Chapter 14. One Hour Late

To prevent Mona Bagheri from feeling upset by their tardiness, Rayleigh made a gracious gesture to cover all the expenses for their leisurely stroll through the Queens Night Market that evening. They were there for almost an hour and found a very pissed-out sulky Mona, so Rayleigh made an amends and agreed to pay for everything.


The Queens Night Market was a vibrant, family-friendly open-air event that transformed the streets of Queens into a bustling hub of activity. Rows of independent vendors showcased a diverse array of merchandise, from handcrafted artwork and unique trinkets to mouthwatering street food. The market was a celebration of the rich cultural tapestry that made this corner of New York City so special, with small-scale performances and live music adding to the lively atmosphere.


Throughout the evening, Rayleigh made sure to dote on her guests, eagerly offering to purchase everything from fragrant street food to unique trinkets. Mona protested at first, but Rayleigh's insistence and genuine concern for her well-being eventually won her over, and the trio indulged in a delightful culinary and cultural experience.


As the night wore on, the three people found themselves immersed in lively conversation, sharing stories and laughter as they wandered through the maze of stalls. Rayleigh and Isabelle, their fingers intertwined, stole occasional glances at each other, their affection palpable in the warm glow of the market's festive lights.


It was nearly 2 a.m. when Rayleigh and Isabelle finally dropped Mona off at her hotel near the airport. The Thai woman's flight to Japan was scheduled for the following morning before her return to her home country. Despite the late hour, Mona's eyes sparkled with joy. Her gratitude for the night and all the expenses was evident in how tightly she hugged the two women alternately.


"You need to stop hugging my girlfriend, Mon," Isabelle said, with a hint of playful possessiveness in her voice as she gently pulled Mona away from Rayleigh.


Mona rolled her eyes dramatically. "You're a very stingy woman, I swear," she teased, earning a light-hearted chuckle from Rayleigh.


Isabelle's expression turned resolute as she responded, "I am, if it's about Rayleigh. I can be as stingy as I need to be."


"You hear that, doc?" Mona grinned mischievously, her gaze flicking between the two lovers. "You have a stingy girlfriend."


Isabelle, her cheeks slightly flushed from the evening's indulgences, placed a hand on Rayleigh's arm, her touch soothing. "Come on, Mon," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "It's late; you should go up and get some rest before your flight."


Mona's expression shifted to one of mock offense. "Oh, Rose Isabelle Jenisen," she exclaimed dramatically, "just tell me you want to fuck her already!"


"Mona!" Isabelle's cheeks flushed with a deep crimson, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and embarrassment.


Mona laughed heartily; the sound was rich and infectious. "Fine, fine," she conceded, turning to make her way towards the hotel lobby. But just before she stepped inside, she paused and looked back at Rayleigh, her expression suddenly serious.


"Please," Mona said, her voice laced with genuine concern, "ensure the well-being of my friend and refrain from causing her any harm." Her gaze was firm, a silent plea for Rayleigh to cherish and protect her dear friend.

"Of course." Rayleigh answered, and she nodded solemnly, her eyes conveying the depth of her commitment to Isabelle and the promise to always be there for her.


Mona's features softened, and she smiled warmly, her heart filled with the knowledge that her dear friend had found a love so pure and true. After all the trivia Isabelle has gone through in the past, she finally finds someone who loves her dearly.

"That's great to hear!" Mona exclaimed, her expression shifting from one of concern to an impish grin. "I've already done some research on you, and it seems that you have quite a significant influence in New York." She leveled her gaze at Rayleigh, her tone suddenly serious. "So, I will expose your behavior on social media if you make her cry," she warned, the underlying threat in her words unmistakable.


Rayleigh, her own mood lightened by the evening's festivities, burst into laughter. "Noted, don't worry," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement.


Isabelle, sensing the need to diffuse the situation, placed a hand on Mona's shoulder and gently pushed her towards the hotel lobby. "Please go inside and get some rest!" she urged, her voice laced with affection.


Mona shot Isabelle a mischievous look. "I hope to find a boyfriend or girlfriend soon. Just wait and see!" she declared, her tone filled with undisguised optimism.


Isabelle couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's boundless enthusiasm. "Yes, Mona, I'm sure," she said, pulling the smaller woman into a playful embrace. "Now, go on, get some sleep. You've got a long flight ahead of you tomorrow."


Reluctantly, Mona stepped back, her gaze once more settling on Rayleigh. "I'm watching you, Dr. Rayleigh," she warned, her words tinged with a hint of mischief.


Rayleigh, unfazed by the mock threat, simply smiled and nodded. "Of course, Mona," she replied, her voice warm and reassuring.


With a final wave, she disappeared into the hotel, leaving Rayleigh and Isabelle alone in the stillness of the night.


Isabelle turned to Rayleigh, her eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and affection. "You know, I think she's quite taken with you," she teased, gently bumping her shoulder against Rayleigh's.


Rayleigh chuckled, her arm wrapping around Isabelle's waist as they began to make their way back to the car. "She's certainly a force to be reckoned with," the doctor admitted, her voice laced with a hint of admiration.


Isabelle nodded in agreement, her own heart swelling with gratitude for the remarkable woman who had so effortlessly become a part of their lives. "She's one of a kind, that's for sure," she murmured, leaning into Rayleigh's embrace as they walked, the gentle hum of the city in the distance a soothing backdrop to their quiet contentment.


They don't know that a pair of eyes is currently watching them from afar, still unable to believe and accept that Rayleigh MacKenzie is having a girlfriend. After so many years of being known as a single, beautiful doctor who was always focused on her research, Rayleigh finally has a girlfriend.


All the doctors, nurses, and people in the hospital are talking about Rayleigh's beautiful girlfriend. They had all created an image of Rayleigh's girlfriend in their heads as a stunningly lovely woman with a kind and courteous manner that matched the doctor's own intense behavior. It seemed as though the universe had planned to unite two pieces of a whole, forming a partnership that appeared destined for greatness.


"I'm the only woman who understands Ray, not her!" She screamed into the darkness of the night.