Chapter 06 : A Normal School Day

(Kaoru and Patrick walk side by side, backpacks slung over their shoulders, as they make their way to school.)


"Hey, Patrick, guess what? I have a girlfriend now!"


"Really? That's great news, Kaoru! Who's the lucky girl?"


"Her name is Hiroyuki, and she's amazing. We've been dating for a while now."


"Hiroyuki? Isn't that the girl who always gives everyone the cold shoulder and acts like she's too good for everyone?"

KAORU(nodding enthusiastically):

"Yeah, that's her! But she's not like that with me. She's actually really sweet and caring."


"Are you sure about that, Kaoru? I find it hard to believe that Hiroyuki would date anyone."


"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true! We've been keeping our relationship a secret because, well, you know how people can be."

PATRICK(still skeptical):

"Okay, if you say so, Kaoru. But I'll believe it when I see it."

(They continue their walk to school, Patrick shaking his head in disbelief at Kaoru's claim.)

KAORU(trying to convince Patrick):

"I'll prove it to you, Patrick. Just wait and see."


"Sure thing, Kaoru. I can't wait to meet this mysterious girlfriend of yours."

(As they arrive at school, Kaoru can't help but feel a sense of nervousness about revealing his relationship with Hiroyuki to his friend.)

(Kaoru and Patrick arrive at the school gate, chatting animatedly as they prepare to enter the campus.)

PATRICK(suddenly stopping in his tracks):

"Hey, Kaoru, isn't that Hiroyuki over there?"

(Kaoru follows Patrick's gaze and spots Hiroyuki approaching them, a confident smile on her face.)


"Yeah, that's her! I told you she's real, Patrick."

(Hiroyuki reaches them, her eyes lighting up when she sees Kaoru.)


"Good morning, Kaoru-chan!"


(heart fluttering)

"Good morning, Hiroyuki."

(Hiroyuki turns to Patrick, offering him a polite nod.)


"Greetings. I don't believe we've met. I'm Hiroyuki."

(Patrick, still in shock, stammers out a response.)


"Uh, h-hi. I'm Patrick."

(Hiroyuki chuckles, amused by Patrick's reaction.)


"It's nice to meet you, Patrick. I hope we'll get along well."

PATRICK(still flustered):

"Y-yeah, me too."

(Kaoru can't help but grin at Patrick's reaction, secretly pleased to see his friend's disbelief fading.)

KAORU(to Patrick):

"See, I told you she's real. Hiroyuki is my girlfriend."

PATRIC(still processing):

"Wow, I... I don't know what to say. I guess I owe you an apology, Kaoru."


"It's okay, Patrick. I understand why you were skeptical. But now you know the truth."

(Hiroyuki interjects with a playful smile.)


"Besides, who could resist someone as charming as Kaoru-chan?"

(Kaoru blushes at the compliment, feeling a surge of affection for Hiroyuki.)


"Thank you, Hiroyuki. You're too kind."

(With their friendship strengthened by this unexpected revelation, the trio enters the school grounds together, ready to face whatever the day may bring.)

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki sit together at a table during break time, sharing a meal. Kaoru lovingly feeds Hiroyuki a piece of his bento, their affection for each other evident in their smiles.)


"Here, Hiroyuki, try this. It's your favorite."


"Thank you, Kaoru-chan. You always know exactly what I like."

(As they share this intimate moment, the other students in the cafeteria can't help but stare in disbelief. They had always known Hiroyuki as the aloof, man-hating girl, and seeing her being doted on by Kaoru is a sight they never expected.)

STUDENT 1(whispering to their friend):

"Is that... Hiroyuki? And is she... smiling?"

STUDENT 2(astonished):

"Yeah, I can't believe it! I thought she hated guys."

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki seem oblivious to the attention, lost in their own world of affection.)

STUDENT 3(pointing):

"Look, they're even feeding each other! What's going on?"

(Just then, a curious girl approaches their table, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.)


"Um, excuse me? I couldn't help but notice... Are you two dating?"

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki exchange a glance before Kaoru responds with a smile.)


"Yes, we are. Hiroyuki is my girlfriend."

(The girl's eyes widen in surprise, clearly not expecting such a straightforward answer.)


"But... Hiroyuki, you're always so... distant. I never would have guessed."


"I know I haven't been very open about my feelings in the past, but Kaoru has shown me that there's more to life than holding onto old grudges."

(Kaoru reaches out to take Hiroyuki's hand, their fingers intertwining in a silent display of solidarity.)


"We've both learned a lot from each other, and I'm grateful to have Hiroyuki by my side."

(The girl nods, impressed by their honesty and sincerity.)


"Well, it's clear that you two care about each other a lot. I'm happy for you both."

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki exchange a grateful smile, touched by the girl's understanding.)


"Thank you. It means a lot to us."

(As the girl walks away, Kaoru and Hiroyuki return their attention to each other, their bond stronger than ever in the face of the doubts and judgments of others.)

(After his soccer training, Patrick enters the bustling cafeteria, scanning the room for a place to sit. His eyes land on Kaoru and Hiroyuki, who are deeply engrossed in their meal together.)

PATRICK(heading over to their table):

"Hey, Kaoru! Mind if I join you guys?"

(Kaoru looks up from his meal, a warm smile spreading across his face.)


"Of course, Patrick! Come on over."

(Patrick takes a seat at the table, eyeing the food on their plates with interest.)

PATRICK(pointing at Hiroyuki's plate):

"What's that you're eating, Hiroyuki? It looks delicious."


"It's Kaoru's homemade bento. He's an amazing cook."


"Wow, Kaoru, I didn't know you had such culinary skills!"


"I have a few hidden talents."

(Patrick joins them in their meal, the three of them chatting and laughing together like old friends.)


"So, how did you two meet, anyway? You seem really close."

(Kaoru and Hiroyuki exchange a knowing glance before Kaoru responds.)


"Well, it's a bit of a long story. But let's just say, Hiroyuki and I found each other when we least expected it."

(Patrick nods, sensing that there's more to the story than meets the eye.)


"That's cool. I'm glad you guys found each other."


"Thanks, Patrick. We're glad too."

(As they continue to enjoy their meal together, Patrick can't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness at seeing his friend so happy and content with Hiroyuki by his side. He may not fully understand their relationship, but he knows one thing for sure – Kaoru and Hiroyuki make a great pair.)