Ruby found herself following Harvey even without knowing exactly where they were going. She trusted him a lot that she would even follow him somewhere dangerous as long as he was also there.

“Don’t leave dinner for us, you can rest early today,” Harvey instructed the staff who looked happy upon hearing that.

“Thank you, sir,” they all said.

She wondered what that was all about but never said a word. Harvey took out his black Corvette and opened the passenger door for her. She got into the car and he closed the door before entering from the driver’s door. He helped her with the seatbelt before putting his own.

“Let’s go,” he said and switched on the ignition and the car was ready to go.

She sat there fully knowing the way Harvey drives. They were the same when it comes to driving; they both loved speed and loved dangerous driving. They were really a nice pair.

“Where are we headed for?” she asked him.

“It’s a secret,” he told her.