... The hammer pierces the victim's head and blood and brain flow through the gland.

The killer is invisible and he takes something...

... No, not to kill his target... no... but... What does he want?

Eden Mills screams, jumping up on the bed. Sweat is running down my temple.

This creature is nearby and it feels it.

The heartbeat of a young guy seems to be terrifyingly loud in silence. And suddenly it stops...

— ...Hey, Detective! Wake up, Detective Mills!— someone shakes him by the shoulder.

Eden screamed hoarsely. Hollis was looking at him, terrified.

— I... I think I was leaving... Arthur, I am...—Mills grabbed his bag and began rummaging through it quickly.— Have you seen a white box here? I dropped my painkiller, I think...—

Apparently, he fainted on the street... But it doesn't matter now...

— Let me give you an injection of our local, herbal painkiller? Mr. Mills?—

For a few seconds, Eden was in a complete frozen . He felt someone's gaze on him and could not find its source ...


At the crime scene, Eden felt a little sick.

That smell... The terrible stench seems to never go away.

Taking out a mask with aromatic inserts, the detective puts it on his face and inhales deeply.

— What's wrong with you?—Hollis's assistant, a guy named Jeremy, asks him.

— This smell... It just made me feel a little sick... I have different reactions to smells...—Eden looked up from his mask for a moment. A couple of exhalations and breaths helps.

— The smell? It doesn't seem to smell like anything, Mr. Mills...—the guy suddenly looked at him intently.— Before we get there, can I ask you something?—

— Well... it depends on what the topic of the question will be.—taking out an electric magnifying glass, Eden tested it on the surrounding environment.

— What is it like to live with an M-1000 in your head?—Jeremy blurted out in one breath. His cheeks even turned red, as if he had asked something indecent.

The detective couldn't help but smile.

— Everything is bright. Very bright... Some things are such that... Well, you know... It's as if the whole body is being torn apart... And the M-1000 is not just in my head. The command center from which all impulses come, it is placed in the center of the heart...—he looked at the thoughtful guy.— Hey, I'm not going to stand here forever!—

The corpse was so distorted that I had to believe the documents that it was a woman.

Eden still put on the mask and, quickly pulling on gloves, opened the pencil case of the field kit.

He couldn't see everything very clearly through the glass, but it was enough.

With a scalpel, Mills cut the skin of the corpse and immediately put a test tube under the incision.

A viscous, slippery substance, similar to glue or resin, flows from the incision. At the same time, there is not a single hint of blood.

There was something strange about it...

— Wait!—he almost screamed.— We need to take the body out of here outside the city, let it explode in a vacuum!—

— What the hell are you talking about, Detective Mills? Do your job, and we'll do ours!— the policeman stopped him.

Eden cut open the corpse's stomach with the scalpel he had been holding in his hands. Decomposing skin spread out in all directions.

— The whole corpse is a bomb with molecular acid, so they did not choose this poor woman as their target, but the service of order. Then the city authorities will go...— the detective croaked the last words in a strange, alien voice.— And we'll talk about work sometime... I've been coping with mine for many years...—

Many were scared by his voice.

A team of sappers was called, they carefully began to immerse the body on a piece of tarpaulin. In those seconds, even Eden was afraid to breathe.

They did not choose a loader, they drove an ordinary large truck. The car started smoothly, barely alive from fear, the driver was afraid to add speed.

The car was driving so slowly that one second seemed like an eternity. When she moved to the other side of the hillock, which was not visible, there was a deafening explosion ...


The dead were buried according to all the rules of decency and two coffins now rested under the tombstones-the acid destroyed almost everything.

Eden also came over and put a flower on each grave.

The detective started when he heard a familiar voice. It was her... The girl who saved him in the shuttle.

The blood is rushing to Mills' cheeks, his heart is pounding wildly. He feels something strange...

— Detective Mills, you shouldn't have come to the funeral procession. You didn't even know Stan and Kenneth...—Hollis came up to him with his club—footed gait.

— I'm to blame for what happened.—Eden answered shortly.

— Not you, but the one who created this damn bomb! Oh, yes, I wanted to introduce you to the security chief. Roxanne Nelson, Eden Mills...— Art brought this girl to him.

Strong fingers squeezed the detective's hand so tightly that Eden's fingers ached. Unnatural force of some kind...

— Well, hello, Mr. Brain... Does your head still hurt?—Roxy smiled.

— I didn't complain. Oh, so you're talking about that incident in the shuttle...—Eden laughed.

— Roxy, you're even familiar with super boys! How I envy you with your business trips...—the man chuckled.— Well, I'll leave you alone...—

— I thought you were recharging your wonderful metal brain right now.—Roxanne chuckled.

— M-1000? It's not a brain, it's a processor. And it doesn't need to be recharged. He just complements my brain. —the young detective felt a tremor in his knees. He was surprised by this reaction.

— If you want, we can go to my office right now and you can look at all the information found about past murders and crime scene photos there. I'm just going to security control now. Will you come with me?—

Eden smiled after her. Apparently, this is fate...

