
In the early morning, Alvin got up from the soft bed.

Rubbing his head, he felt a vague feeling.

Last night, three people drank a bottle of wine, and this bottle of wine from Antolan knocked everyone down!

Evil energy can spontaneously remove toxins that enter the body, but this wine is not a poisonous substance. Instead, it seems to have a special nourishing effect, and the cost is a night of chaos.

Alvin got out of bed gently, and there were several exquisite wine glasses scattered on the ground. He vaguely recalled the absurdity of last night.

"Huh... drinking really delays things!" Ivan whispered as he picked up the clothes on the ground.

"It was so lively last night..." Aurese's melodious voice came from behind.

"Look, Saloras and I are better than one!" Oreses also stood up and hugged Ivan gently: "In exchange, should you take care of our sisters at the appropriate time? ?"

Alvin couldn't help but think of some memories from last night. In fact, the intertwining of shadows and flames was simply destructive.

"If you need anything, just tell me." Ivan felt like he was already a scumbag.

Saloras had also woken up at this time, picked up the Blade of Dawn from the ground and handed it to Ivan: "This blade is really sharp!"

Ivan frowned and walked out. His mind was still in a state of confusion, and his deep-rooted morality made him upset.

"Olaise, is this really worth it?" Saloras took small steps and walked into the closet. A graceful figure appeared on the wall under the sunlight.

"Sometimes you have to place your bets early... Besides, didn't we get some happiness too?!" There were bursts of chuckles in the house.

Alvin, who was walking on the road, didn't know about the exchange between the eredar twins. He was thinking about how to solve the difficult problem given by Archimonde.

"Hero... look here!" A voice suddenly came from the grass beside the garden path.

"Who's there?" Ivan immediately locked onto the location where the voice came from.

A rustling sound came from the grass, and soon a ragged Eredar man emerged.

"Ahem... If you are Mr. Irvine, then I have found the right person!" The man seemed to have been seriously injured, and his spirit was very depressed.

"Master Spade sent me to find you. He is imprisoned in the evil cage in the north of the Arcane Academy, and will soon be sent to the Soul Forge!" The Eredar looked very excited. He couldn't help but cough violently again, and Aiwen clearly saw blood on his hands.

"Master Spade? Is he still alive?!" Ivan did not see Velen in the crowd when he sent him away, and according to his apprentice Romul, it should be a disaster.

"Please go there quickly to save him, I hope there is still a chance!"

"You are seriously injured, let me take you to a safe place first!" Although Ivan was anxious to go to Spide, the man in front of him obviously also needed help.

"Haha... Mr. Irvine's kindness is admirable, but there is no need for me to save him. The evil energy is torturing my soul all the time. I have completed Spade's mission, so just let me be quiet in this garden. Go to sleep!" The man sat down slowly. He had avoided countless dangers just to complete this almost impossible task. Now it was time to rest.

Ivan just watched the warrior sit on the ground and slowly closed his eyes, and finally lost his breath.

Gritting his teeth, Ivan placed the warrior in the flowers next to him and ran towards the north.

Ivan, who was running wildly in the academy, roared and turned into a demon form. His huge wings allowed him to glide while jumping into the air.

To the north of the Secret Academy, a demon camp stood on the ground. The originally orange soil had been dyed dark green by evil energy. A huge furnace in the middle of the camp was constantly erupting with green flames.

"Hurry up! These are the last batch of prisoners!" a fel lord shouted, waving his weapon.

A group of prisoners, their hands tied with ropes, were lined up in a row and were being driven into the incineration chamber of the Fel Forge, and Spade was inside.

"It seems that our luck is still a little bit worse." The forging master said with a sigh.

"Open the door to the incineration room and send these prisoners to die!!" As the evil lord shouted, the demon guards on the side slowly dragged the heavy iron chain, and the iron door of the incineration room was slowly opened.

Just as Spade was pushed forward by the demon behind him, he saw a growing shadow appearing on the ground.

A ray of golden light fell from the sky and hit the iron chain of the incinerator accurately, cutting the thick iron chain directly. With a bang, the thick iron door closed again.

"Who dares to destroy the Legion's plan!!??" The Fel Lord roared, its majesty being offended.

Leaving a deep, broken pit on the ground, Alvin finally returned to the ground.

"From now on, the prisoners here are under my control!" Ivan's demonic claws took out Archimonde's appointment letter.

The unique mark belonging to Archimonde was flickering slightly, and even the simple-minded Fel Lord knew that this was something he could not disobey.

"As you lord!" The evil lord waved his hand, and the followers on one side released the bound prisoners: "Now they belong to the lord!"

Inside the Secret Academy.

"So, you plan to use evil energy to control the void pollution in Argus?" Archimonde raised his eyebrows and said to Ivan.

"Yes, the threat of the void cannot be eliminated with human power alone, so I plan to use large-scale evil energy to cleanse this planet!" Ivan seemed very confident.

"Tell me about your plan!" Archimonde touched his chin with his sharp claws. He was very interested in Ivan's ideas.

"It's very simple. We call on the skilled craftsmen from Morg and Eredar to build an evil energy transmitter, which can offset the void's invasion of Argus through large-scale evil energy flushing!" Ivan said.

"Is this what Spade told you?" Archimonde said suddenly.

Ivan knew that Archimonde had been paying attention to his every move, so he directly admitted: "These craftsmen should not die in vain, they have their own value!"

"They did not die in vain. The soul furnace relies entirely on these prisoners to operate!" the big devil said with an evil smile.

"However, I am a very open-minded leader. If Mr. Irwin is convinced that this method is feasible, then I am willing to let you try it..."

Walking out of the hall, Ivan kept his head down and thinking. Archimonde agreed to his plan so easily, which made Ivan always feel that there was a conspiracy in it.

Spade came up to him at the door: "So what's the result?"

"Let's leave for Antolan immediately!" No matter what Archimonde's plan was, he could only follow his own path.