Chapter 14

"Good morning!"

I'm pulled out of deep sleep by someone jumping on top of me.

"Please no, please just five more minutes." Groaning, I peel open my eyes to see a pair of green eyes smiling down at me. Not fully awake yet, I swat at him. "go away, it's too early."

"Love, it's not too early. Now, c'mon I made you breakfast. You need to get going so we aren't late for school." He places a kiss to the tip of my nose.

"Do I have a choice?" I groan and throw my arm over my eyes to shield from the sunlight.

"Not at all." He says with humor. "I'll be downstairs waiting." I feel him shift off me pulling my blankets with him so I can't curl back up.

"You're no longer my favorite!" I shout after him.

"Sure, I am!" He shouts back in my direction as he's heading down the stairs.