He took out his phone immediately and rushed out to make a call.

“Ruby, where are you?” he asked her on the phone.

“In my room, why do you ask?”

“You are still home, aren’t you?”

“Why do you want to know that? What if I am not there?” she answered him with more questions.

“Come one, be serious. I’m dying here!” he said.

Ruby hang up on him which was something she never did before but before he could redial again a text came in from her. He opened it and there was the room number. He rushed towards the elevator and pressed the floor number. She was just above his floor but when did she arrive and why did she lie to him?

He pressed the door bell and it opened and there she was, smiling at him as if everything was fine. Harvey simply walked towards Ruby and pushed her inside, locking the door and his mouth locking on hers. He was so angry and happy at the same time.

He scooped her up, not breaking the kiss and walked towards her bed. He laid her down softy and continued his passionate kiss. She pushed him slightly and he broke off the kiss and he looked at her.

“Are you really that angry at me?” she asked him with her eyes blinking like a child who had been caught on the wrong side of the law.

“Yes I am. Why did you lie to me?’ he was furious at her.

“I wanted to see this face when you see me,” she said and kissed him lightly on his lips.

“I can’t be mad at you, you know,” he said brushing her hair aside as his anger dissipated.

“Have you eaten your breakfast yet?” she asked him.

“I stopped in the way. Go down with me,” he suggested.

“Let me get dressed first and call Nancy and tell her that I will meet her in the restaurant,” she said.

“Whatever you say boss,” Harvey said taking Ruby’s phone.

Ruby could hear her heart beating so fast that she went to the bathroom to calm herself down. She now knew exactly what was happening. This dangerous game of kissing her brother as if it was normal was getting her into trouble.

She wasn’t supposed to feel this way for him but she knew she wanted him. She stopped herself numerous times from going far but she knew how much Harvey affected her. She put on shorts and a nice designer t-shirt before coming out. She found him seated there, waiting for her.

“You look gorgeous,” he complimented as he stood up.

“Thank you,” she blushed and he walked over to her.

“I can’t believe that you just blushed,” he said and pulled her against him.

“We need to go down before the food get finished,” she said trying to escape but she was just lying to herself.

“You know what you do to me, don’t you? How you drive me crazy and make me have these kinds of feelings?” he asked her, looking deep into her eyes.

He should know that he was driving her crazy too but his evidence was just too much. She could feel him, he was hard and that was evident enough.

“I can tell but didn’t you bring this on yourself?” she asked staring deep into his eyes.

“How can you be cruel?” he asked with a smile.

“You know that I can never be cruel to you,” she said and began to work her hands on his jeans.

“What are you doing?” he asked her, shocked by her sudden action.

“I’m giving a helping hand,” she said freeing him from his jeans.

It was the first time she was doing this to him but she had to do it. She was not going to let him leave her room looking like that. She didn’t want anyone whispering and assuming things.

“Ruby, please don’t,” he begged her but it was too late.

Ruby slide down and he couldn’t believe it. She went down on her knees and she took him with her own hands and played with him in ways he never thought were possible.

He had imagined this for a very long time but never thought it was possible. She took him in her own mouth and he groaned. Her mouth was so warm and he was going crazy. He knew one thing for sure and that was he won’t last for long. She played with him with her tongue until his hands were in her hair.

She didn’t stop until he was orally satisfied; he had his release in minutes which was a total embarrassment to him. She looked at him and smile. She stood up and put back his shaft back into his jeans before she left for the bathroom. He didn’t know what to do.

Their relationship had just taken another dangerous step but he loved where this was going. When she came out she looked refreshed and her lipstick on.

“Now we can go and have some breakfast,” she winked at him and walked towards the door.

Ruby couldn’t believe what she just did earlier with Harvey, she just couldn’t stop herself. It was now awkward but she found comfort in her friends. The juniors were shocked upon seeing that they were really there but they had to make peace with that. Harvey joined his friends while she joined hers.