He looked at Roxanne and the feeling of warmth inside appeared again.

— And again you're looking at me... You're making a huge mistake...—for a second, her voice became somewhat hoarse.

— I don't think that a certain step of a person can be considered a mistake. There are some ways and there are others...—Mills sighed.— I said too much nonsense today...—

— That's right.—Roxanne smiled faintly.

Life had taught her not to pay attention to beauty, but her heart seemed to be attached to this child...

Eden's huge eyes seemed to get even bigger when he noticed something in the sky.

— Don't be afraid, they are eagles!—Unable to stand it, Roxy laughed.

— Are they real?—Mills stared in surprise.

A huge bird landed nearby. In the pictures, Eden saw much less of them.

— Come to him, what are you afraid of?—Roxanne stroked the bird's matted feathers.

As the detective approached, the girl appreciated their height difference.

Already in the office, she shifted her gaze a couple of times to a cute, childish face.

Feeling the gaze on him, Eden was confused and confused the button for switching the scale of the electronic magnifier.

— Do you go everywhere with electronics?—Roxanne asked.

— What? Well... It's impossible without it right now. Plants are watered by robots, operating systems run the household...— Eden noticed under the sleeve of her clothes. It came straight from the girl's hand.— You also have electronics present, as I see...—

— Arthur Hollis was right: the boys from Titan are very observant. In Europe, everyone cooks themselves, takes care of the plants and cleans the house... And unfortunately, I'm tied to this thing...—Roxy sighed softly.

With her teeth, she tore the glove off her left hand. Under the cloth was not leather, but microchips.

— You...—Detective Mills's huge eyes bulged.— How did it happen? —

— Someday I'll tell you... I, along with my assistant Marcel, can show you the bodies of the victims in the city morgue...—

Eden didn't hear her now. In one dossier, he saw a photo and again these incomprehensible visions with bouts of pain came to mind.

He felt the presence of his invisible enemy...

— Detective?! Hey, Detective? Is your superbrain short-circuiting? Detective, answer me! I'm scared...— the tone of Roxanne's voice has changed a lot.

— Ah?—Eden stared at the girl with unfocused eyes.— Sorry, I seem to have "dropped out" again... It's not the first time with me... —

— Detective Mills, I'm starting to be a little afraid of you...— the brunette said softly.— Do you want to repeat my last sentence?

— Yes, I would go to the morgue...—Eden throws into the void.


Roxanne felt that her perception began to sharpen on the street. The heartbeat is like a jackhammer in the ears.

Eden turned off the magnifying glass, but did not take it off, and from time to time some light bulbs made themselves felt.

— Wait! Eden, wait! It smells of molecular acid here and very distinctly, believe me...— the girl pulled the detective's shoulder too hard and Mills almost fell.

— Be careful with your iron grip, lady! You're going to break me in two...—Mills exhaled hoarsely. He, too, felt this irritating smell.

Through the nose, this spirit climbed into the throat and scratched it from the inside.

The Titan Detective suddenly coughed and rubbed his watery eyes.

Next to the wall, the ground turns into a colorless slush. Hissing drops fall from somewhere above and smoke comes from them.

Eden began to fumble blindly in his pockets in search of a breathing mask, Roxy took out a bottle of mineral water and two handkerchiefs. After wetting them, she handed one of them to the detective.

— Go explore, Mr. Brain. The water will not let the evaporation pass—Roxana moves aside.— I have a pair of eternal candles, I can light them while their batteries are warm!—

A distorted, sprawled silhouette was visible in the semi-darkness. The rope was burned by a drop of acid, apparently the body was suspended.

Here's the head. And there is no face on it... Generally...

Eden turns on a flashlight with a magnifying glass, zooms in three times and proceeds to a detailed inspection.

My pulse is pounding in my head and my throat is still scratching from the inside.

— It wasn't a violent attack, most likely in a dream or... Maybe... the killer could have been a friend of the murdered man... Oooh! This should be put in my personal journal as soon as possible!— Eden bulged his huge eyes.— Because it is...—

Mechanically, he touched his collarbone, where there was the same laser tattoo.

Somehow it became bitter inside. Unpleasant.

Eden was not familiar with this feeling before.

— I see the wire... this...—

Eden looks around in a daze. The fact that it was possible to break the established world order made his mind burn.

The situation was floating and spinning ...


— Maybe you need to put it next to the copies? They are similar both in appearance and in complexion...— a detective from Titan hears someone chuckle.

Roxanne sits down opposite with an ironic grin.

— Marcel, alas, he seems to have heard you...— the one-armed girl says softly.

— Oops!—the light in the room turns on and Eden sees that in addition to three large and comfortable chairs, there are large white tables.

— This planet never ceases to amaze me...Mills muses aloud."Is this the morgue?" Does he look like that? Oh, forgive my upbringing... I'm Eden Mills, and what's your name?—the detective turned to the tall, thin man.

