
Jun's worried expression entered Daeho's line of sight after he recovered his senses. The voice also came from the other guy. The dark, strange memories that only happened in his nightmares receded like a tide.

"I'm fine."

When Daeho said this, he looked like he was trying to convince himself, not looking Jun in the eyes. The latter wordlessly reached to his left to grab a bottle of water for Daeho. 

"Maybe you need to drink water. I know for sure your team went up first because of you." 

In other words, his team ranked first in the total number of hours spent on practice because he trained until his body collapsed in exhaustion.

Daeho subconsciously laughed as he accepted the drinks. It felt good to be acknowledged, at least for his efforts, even though he did not know if going first was the best for his team.