Accidental kiss

Hye-Jin stood nearby, nervously fidgeting as she bit her lip, hesitant about borrowing Ji-Won's shirt. Meanwhile, Ji-Won sat on the bed, watching her with amusement.

Hye-Jin murmured to herself, "Okay, I can do this."

Taking a deep breath, Hye-Jin gathered her courage and walked up to Ji-Won, who looked up at her with amusement.

"Something on your mind, Hye-Jin?" Ji-Won asked, teasingly.

Hye-Jin jumped slightly, startled by Ji-Won's sudden question. She scratched her head nervously, trying to find the right words.

Stammering, Hye-Jin replied, "Um, well, Ji-Won... I, uh, was thinking... about your shirt."

Ji-Won raised an eyebrow, his amusement growing as he watched her struggle. "My shirt?"

Hye-Jin nodded nervously. "Yeah, um, Eun-Ji forgot to bring my clothes, and... I was wondering if, um, I could borrow one of yours? Just for tonight."