Sheep entering tiger's mouth

The sun has tilted to the west, and Alvin's team and the Ereda twin sisters are still waiting for the third team that has not yet returned.

"Are you lost?" Captain Murphy looked up and asked Saloras while wiping his crystal war hammer.

"Moon Shadow Valley is not small when it is said to be small, but it is not very big when it is said to be big. It is impossible for the four of them to make such a stupid mistake." Saloras closed her eyes: "The arcane mark has not disappeared, which means that their team should Still looking for signs of corruption."

"That's possible. It took us a long time to find the exact location!" Ivan said.

"By the way, when you destroyed the old beacon, did you notice anything strange about the land?" Minara on the side stopped meditating and looked at Saloras and said.

"Olaisesi directly cast a flame storm, and everything was scorched..." Saloras glanced at Ivan, she was very dissatisfied with the stench on Ivan's body.

Okay, okay, it is indeed the noble Master. Ivan thought that he endured the stench and dug soil in the pit, and they solved the problem directly with one spell - one was laborious, and the other laborious.

The sun was already setting in the west, and Alvin looked back at the cave behind him: "Maybe we should go look for them! It's okay to come back tomorrow!"

Everyone seriously considered Ai Wen's proposal. If they waited any longer, they might not be able to wait until it gets dark.

"Let's go look for Brewster and the others first!" As the captain of this operation, Oreses decided to go find her team members.

Several people packed up their belongings and prepared to go back to find Brewster's team.

"Look! They are coming!!" The sharp-eyed Minara first noticed a group of people walking towards her.

"We encountered some trouble on the road!" Brewster and Ivan's team revealed the reason for being late as soon as they met.

"Is it because the terrain is complicated?" Olaise asked.

"The complex terrain will not trouble us!" After a pause, Lawson added: "We have encountered strange enemies!"

"Weird enemy? How strange?" Salolas looked at his team members calmly.

"Crazy beasts! Captain, a lot of beasts!" Brewster said coughing, he seemed to be seriously injured.

"It should be an evil magic. The beasts that attacked us are all dead! They have a disgusting aura on them." Oliver also said.

The four people were talking to each other, and Alvin also understood what happened to them.

As Saloras said: It was really not a big problem for them to find the corrupted imprisonment beacon, but when Brewster destroyed the entire beacon, they seemed to have alarmed certain beings: a huge number of beasts. Run to them!

"We fought and retreated, and finally escaped!" Green's robes were no longer as neat as before. It was obvious that as a priest, he had put in a lot of effort in the battle.

Ivan looked at the four people: everyone had more or less wounds on their bodies, among which Brewster was the most serious: his chest armor had broken, revealing three wounds: he should have been caught by an unknown beast!

"So have you placed the new beacons?" Oreses was obviously more concerned about the success of this mission.

"Place it! We have completed the placement of the beacon despite the attack of the beast herd." The four people said at the same time, and even Ivan looked at them.

"Now that it's placed, we need to carry out the second step of the mission. We have to go deep into the cave behind us and place three more suppression beacons where the Naaru fragments are stored!" Oreses looked at Sitting. The four team members on the ground said: "Can you four continue fighting? If not, just wait for us here."

"The Holy Light has almost healed us!" Brewster said, and the others nodded.

"In that case, let's go in quickly! It's still early!" Captain Murphy took the lead this time.

There was a howl of wolves in the distance. The nine people prepared their equipment and slowly moved towards the entrance of the cave. Brewster's team was at the back because of injuries: no one saw the flash in their eyes. Purple light...

We already have combat magic and animal husbandry, so there shouldn't be any problems this time! Alvin prayed in his heart not to touch the purple tentacle at night.

Alvin and his group slowly walked into the cave from the left.

Holding the Dawn Sword tightly in his hand, Aiwen stepped into this strange place.

The rocks at the entrance of the cave seem to have been washed away by water for tens of thousands of years: they appear very smooth and feel sticky when you step on them. When I walked into the cave, the tentacle monster I imagined did not appear.

"The air here is so cool!" Minara took a breath and said, "There is also a fishy smell!"

"Without the sun's rays, it will naturally be cold." Ivan looked inside with his eyes widened, only to see darkness.

Saloras on the side did not speak, but only applied arcane vision to everyone.

Only after Alvin received the buff could he see clearly what the cave really looked like.

"Holy shit!" Ivan couldn't help but scream.

Under the light blue arcane vision, everything in the cave was clearly visible: the ground was filled with red and black liquid, and the walls in the cave were a little strange. When Ivan got closer and looked closer, he discovered that the materials that made up the cave walls were It's not a stone, but a very disgusting substance like minced meat. The fishy smell Minara mentioned is coming from the cave wall!

"This place looks really evil!" Ivan looked around, only the sharp sword in his hand could give him a sense of security!

"Do you need me to burn all these things?" Oreses said, she wanted to repeat her old trick and directly cast the flame magic.

"It's not possible now. Let's wait until the suppression beacon is installed and do it when we come back!" Saloras looked at the disgusting scene around her, and her worry became more and more serious!

"Go inside, everyone! If I remember correctly, the entrance to the cave is still some distance from the Naaru fragments!" Captain Murphy was still walking in front, the warhammer in his hand exuding a faint holy light.

The group of people continued to walk forward through the bloody water. The further they walked inside, the darker and colder they became.

Captain Murphy in front suddenly stopped: "What is that on the ground?" He slowly walked forward: "The body of a Steppenwolf?"

Murphy calmed down, walked to the body and touched it with a war hammer: "The body is very stiff. It seems that it has been dead for a long time."

"Be careful, Captain!!!" Ivan suddenly shouted.

"What?" Captain Murphy looked back and saw that Steppenwolf's body came to life and pounced on him!

At such a close distance, Murphy had no time to react and could only watch as the wolf claws rushed toward him.

In the crisis, Ivan directly threw the Dawn Sword in his hand, wiped Murphy's head and inserted it into the wolf's head. The sword's strength did not diminish, and he nailed the wolf corpse to the cave wall!

"Thank you Ivan!" Captain Murphy touched the sweat on his forehead. He didn't even have time to activate the Holy Shield just now!

"We'll save the words of thanks when we get back to the village. I feel like we're in big trouble!" Oreses stared ahead, and a messy roar came from the depths of the cave!

Following Olaise's gaze, Alvin saw the most terrifying aspect of his time travel: a large group of dead beasts emerging from the depths of the cave and running towards them!