Chapter 05 : A Normal Day in Maid Cafe

(Kaoru, dressed in a frilly maid outfit, moves gracefully between the tables, serving customers with a warm smile.)

CUSTOMER 1 (beaming):

"Excuse me, maid-chan, can I get another cup of tea, please?"

KAORU (nodding):

"Of course, right away, sir!"

(Kaoru gracefully pours another cup of tea, his movements practiced and precise.)

CUSTOMER 2 (leaning in with a wink):

"Hey there, cutie. Can I get your recommendation for dessert?"

KAORU(trying to maintain composure):

"Um, well, our parfait is quite popular. Would you like me to bring one for you?"

CUSTOMER 2 (smirking):

"That sounds perfect, thanks, sweetheart."

(Kaoru blushes at the nickname but maintains his professional demeanor as he retrieves the parfait.)

(Kaoru's interactions with the customers are met with warmth and laughter, as he navigates the role of a maid with a mixture of professionalism and bashfulness.)

KAORU (thinking to himself):

"Being a maid is certainly an interesting experience... Though I never imagined I'd be serving customers like this, it's kind of fun in its own way."

(Kaoru is going about his duties in the maid cafe, serving customers with his usual warmth and grace. Suddenly, the door chimes, and Hiroyuki enters, a playful glint in her eye as she approaches Kaoru's table.)



"Well, well, well, what do we have here? My favorite maid, hard at work."

(Kaoru's cheeks flush with embarrassment at Hiroyuki's teasing tone.)

KAORU (nervously):

"Hiroyuki! What are you doing here?"

HIROYUKI (grinning):

"Just thought I'd drop by and see my adorable girlfriend in action."

(Kaoru's heart skips a beat at the term "girlfriend," his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.)

KAORU(trying to regain composure):

"Uh, right. Well, what can I get for you, Hiroyuki?"

HIROYUKI (leaning in with a wink):

"Oh, I don't know... How about you surprise me, Kaoru-chan?"

(Kaoru's breath catches in his throat at the nickname, his mind racing with a flurry of emotions.)

KAORU (trying to play it cool):

"Sure thing, Hiroyuki. I'll be right back with something special for you."

(As Kaoru retreats to prepare Hiroyuki's order, Hiroyuki watches him with amusement, thoroughly enjoying the effect she's having on her boyfriend.)

HIROYUKI (to herself):

"He's just too cute when he's flustered."

(Kaoru returns with a tray of treats, setting it down in front of Hiroyuki with a smile.)


"Here you go, Hiroyuki. Our special strawberry parfait."

HIROYUKI (eyeing the parfait):

"Mmm, looks delicious. But you know what would make it even sweeter?"


"What's that?"

HIROYUKI (leaning in closer):

"If you fed it to me, Kaoru-chan."

(Kaoru's eyes widen in surprise at the bold suggestion, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.)

KAORU (awkwardly):

"Uh, I don't think I can do that, Hiroyuki. It's... not really part of my job."

HIROYUKI (teasingly):

"Oh, come on, Kaoru-chan. Just one little bite? For me?"

(Kaoru hesitates, torn between his professional obligations and Hiroyuki's playful request.)

KAORU (sighing):

"Fine, but just this once."

(With a shy smile, Kaoru picks up a spoonful of parfait and offers it to Hiroyuki, who accepts it with a delighted grin.)

HIROYUKI (savoring the bite):

"Mmm, delicious. Thanks, Kaoru-chan."

(Kaoru watches as Hiroyuki enjoys the treat, his heart fluttering with affection for his playful girlfriend.)

KAORU (softly):

"You're welcome, Hiroyuki. Anything for you."

(As they share a moment of sweetness amidst the hustle and bustle of the maid cafe, Kaoru realizes that even the most unexpected encounters can bring a touch of magic to his day.)

(As Kaoru returns to his duties after serving Hiroyuki, the other maids in the cafe can't help but notice the interaction.)

MAID 1 (giggling):

"Hey, Kaoru-chan, is that handsome customer your boyfriend?"

(Kaoru's cheeks flush with embarrassment at the question, but he tries to maintain his composure.)

KAORU(trying to play it cool):

"Uh, yeah, he is. We're dating."

MAID 2 (squealing with excitement):

"Oh my gosh, that's so adorable! You two make such a cute couple!"

(Kaoru smiles nervously, grateful for the other maids' support.)

KAORU (softly):

"Thanks, guys. I'm really lucky to have him."

(The other maids exchange knowing glances, understanding the significance of Kaoru's admission.)

MAID 3(teasingly):

"So, when are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend, Kaoru-chan?"

KAORU(laughing nervously):

"Um, I'm not sure. Maybe next time he comes in?"

MAID 1(smirking):

"Well, make sure you let us know. We want to meet the lucky guy who managed to steal your heart!"

(Kaoru nods, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement at the prospect of introducing Hiroyuki to his fellow maids.)

KAORU (sincerely):

"I will, I promise. Thanks, everyone."

(After Kaoru's shift at the maid cafe comes to an end, he steps outside, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. As he exits, he spots Hiroyuki waiting for him, a warm smile on her face.)


"Hey there, Kaoru-chan! Ready to head home?"


"Yeah, I am. Thanks for waiting, Hiroyuki."

(Hiroyuki falls into step beside Kaoru, the two of them walking side by side down the street.)

HIROYUKI(leaning closer):

"So, how was your day? Did anything interesting happen at the cafe?"

KAORU(sighing contentedly):

"It was busy as usual, but nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except for you showing up, of course."

(Hiroyuki chuckles at the mention.)


"Ah, but I bet seeing me was the highlight of your day, right?"


"Of course it was. It's always nice to see you, Hiroyuki."

(As they walk, the conversation flows effortlessly between them, the warmth of their bond palpable in the air.)


"So, have you thought any more about introducing me to your colleagues at the cafe?"


"Yeah, I have. I think it would be nice for them to meet you. Maybe next time you can come inside and say hi."


"That sounds like a plan. I can't wait to meet everyone."

(They continue to walk, enjoying each other's company as they make their way through the quiet streets.)


"You know, Kaoru-chan, I'm really glad we met. You mean a lot to me."


"I feel the same way, Hiroyuki. You've brought so much joy into my life."

(As they approach Kaoru's house, they come to a stop, reluctant to part ways.)


"Kaoru-chan, I know we're not always going to have easy days, but I promise to always be here for you, no matter what."


"Thank you, Hiroyuki. That means everything to me."

(With smiles on their faces, they bid each other goodbye, their bond stronger than ever as they go their separate ways for the evening.)