— Marcel Dupri, Chief of police of the city of Ixlane, Oasis Hill... Two-legged computers have reached our miserable office! Are you here about the murders?— at first it seemed to Eden that the light of various de-disinfecting lamps was reflected in the eyes of the thin Frenchman, then he realized that this was not the case at all. The detective shuddered, and Dupree grinned.— Did my eyes scare you?—

— No... well... yes, but only a little. One is green and the other is like violets... I'm sorry, I shouldn't touch on such topics...—Mills stands up, rubbing his head.— My processor seems to have overloaded...

— No, you just fainted.— Roxanne gets up. The lights above the tables are clicking.— Come on, admire.—

— What was wrong with that corpse? What surprised you so much?—Marcel pulls a canvas off one of the tables.

That's where this corpse lies. Eden at first thought that it was just either his brain thought, or the M-1000 had failed.

— Did you take my portable lab?—turning around, the big-eyed guy asks the man and the girl.—White, small, resembles a phone or a similar-sized device—

— All your things are there.— the brunette points.

A drop of blood falls on the glass, numbers flash by, quickly replacing each other.

A heavy sigh of reflection.

Out of the corner of his eye, Eden notices that Marcel is anxious.

They heard the alarm much later, although Marcel seemed to hear it much earlier than the others.

The streets are scared... No, they're just terrified.

Roxanne, on the contrary, did not show a shadow of fear. With icy calm, the girl took out two pistols from her belt.

— Brain, sit there, otherwise the face can spoil!—turning around, she ordered. She didn't ask, but ordered in a commanding tone.

A similar tone could be present in the old military.

Nightmarishly ugly creatures ran through the streets, grabbing everyone who hesitated.

Even the thinnest hands break any bones so easily.

Clawed paws are wrapped around Eden's thin and long neck, but Roxanne's shot split the monster's head in half.

The detective grabbed the ray gun, shaking with fear.

He shot one of the creatures so that the limb fell on the ground that had already turned into bloody mud.

— Oh, I shouldn't have been given a day off, very much in vain!— snatching one of Marcel's two machetes, Roxy blows off a couple of ugly heads at once.

Another bite-Eden just couldn't make it here.

— Shined!— he heard Roxanne's wild, terrified scream.—Eden, Detective Mills, don't shoot her! Please!—

She jumped up to him and tore the little girl away from his wound. Having completely ceased to be such an indestructible fortress, she cried and hugged the tiny infected creature to her.

— Eden, I'll explain everything to you... But don't shoot Shined... I'm asking you...— the wind mixed tears and blood on her face and Roxanne looked so...

Beautiful now? Yes...


— Does your daughter kill people?—Eden flinches at the antiseptic's touch. The wound was badly burned.

— Shined is not a daughter. Stepdaughter... But she's not involved in this! She just got infected... And her father... He also happened to be there once purely by accident...— Roxy took out a strange-looking plaster and stuck it on all the wounds that Eden had.— You can not even be afraid for yourself, Marcel's antidote does not misfire. I've never given it to you.—

— If you talk about it so often, the drug will misfire at the most inopportune moment!— a thin Frenchman walked past Roxanne and Eden and almost half climbed into a barrel of water.—How are you, Detective? Does the computer spark in your head? The chips didn't burn out with fear?—

— And why should they burn out?—Mills asks wearily.— I wasn't afraid at all.—

— Yes, yes! Everyone heard that fearless scream. Well, it's okay, I fainted on my first night at all!—Dupree froze in place and began to shake himself off like a dog.— Probably, that's why they don't go to rest with us now...—

— Well, yes!—Detective Mills even laughed a little when he came to his senses.— Who would want such neighbors!—

— Roxanne!— the stepdaughter on the bench woke up, opening her metallic-gray eyes.— Roxanne, what happened?—

— Shined! Don't get up yet, you were sick again during the attack, honey. I'm going to finish some business now and you and I will go home.—Roxanne's voice trembled again.

— It would be better to just send me to heaven...— the girl muttered softly.

—Wh-what?—Both Eden and Marcel noticed her helplessness now.

Felix's daughter looked at them with the look of a child no longer. Such a look happens to those who have kept hatred in their hearts for many years.

She ran away, somehow jumping over a couple of cars like a dog, and Roxy knew that you couldn't catch up with her...

Wayward, violent, like Felix himself...


— She will come back... I'm sure she'll understand that you only want the best for her...— Marcel hugged Roxanne, kissed her temple.— You know how much patience is needed with Felix, and Shined even looks like him...—

— Marcel, you know that I don't like being comforted...— Roxanne straightened her jacket because of the rising breeze and shivered.— My badge! Marcel, did you take my orbital badge? I remember for sure that before that it was here, on my shirt!—

— Maybe the badge fell somewhere here?—Marcel asked.

Roxanne looked around wildly.

— Damn it...—she was hoarse with fear.

— Let's go back.—Eden tugged on her arm.— we need to walk with you the entire evening segment of your journey. If we go back, maybe we can find your badge...—

— Detective Mills, I'm allergic to the word 'maybe.' I do not advise you to use them with me.— Roxanne thought about it. Suddenly, some thought made her face change.— Come on! Let's go quickly, I know where we need to go.—