
It was already noon when Ivan woke up.

Dong Dong Dong... He was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Please wait a moment!" Alvin stretched. I quickly put on the clothes I wore yesterday and opened the door. It turned out to be Miss Shelley.

"Hello, Miss Shelley! Come in and sit down!" Ivan smiled and invited her in.

Today Shelley is wearing a light blue low-cut robe, a red gemstone necklace hanging on her chest, her long pale golden hair is exquisitely tied behind her back, a pair of short horns bent back, and a golden necklace on her forehead The crown makes the whole person look noble and elegant!

"Miss are so beautiful today..." Alvin didn't know where to put his eyes!

"Thank you Mr. Irvine for the compliment!" Shelley responded with a smile.

"Remember what I said? I'll invite you to dinner!" Shelley looked at Alvin with eyes like crescent moons.

Well, Alvin thought Shelley was just saying polite words. After all, he was the only one who invited girls in his previous life, and he had never experienced a girl asking him!

"Okay...then please wait a moment, I just got up and I have to clean up!" Ivan touched his face. After experiencing the battle last night, he fell asleep when he came back. His face seemed to be stained with the blood of the monster, and when he touched it, sticky!

The crystal technology of the Eredar people is so advanced, Alvin sighed in his heart as he used the hot water in the washbasin! Under the vibration of the crystal, a basin of cold water became warm in the blink of an eye. The cleaning of the mouth is also similar to the electric toothbrush in the previous life, except that it is not powered by electricity but by magical crystal!

It only took two or three minutes for Alvin to complete his personal cleaning.

Looking at the blood-stained robe on Ivan's body, Shelley chuckled: "Looks like I have to go to the tailor shop to buy some clothes later!"

Ivan looked at the mirror made of crystal, and his chest and the tail of his robe were soaked in the monster's purple blood: "No, no, no, as long as the clothes can be worn, it's too troublesome to change clothes every time you fight!! "

Why doesn't Alvin want to change into new clothes? He took a sword with him when he escaped from Chenxi Village, and the storage ring was full of miscellaneous gadgets. He really had no money to buy clothes!

Shelley has followed Captain Warren around since he was a child. You can't see the embarrassment on Ivan's expression. He just said resolutely: "I will pay for all the expenses today!"

Alvin scratched his head: Why do you feel like you are being taken care of? ?

The two walked out of the room, and Alvin knew why he felt the sun was so strong.

Last night I crawled into bed in the dark and fell asleep. As soon as I went out today, I discovered that the entire town is located next to a huge lake, with water on three sides. The lake water shines into Alvin's room under the direct sunlight!

"The scenery is really nice! This is the Bell Lake that Captain Warren said!" Ivan looked at the endless lake. The blue water was as crystal clear as gems. Many townspeople on the lake were rowing boats and casting nets to catch fish. The fish, blue sky, white clouds, and green water reminded Alvin of Taihu Lake in his previous life, which was also so huge and so beautiful!

"When I first came here, I had the same reaction as you when I saw Lake Bell!" Shelley said, standing next to Ivan.

The two enjoyed the beautiful scenery by the lake for a while, and Alvin's belly reminded them that it was time to eat!

The traces left by the battle last night have disappeared, and dust has returned to dust, as if it had never happened. Only the occasional blood stains in the corners still tell people what happened here!

The hotel by the lake has resumed business, but there are very few people coming to dine. Obviously, the invasion in the town last night still had a great impact!

"Two braised clawfish, two Tess salads, and a bottle of green berry wine!" Shelley greeted the waitress in uniform as soon as she walked in. She was a regular customer here!

"Please wait a moment, it will be ready soon!" The waitress slowly walked to the kitchen to inform the preparation of the dishes, and Alvin was observing the furnishings of the store: crystals were decorated everywhere, and there was a faint arcane radiance above the head, and the golden There is a red carpet on the floor of the lobby, and there are Eredar townspeople everywhere. Everything has a very obvious Eredar style.

The windows on the wall are also made of crystal, letting in bright sunshine. Aiwen looks out, just in time to enjoy the view of the lake outside. Waves of cool breeze blow by, and Aiwen feels very enjoying it even before he eats. Got it!

Not long after, the two waitresses brought the prepared food over on plates: "Today's clawfish was just caught from the lake in the morning, it's absolutely fresh!"

Two plates of fish were placed in front of Alvin and Shelley: This fish has a strange shape, with very sharp teeth like a wolf. At the same time, unlike normal fish, its fins are replaced by two pairs of long curved spikes. It looks like a claw, which may be where its name comes from!

The red soup is paired with the snow-white fish meat. Ivan finally understands why Shelley insists on eating this!

Shelley swore that Alvin was the fastest eater she had ever seen. She only lowered her head to eat a few bites of fish. When she raised her head again, there were only fish bones left on Alvin's plate, and Alvin was using One of the spikes picks his teeth!

"Maybe we need another one?" Shelley asked Alvin for his opinion!

"No, no, it's almost done. There's still a salad!" Ivan also felt a little embarrassed. He felt that he could eat ten more!

Heck, my appetite has been getting stronger these days! Alvin thought about the reason.

The waitress carrying the salad and fruit wine was also very surprised when she saw the plate in front of Alvin, but she still maintained her professionalism and placed the two salads and a bottle of fruit wine just taken out of the ice cellar on the table. Wen's empty plate was taken away.

The so-called Tess Salad looks like a plate of cold kelp, but Alvin feels very refreshing when he puts it in his mouth: this is the taste of Lake Bell!

After finishing the salad in a few mouthfuls and drinking all the fruit wine in the glass, Alvin realized that Shelley was not eating, but was looking at Alvin with interest.

"Is there something on my face?" Ivan asked.

"No, no, I just think Mr. Irvine can make people very appetizing!" Shelley said with a smile.

"Haha, only when you are full can you have the strength to hold the sword!" Aiwen touched his belly and laughed.

Alvin poured another glass of fruit wine and drank it slowly. He liked the sour taste of this wine!

"Mr. Ivan!?" Someone at the door called tentatively.

Looking back, it turned out to be the leader of the group, Wallen. Apparently Shelley went to dinner with Alvin today after Wallen's report!

"Mayor Gad just went to your residence to find you and found that you were not there. He seems to have something to communicate with you."

"Okay! Looks like we have to end this lunch!" Shelley put down his glass and said with a smile.

"I'll invite you next time!" Ivan said subconsciously.

The three of them were walking on the way to the meeting hall.

"Did Mayor Gard tell you what he wanted from me? Captain Wallen." Ivan asked.

"He didn't tell me, but judging from the mayor's expression, it seemed to be an urgent matter, so I came to find you!" Captain Wallen explained, feeling the resentful look in his daughter's eyes next to him.