Shadowlands is so much fun!

Antolan region, the Burning Legion's base camp in Argus.

After getting off the transport ship, Ivan could clearly feel the rich evil energy emanating from the air.

"This place has completely changed. I can hardly recognize it anymore!" Spade sighed as he looked at the evil lakes that could be seen everywhere.

"Our destination is the Evil Fire Armory, where we have all the materials that can support our work, as well as the cheapest Morg engineers." Ivan negotiated with a female Ereda Demon at the port and obtained a A smaller transport ship.

"Let's go quickly! The demons here are watching you eagerly." Spade and his master craftsmen did not have the slightest smell of demons on their bodies, which attracted the attention of all the demons in the port.

Driven by a short Morg, they carried everyone towards the depths of Antolan.

There are lakes formed by the gathering of evil energy everywhere. This is a paradise for demons and a hell for mortals.

Countless bones were scattered on the ground, and the original buildings of Eredar had long been destroyed. The only thing on the ground was a tall, evil, demonic-styled evil building.

"We are here, everyone!" Morg said in devilish language with a unique accent.

All kinds of weapons and equipment are scattered on the ground. Countless demons are wielding tools here to forge the weapons needed by the Legion. This is the arsenal of the Burning Legion.

After handing Archimonde's letter to the person in charge of the armory, Ivan successfully brought everyone in Spade to move in here.

On the top floor of an evil tower, Alvin and Spade were discussing what they needed to do this time.

"The principle of the energy tidal generator is very simple. The key is that there are two problems now." Spade raised two fingers: "The first is that we have never made a generator that can sweep the entire planet. The second is that The previous energy generator only extracted arcane energy, but this time we need to use evil energy as the energy source."

"So, according to the current technical conditions, what is the success rate of such an attempt?" Ivan didn't understand these technical issues very well.

"According to calculations, combining engineering and geological conditions, the success rate is about 60%."

"According to the order letter, we can control most of the engineers and workers in the armory. I need Master Spade to issue a project plan in the shortest possible time." Ivan looked at the doomsday scene under the tower: "Our time is getting longer and longer. Come less and less."

Faster than Blue Star's engineers in producing drawings, Spade magically modified the energy tidal generator that was originally intended to transform the environment on a small scale in one afternoon. Although Alvin could not understand the meaning of the design drawings at all, through the above Spade's superb engineering skills can still be felt in the dense annotations.

"The next work is not something we can do. You have to order the strange demons below to complete it." Handing the drawings to Ivan, Spade was very confident in his work: "Now I think our success The rate can reach 70%."

According to the requirements on the drawing, the width of the Fel Tide Generator designed by Spade is equivalent to the length of three Fel Battleships combined! This is a super project.

As the person in charge of this project, Ivan doesn't have much management experience, but in the Burning Legion, it doesn't matter whether he has relevant experience. You just need to pick out a few lazy guys and punish them at the right time. That's fine. The punishment mentioned here is usually throwing the whole person into the smelting pool.

Mac'Aree's Arcane Academy.

Archimonde held a copy of the engineering drawing in his hand: "How is the construction progress of this thing now?"

"The shell has been built, and now the most critical energy resonance core is being cast." A petite succubus was standing in front of her respectfully, her voice making even the most hard-hearted man tremble.

"You did a good job, and now there is another task that needs to be given to you." The big devil just thought for a moment and came up with a plan: "I need this evil tide generator to explode directly when it is running at its maximum,"

"No matter what method I use, I just need to get such a result!"

"As you command, my lord..." The succubus' graceful body slowly disappeared into the air, and she had to complete Lord Archimonde's mission.

"Master Dean, this does not seem to be of any benefit to Argus..." Galasum, who was sitting aside, said.

"It is harmful to Argus, but it is of great benefit to us." Archimonde returned to his seat: "If Ivan successfully completes the mission, then we will still have to fight with Kil'jaeden. The remaining land, and if Argus is completely destroyed due to a failed attempt, then we will have many opportunities to expand our strength in the next expedition!" Archimonde has always been more patient with his students! .

After the restless work of the demon engineers in the armory, a huge ring-shaped structure was suspended on the ground. With a dark green metal shell and a dark gray core structure, this evil tide generator was full of a sense of technology.

"Master Spade, all the structures have been checked, and there are no omissions." A craftsman climbed out of a gap at the bottom of the generator and said.

"Very good! The tools are ready, all we need to do is make them work properly!" Spade clapped his hands and looked excitedly at the giant creature in front of him.

Turning back to Alvin, he said, "Everything is ready. When do you plan to start planning?"

"Since everything is fine, let's start today!" Ivan doesn't want to have long nights and dreams. No one is sure whether the demons here will destroy their hard work!

"Go back and take a rest! I'll guard here." Ivan said after jumping to the high platform next to him.

Spide led the craftsmen away slowly. They had been busy since morning and needed to eat something.

No one noticed that a purple light flashed in the eyes of one of the craftsmen in the team...

Aiwen stood at a high place, his eyes of evil energy scanning below, and anyone who wanted to cause trouble had nowhere to hide.

Soon, Spade returned here alone. He ate some food and came over. When he and Ivan started the generator, these craftsmen did not have the protection of Ivan and were likely to be captured by the devil at any time. , so Spade let them rest in a safe place.

With a bang, Alvin jumped directly from the height to the ground: "Then let's start!"

Spade opened a small door from the side of the evil tide generator and got in: "Come with me, Evan, I need your help when this thing is activated!"

Just like a UFO, this strange-looking device floats slowly and flies towards the distance.