— The only two leads the director of Orbital Security was able to find. Traces of gray matter under the skin and molecular acid. This substance is the latest development, it is unclear how it could have got to third parties... Will you take on this case?—Hollis pulled his plate toward him.

— You were talking about the problems of consciousness, have you forgotten?— having received another one on the transmitter in the visor, Eden took it out and turned off the sound.

— Consciousness... Oh, yes! When these murders began, a man was found. He was at the scene of the first murder and talked about invisible creatures. It seems that something similar tried to kill your mother, judging by your father's statement.— the man pushed an old copy of the written report to the guy.

— Nope. Stepfather. Even my mother doesn't remember my father...— Eden suddenly clung to the bottle and drank until he had enough breath.

An unpleasant prick inside.

The documents that Hollis gave him, Detective Mills decided to postpone and review later.

— Do you want to go to the place of the last murder now? I can call the officers, and I won't stick my nose in there anymore until my wellness center becomes the same...—the fat man grimaced.

He took out a small tablet and washed it down with brandy.

Eden left him in a mixed variety of feelings.


When she got home, Roxanne began to sort out the mail that came in her absence. These were not boring e-mails, but envelopes that smelled of paper and ink.

The light bulb on my wrist lit up-I urgently need to charge the prosthesis.

The painting "666-the road to death" is askew.

Rocks adjusted it after attaching the charger cord.

Sometimes the prosthesis creaks so unpleasantly.

Roxy then pours an unpleasant-smelling oil into the joint.

She needs to try to stop the mechanical part from making an annoying noise.

— Dad!— she looked into the room next to it.— You always walk so quietly... I thought you were at Lex right now.—

— No. I was hoping to wait for you... Lori is back at the Oks for a long time. There are too many sick people, and your mother is too noble... How are you, honey? You look a little lost.—

— I was just thinking about you, about Mom and about Shined... By the way, where is my angel now?— Roxanne approaches her father, adjusting her glove.— What are you looking at there?—

— You still hung his picture next to the picture of Shined. I would so like you to be happy... And you're going out every day.—

— I'm not going out, Dad. I'm getting stronger. But I can't forget Felix... I won't be weak now...—Roxy runs her fingers through the bindings of the books.— What time will we go today?—

— We're not going to do the rounds today.—Thomas followed his daughter towards the kitchen.

— I get it. Otherwise you wouldn't be home so early...— Roxanne opens the refrigerator.— Dad, it's not fair at all! Did you prepare some food before I came? I won't be poisoned by this?—

— I cook well! Well, not as bad as everyone thinks...— the man was confused.

— Dad, I'm going away. Will you set the table?— Roxy noticed a fresh piece of meat lying in the refrigerator.

And immediately all the basic instincts of the beast woke up in her.

In the bedroom, she sits on the bed and bites into the meat. Cold blood pours into her throat and flows through the prosthesis.

At these moments, the girl loses the desire to live ...