Chapter 28. River, Sea, and the Serene Lake

"Why are you not coming to the event?" When Isla was on the phone with Mona, she asked.


Mona rolled her eyes, even though she knew her friend couldn't see her. "I just met her last night; how am I going to that event?" she replied.


Mona had been so ready for something to happen last night, and when she saw Jules, she felt like she would be just fine with her. It turns out that Jules was better than she had expected. Last night, they didn't do anything; they just talked until they fell asleep.


In that short time, Mona learned a lot about Jules. Mona learned about her wife's betrayal and how the woman she had married was only interested in obtaining her money and a green card by marrying an American. They had divorced two years ago when Jules discovered all of this, and she even hired a private investigator to uncover the secrets her ex-wife had been hiding.


In addition to cheating, she used Jules's money to have fun with her boyfriend. Since then, Jules has never trusted anyone and has dedicated all of her time to her work.


"Children don't lie to us; adults do," Jules had said, talking because she's a pediatrician.


"That's true, but some adults lie to avoid drama," Mona had said, remembering how difficult it had been for her mother after her father had died in Iran, and she had had to bring her up all by herself.


"Huh?" Jules had asked, confused.


Mona smiled softly and said, "My mother used to tell me she was full and let me eat the rest of the food. While she was starving, she chuckled, "I did everything to make her happy and her life comfortable; that's why I spend all my life working. I may appear to be a tough guy, but I am actually a loser who is apprehensive about establishing a relationship because I am solely focused on generating income.


"Why are you following me?" Jules asked, purely curious.


"You looked sad, and I don't have anything to do anyway," Mona answered, and it made Jules a bit taken aback.


"I looked sad." She asks.


"Yeah, I thought you might need someone to talk to," Mona said, smiling at her.


Jules laughed softly. "I'm not really sad; I'm just... lonely," she admitted truthfully.


"Still lonely now? I can talk a lot; I mean, I do talk a lot," Mona replied shyly.


"No, I'm not lonely tonight." They spent almost the entire night talking about each other until they fell asleep. In the morning, Jules had to go to the event, leaving Mona in the hotel room.


She couldn't help but feel pleased and lighthearted as she walked to the event. It had been a long time since she had experienced such feelings. The talk with Mona last night took her mind off of the bad things that had happened in her past, and she was looking forward to seeing the young woman again.


On the other hand, Mona stayed in her hotel room and smiled a little. Initially, her attraction to Jules stemmed from her need for friendship and her admiration for her intelligence and beauty. But as they talked, she became interested in the older woman's story and the vulnerability she had displayed in front of her.


Mona has a long list of suitors, especially all of the airline pilots. Given that Chantana, the other pilot, has claimed Isla, and Isabelle's recent declaration of her single status, many pilots are now keenly interested in Mona, inquiring about her preference for a male or female partner. That's why Mona is always ready with her vague answer, "Whoever thrills me."


Chantana is cool and calm, but always possessive and protective, not the way Mona likes to be her partner. However, Chantana perfectly complements the clingy Isla; both of them can be possessive and protective towards each other, without any objections.


And there's Rayleigh, the ignorant, over-the-top, beautiful doctor, who's turned out to be helplessly romantic. Isabelle, who loves her freedom but still craves a serious connection, finds Rayleigh a perfect match. She is entirely amusing, yet she requires some assurance, which is why she is an ideal partner for Rayleigh.


But Jules, for Mona, is different. Her smile reminds her of her mother's, gentle and safe. Not the fiery type like Chantana or the hopeless romantic like Rayleigh, Jules is calm and always avoids drama.


If Chantana is like a river, it flows slowly, with its current never changing as it cuts through the land. The water below was very clear and dark blue, just like the sky above. Whether the current is harsh due to continuous rain, or friendly and safe for everyone when the rain is gentle, the river continues to flow without stopping. It went for a very long way before joining with bigger rivers and finally emptying into the ocean. It was a line—a life-giving force that kept the surroundings it passed through alive and well.


And Rayleigh is like a sea. The sea was alive and breathing, both soothing and strong. Its depths were full of secrets, from coral reefs rich with marine life to dark trenches where strange, otherworldly creatures lived. However, the sea remained unpredictable, a wild and uncontrollable force that demanded respect. When storms came over from the horizon, they could turn the calm seas into a rough, roiling mess. The sea both nourished and could be devastated around it; that's how she saw Rayleigh with all the power she had.


But Jules, for Mona Jules, is like a lake. The lake was calm, and its smooth, clear surface showed off the scenery like a mirror. Along the shore, tall mountains with snow-covered tops stood out in the bright sunlight. Below the surface, the lake was full of life. Schools of fish darted through the water, and the sun made their scales shine. The lake was a soothing spot where people could get away from the stress of everyday life. Its peaceful beauty made people feel calm and almost meditative, helping them slow down and enjoy the simple joys of being in nature. Everywhere you looked, time appeared to have stopped, and all your problems seemed to melt away, leaving only the peaceful lake and its surroundings.


Being with Jules made Mona feel calm in a way she hadn't felt in a long time. It seemed like all of her problems and stresses disappeared when she was with the older woman, leaving her with a deep sense of peace and happiness.


Mona can tell that Jules will be understanding and flexible in a relationship, even when they fight or disagree. Mona felt a strange sense of safety when she thought about how easily Jules would give in to her demands, no matter how ridiculous they were.


She wanted to get to know Jules better. Mona knew that building a strong connection with Jules would take time and effort, but she was willing to wait and do what it took to connect with this fascinating woman.