Bed sounds like a wonderful idea; I decide as I pull up in front of my house. Maybe if I draw the curtains, put some music on low and will myself to relax, I could find the sleep that I lost the night before.
Zach had kept me out until well after midnight the night before, and now I'm sourly paying for it today. It had been a struggle all day moving about my responsibilities and running errands for my mom. Its not even four in the afternoon and I'm ready to fall face first on my pillow.
I roll my shoulders to ease some of the tension and grab the shopping bags from the truck of my car. I lock up and round the hood to the sidewalk. When I hear my name called, I turn to see who it is.
Carly waves to her as she climbs out of her friend's car. I smile as she walks towards me.
"Hey there! How was shopping with Stacey?"
Only a little out of breath, Carly gives me a smile.
"It was so much fun!"
With a laugh, I move the shopping bags to my other arm so I can give her a hug.