Auntie Mirie

Lucia did not know how she ended up seated next to Queen Miriam and opposite Adela. The only reassuring thing was probably that Prince Michael was sitting next to her and was a silent wall of support if she needed it. He knew his mother, and she wondered if he knew what idea had gotten into her head three years ago after that one dance.

"It has been a long time since we last saw you, Lucy," the Queen said over their meal, "Your mother has kept me updated on what you were doing. It is impressive what you did while you were away. I am proud of you."

"Thank you," she said demurely, not sure what else she should say.

She saw Caroline give her a knowing glance and she felt herself flush. Here was the Queen proving Caroline right, showing that she favored Lucia. She could not help but wonder for a brief second how Queen Miriam knew what she had been up to.

You know the woman speaks to your mother, a voice inside of her offered.