Who else

Along the way, the townspeople on the road paid tribute to Captain Wallen. His help saved many lives last night! Although Aiwen also killed many monsters, except for the three mages in the teleportation hall, no one knew about his silent help. He was the hero behind the scenes.

The three people returned to the meeting hall. Mayor Gard was already standing at the door, obviously having been waiting for a long time!

"Welcome again, everyone! Let's go in and talk!" Gad came up and said with a smile.

"This is my daughter Shelley!" The four people walked into the room, and Captain Wallen took the initiative to introduce Gad.

"Nice to meet you, respected Mayor Gard!" Shelley smiled and gestured to Gard.

"Captain Wallen, I have to say that your daughter is really beautiful!" Mayor Gad sincerely praised Shelley.

"Thank you very much for the compliment from Mayor Gard. I have brought Mr. Irwin here. Do you need help with anything?" Captain Wallen took a sip of water and said with a smile.

I saw Gad sighing deeply: "The monster attack last night caused heavy losses to Bell Town! As the mayor of Bell Town, I still feel sad for the townspeople who died!"

After a pause, Gard continued: "Although I have tried my best to restore Bell Town to normal, last night the town's guard captain took the lead in resisting the invasion, and unfortunately returned to the embrace of the Holy Light!"

"Now in Bell Town, the entire escort team has no one to lead! If last night's raid happens again, I'm afraid all the townspeople will not be able to escape the disaster! Therefore, I invited a few people here today to invite Mr. Irvine to serve as the leader. As the captain of the Bell Town Guards, on behalf of the entire Bell Town residents, I beg Mr. Irvine for help!" Mayor Gad bowed deeply after saying this!

Ivan quickly put down the cup in his hand and stood up to ask Mayor Gard to take his seat again.

Obviously Mayor Gard has certain abilities as the leader of Bell Town. He did not invite Captain Valen to be the captain of the escort team because of Valen's help last night like the townspeople did. Instead, he chose an unattractive stranger. Ivan, this is partly because Captain Wallen, as the leader of the business group, is not suitable for this position. More importantly, there is the opinion of Morton in the Mage Hall!

Although the old mage is not good at fighting enemies, he is good at judging people: he can survive the siege of monsters unscathed, and he can directly chop his big fireball technique into pieces with one sword. This has proved that Aiwen is the man in the town. The most powerful person!

For a moment, Captain Wallen, Shelley and Gad all looked at Ivan, waiting for his decision!

Ivan frowned and thought for a long time, and finally spoke: "I'm sorry, Mayor Gard, I have my own unfinished tasks to do, so I can no longer hold the position of guard captain!"

Mayor Gard obviously didn't want to give up just like that: "Can I have a chance to know about Mr. Irvine's next trip?"

"When the portal in the teleportation hall is rebuilt, I will go to Mac'Aree. There are some things I must complete there!" Ivan didn't tell anyone what he was going to do in Mac'Aree.

The threat of the void is too terrifying. If he told others, maybe everyone would think him a madman! Everyone believes that with the highly developed crystal technology and the large number of arcanists of the Eredar people, the so-called void threat can only be solved with an arcane railgun!

"In this case, I will no longer force others to make things difficult! But according to Master Morton, it will take some time for debugging to resume operation of the portal in the teleport hall. I implore Mr. Irvine to help maintain the town during this period. Security work! After the portal is opened, the town will provide Mr. Ivan with the necessary rewards. After all, in Macaire, it's impossible not to have enough gold coins!"

Mayor Gard is an excellent politician. He has already prepared different ways to respond to Ivan's answer. After all, it is difficult to maintain management in such a large town without sufficient political skills!

Alvin has already rejected Mayor Gard once, and now he made another suggestion that Alvin could not refuse. After thinking about it, he had to agree!

"You have to do things early! Since Mr. Irwin agreed, let's go to the escort team now to get to know each other!" Mayor Gard said while the iron was hot.

At this time, the escort team was training on the training ground. Obviously, the death of the captain inspired their hatred and made them train harder!

"Everyone! Please allow me to interrupt you!" Mayor Gard clapped his hands and shouted.

Ivan took a glance and saw that there were about forty people on the training ground. Like Chenxi Village, most of them were strong male Eredar. A faint holy light floated in the air from time to time: many of this team were Priest!

Seeing that everyone had gathered, Mayor Gard no longer hesitated and directly announced the news: "In view of the fact that the position of captain of the escort team is currently vacant, on behalf of Bell Town, I invite Mr. Irvine to temporarily lead the escort team to provide security for Bell Town. Work until the ruling group arranges for new people to take office!"

Gad patted Alvin on the back, and the latter immediately stepped forward so that everyone in the guard could see him.

Whispers immediately appeared in the crowd. Ivan had just arrived in Bell Town last night. He had not shown his strength to anyone, and no one had even heard of his name.

"I object to this decision!!" Someone finally stood up. Not everyone in the escort team had no idea about the position of captain!

"As a member of the escort team, I think the captain can only be selected from the escort team! In addition, I have never heard of the name Aiwen. With his body, I can beat ten!"

It was obvious that the person in front of him looked down on Ivan at all. He had his upper body naked, and his muscles were bulging like stones. The sweat from training was evenly spread on the surface of his blue skin, which glowed brightly under the sun. His figure If you are in Blue Star, you may have a chance to win the bodybuilding championship!

"I want to challenge you!!" "The big guy" said in a muffled voice. Ivan was indeed a little underwhelmed in front of him.

Mayor Gard was standing by and did not stop his challenge. He also wanted to see if the Alvin that Morton said was really that powerful.

Ivan moved his shoulders. The look in the big man's eyes made him feel very bad. It was not only to confirm Gard's declaration, but also to show off some kind of strength. Being looked down upon in front of Miss Shelley made him feel very bad. It's...unpleasant!

"Come on! I accept your challenge! By the way, I don't know your name yet. I don't want to even know your name when I defeat you!" Ivan walked into the training ground, and the team members gave them two automatic made way for a large open space.

"My name is Clive! You will feel the power of my fist soon!" The big man bumped his fist and threatened.

"Then let's get started!" Shelley on the side acted as the referee.

Alvin just stood there quietly, staring at Clive, his eyes already ignited with a touch of anger!

Looking at Alvin's fiery eyes, Clive also felt the pressure, and he chose to take the initiative!

With a shout, Clive rushed towards Alvin, kicking up a large amount of dust as his legs ran.

The clenched right fist contains extremely powerful explosive power under the contraction of the muscles. Clive once used this punch to smash the skull of a Steppenwolf!

When Ivan saw Clive rushing up, he also put on a defensive posture. In an instant, a huge fist hit Ivan's right shoulder: Although Clive seemed to be having trouble with his mind, he was not what others thought. It's so simple, he just wants to repel Alvin, not seriously injure him!

Ivan also felt Clive's intentions. He was originally ready to fight Clive directly with his fists and have a head-on confrontation with him, but at the last moment he turned his fists into palms to avoid directly breaking Clive's hand bones!

Everyone on the side only saw Clive rushing over and punching him, and then his fist was tightly squeezed by Alvin!

"Are you coming again?" Ivan looked at Clive who was sweating on his forehead and increased the strength of his right hand!

"I must defeat you!!!" Feeling the severe pain in his right hand, Clive made a fist with his left hand and punched Alvin, but was pinched by Alvin again!

"It seems like that's all!" Ivan smiled softly and threw Clive out with all his strength!

"Who else??!!" Ivan looked back at the crowd watching the battle.

There was silence on the training ground.