Chapter 15. Time to Go (Mature)

The warm morning sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, casting a gentle glow on the scene unfolding before it. Half asleep, Isabelle was curled up in the silk sheets, her body covered in a bunch of bite marks and hickeys that spoke to their intense night together.


Rayleigh came up to the bed with a plate full of a delicious breakfast, her golden blonde hair sparkling like spun gold in the early sunshine. Isabelle was awakened from her sleep by the smell of just-brewed coffee filling the air.


"Morning, love," Rayleigh whispered softly, her voice a gentle caress against Isabelle's ear. She leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, sending shivers of delight down Isabelle's spine.


Isabelle took a deep, languid breath, stretching her body luxuriously before fully awakening. Her gaze fell upon Rayleigh, and a wave of admiration washed over her. The sight of her lover, with her tall, statuesque figure and perfect facial features, was a sight to behold.


"What?" Rayleigh inquired softly, noticing Isabelle's unwavering stare.


"You're beautiful," Isabelle confessed, her voice husky and filled with desire. "And I just realized something..."


Rayleigh's heart skipped a beat, a hint of panic creeping into her voice. "Realized what, baby?"


A mischievous smile played on Isabelle's lips as she replied, "Your lovely, thin, pinkish lips were all over my body last night."


Rayleigh couldn't help but chuckle at Isabelle's playful accusation. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the attention," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.


"Oh, I did," Isabelle purred, her voice laced with satisfaction. "Very much so."


Rayleigh set the breakfast tray down on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed, joining Isabelle on the bed. She wrapped her arms around Isabelle's waist, pulling her close, and nuzzled her neck, leaving a trail of feather-light kisses along her skin.


"I'm glad," Rayleigh murmured, her voice husky with desire. "Because I plan on giving you a lot more attention today."


Isabelle's breath hitched in her throat as Rayleigh's words sent a surge of excitement through her body: "Wait, baby, give me water first, morning breath." Isabelle refused to be kissed; she rose from the bed and crawled on the bed to get into the tray and drink the water and orange juice before she came back to her lover's arms.


Rayleigh can't take her eyes off Isabelle, seeing how confident she is with her body and her beautiful curve. She let Isabelle come back, crawling into her arms, and Isabelle leaned into Rayleigh's touch, her lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. The taste of orange juice and desire mingled on their tongues, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment.


As their lips parted, Rayleigh gazed into Isabella's eyes, her expression filled with love and adoration. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," she whispered, tracing the contours of Isabella's face with her fingertips.


Isabella's heart swelled with emotion as she returned Rayleigh's gaze, her eyes mirroring the love and admiration she felt for the woman before her. "And you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion, "are the most amazing woman I've ever known."


As the day unfolded, they spent their time indulging in simple pleasures. They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in bed, laughing and sharing stories as they savored each bite. They decided that they'd stay in the Rayleigh condo before Isabelle needed to return to her duties as a flight attendant.


The two of them spend the day entangled on the bed all day long, eating breakfast in bed and indulge in their desires for more. Isabelle gulped when she realized that she had never experienced such intense and passionate lovemaking before. With Rayleigh, it wasn't just sex; it was a deeply felt, life-changing event. The feeling overwhelms her inside out, and seeing Rayleigh in her arms drives her crazy.


During one of their particularly intense encounters, Rayleigh gazed into Isabelle's tear-filled eyes, her voice husky with emotion. "I love you so much, Belle," she whispered, her words echoing through the room.


Isabelle, overcome with emotion, reached out and gently cupped Rayleigh's face, her tears flowing freely. "I just love you so much too," she murmured, her voice trembling with desire. "Keep going. Don't leave me hanging. Drive me crazy, make me cry, and make me scream. Love me indefinitely."


In that moment, Isabelle knew that she couldn't lose Rayleigh. She had found a love that was rare and precious—a love that would change her life forever.


Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, and their souls entwined in a tapestry of passion and desire. Each touch, each kiss, and each caress sent shivers of delight down their spines, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment.




As the day drew to a close, Isabelle knew she had to return to her duties as a flight attendant. The time she had shared with Rayleigh had been nothing short of magical, and the thought of leaving filled her heart with a bittersweet mixture of emotions.


They take a shower together, drying Isabelle's hair, watching her do her make-up, and using her uniform. Rayleigh couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing that this stunning woman was hers. As Isabelle wore her uniform, Rayleigh couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She knew that their time together would be cut short, but she was determined to cherish every second they had left.


Rayleigh drove Isabelle to the airport in her sleek Mercedes coupe. The two women lost themselves in a comfortable silence. Occasionally, Rayleigh would reach over and press a gentle kiss to Isabelle's palm, savoring the softness of her skin. And when they stopped at a red light, Isabella pulled her over and gave her a kiss on the lips.


When they reached the airport, Rayleigh pulled the car to a stop, and Isabelle leaned in, capturing Rayleigh's lips in a passionate kiss. "I'm going to miss you a lot, my Belle."


"I'll miss you too, baby, so much. Answer all my calls and chats, okay?"


"I will."


As Isabelle stepped out of the car, two of her friends approached, their eyes widening at the sight of the stunning woman. "Is that Rose?" one of them exclaimed, their gaze fixed on Isabelle's radiant form.


The rest of the onlookers couldn't help but stare in awe as Isabelle emerged from the sleek Mercedes. She looked absolutely breathtaking, her uniform accentuating her natural beauty in a way that seemed to make her sparkle like a rare and precious diamond.


Right before Isabelle was set to get into the airport and report for duty with the other friends of hers, Rayleigh reached into her purse and pulled out a sleek, black card. She held it out to Isabelle, her eyes shining with a mixture of love and concern.


"Baby, this card..." Isabelle's voice trailed off, and her brow furrowed in confusion as she looked at the card.


Rayleigh gently placed the card in Isabelle's palm, her fingers brushing against her lover's soft skin. "I feel safe knowing you have this," she said, her voice soft and tender. "You can use it however you need."


Isabelle opened her mouth to protest, but Rayleigh silenced her with a gentle kiss, her lips brushing against Isabelle's with a whisper-soft touch.


"I love you, Belle, my Belle," Rayleigh murmured, her eyes brimming with emotion. "You must take care of yourself, okay? Call me anytime, no matter what."


Isabelle felt a wave of affection wash over her, her heart swelling with gratitude and adoration for the woman before her. "You too," she breathed, her voice trembling with the depth of her feelings. "Talk to me when you're free."


"Always," Rayleigh replied, sealing her promise with another tender kiss.


As the plane schedule call echoed through the terminal, Isabelle reluctantly pulled away, her fingers brushing against Rayleigh's as she turned to join the other flight attendants. Rayleigh watched, her heart heavy, as the woman she loved disappeared behind the departure gates.


"Don't forget to give me your flight schedule!" Rayleigh called out, her voice carrying a hint of desperation.


Isabelle turned and flashed Rayleigh a brilliant smile, her eyes shining with love and reassurance. "I won't," she called back, before disappearing into the bustling crowd.


Rayleigh stood there for a moment, her gaze fixed on the empty space where Isabelle had just been. She took a deep breath, trying to steady the rapid beating of her heart.