Chapter 29. What Lonely Means After You

"Can we stay in the hotel tonight? I just want to be with you," Isabelle asked her girlfriend, not long after they had returned from the event.


Rayleigh smiled; she loved the idea of staying in their room and spending time alone together before the distance separated them again. "You don't have to ask twice; I would love to. I thought you wanted to go walk around with Mona."


"Jules is with her, right?" Isabelle said, taking the menu in her hands as she walked over to where Rayleigh was sitting on the sofa.


"Yes, Jules seems quite fond of her," Rayleigh said, stretching her arms and welcoming Isabelle onto her lap, enveloping her in a warm embrace.


"Ufff..." Isabelle sank into Rayleigh's arms, her body instantly relaxing in the familiar comfort.


"Can we order some dessert? I want ice cream," she said, looking up at Rayleigh with a playful glint in her eyes.


Rayleigh breathed in the fresh, citrusy scent of her girlfriend, savoring the moment. "I really miss you," she murmured, her voice soft and sincere.


"I miss you so much too," Isabelle replied, turning her face to place a gentle kiss on Rayleigh's lips. "I want ice cream too."


Rayleigh chuckled softly, taking her phone in hand. "Let's see what we can find in Washington."


"Oh yes, you're American; you have this application to order some food. Let's go; find some ice cream!" Isabelle exclaimed and looked really excited.


As she scrolled through the delivery options, Rayleigh couldn't resist sneaking glances at Isabelle, admiring the way the soft light played across her features and the way her eyes sparkled with anticipation. She knew that their time together was precious and fleeting, and she wanted to make the most of it. "Once you're ready, let's marry." Rayleigh suddenly blurted out.


Isabelle stopped scrolling and stared at Rayleigh, her eyes searching for any sign of jest or uncertainty. "We just started dating—not even three months already. Are you sure? With me? For the rest of your life."


Rayleigh smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure. I don't know about you, though," she teased. "Do you want to be with a workaholic surgeon whose life revolves around the hospital and research? But who happens to be really beautiful, hot, and sexy?"


Isabelle laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I don't have to be afraid of me getting cheated on, then."


"Are you going to cheat on me?" Rayleigh asked, her tone playful.


"Cheat on a rich surgeon? Who's also really beautiful, hot, and sexy? Not to mention, can you give me a green card? I'd be damned," Isabelle replied, her words laced with mischief.


Rayleigh burst out laughing, delighted by her girlfriend's quick-witted response. This woman, whom she had known for such a short time, had already captured her heart in a way she never thought possible.


Reaching out, she tenderly caressed Isabelle's cheek, her gaze filled with a depth of emotion that transcended mere words. "You know, I've never been the type to rush into things," she said softly. "But with you, it feels different. It feels right. And I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life by your side."


Placing her hand atop Rayleigh's, Isabelle leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "Then let's do it," she whispered, "but give me some time. Let me enjoy being a stewardess a little while longer."


Rayleigh's face fell slightly, but her eyes were filled with understanding. "But I don't want you to quit," she said softly. "I can even move to Bangkok if you ask."


Their bodies drew closer to one another as they exchanged a series of brief, loving kisses. Isabelle turned her body and made it fully straddle Rayleigh. She forgot about her plan to buy some ice cream.


"Don't be silly," Isabelle chided, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're going to inherit a hospital in New York. I want to be a rich doctor's wife, just like my mother's been expecting."


Rayleigh chuckled, her heart swelling with love and adoration. "And I want to be the hot wife who got herself a hot stewardess as a wife."


"Fancy that," Isabelle murmured, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Turns out we're really meant to be together."




That night, Rayleigh and Isabelle spent time tangled on the bed, talking about everything, including their pasts. When Rayleigh brought up the topic of her ex, Lauren, Isabelle listened intently.


"Honestly, she was the longest relationship I've had. Love? I'm not sure," Rayleigh began, her voice laced with a hint of regret. "It was easy with her and very convenient. We were both in medical school, so everything was so simple."


Isabelle let her girlfriend continue, prompting her with a gentle "Then, what happened?"


Rayleigh sighed, her fingers tracing patterns on Isabelle's skin. "I think we just got too comfortable with each other, and I took her for granted. I thought that since it was so easy, she'd forgive me for everything. So I got buried in my research, school, and just trying to be one of the best. I spent more time at the hospital than with her."


"What do you mean by 'you didn't feel the need'?" Isabelle asked, her brow furrowed with curiosity.


"I mean, I needed to see you, to hold you, to be with you," Rayleigh explained, her gaze locking with Isabelle's. "I thought I was lacking in feelings; it made me feel inhuman. I didn't feel the need to see Lauren, to make her happy, to be with her, because I knew that just being with me made her happy."


Isabelle couldn't help but chuckle. "Wow, you sound like a total jerk," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.


Rayleigh smiled, taking a sip of the red wine in front of her. "I know, right? And that's where my brother came in. He's always been jealous of me, thinking that our parents doted on me and gave me chances, but not him. So he took the opportunity to get close to my girlfriend at the time, Lauren."


"You don't seem mad about that," Isabelle observed, her eyes searching Rayleigh's face.


"Honestly, no," Rayleigh admitted. "By that point, I had already started to see Lauren as a burden. She was always accusing me of cheating on her when I was just focused on my research. I think it was because she was already cheating with my brother. So, it was easy for me to let her go. It gave me a reason to leave her without making a big drama or coming up with excuses."


Isabelle nodded, her fingers tracing Rayleigh's jaw as she processed the information. "I'm glad you're being so honest with me," she murmured, her voice soft and sincere. "It shows me that you trust me and that you're willing to open up about your past." Her words make Rayleigh's smile sincere.


Rayleigh continued, "All I thought about was being the perfect surgeon. Work, work, and more work. If I ever felt lonely, I would just throw myself into my work."


She paused, her gaze locked with Isabelle's. "But then, when I decided to come to the Bangkok symposium, I met the most wonderful woman. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, I finally understood the meaning of the word 'lonely.' And when I heard her voice, it was like music from the heavens."


Rayleigh pulled Isabelle closer, her fingers tracing the delicate curves of her body. "And when I finally had her in my arms, I felt like I was coming home. I'd never experienced anything like that before."


Isabelle couldn't help but tease her girlfriend. "The time when you got her into your arms? Or the time when you taught her how to wash her hands?"


Rayleigh chuckled, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Oh my God, I was just looking for any excuse to touch you. Come on, you know that was creative!"


"It was, indeed," Isabelle admitted, her fingers trailing along Rayleigh's jawline. "It was a real sweep-off-my-feet kind of moment."


"So, it was working?" Rayleigh asked, pulling Isabelle even closer until their bodies were pressed together.


"Oh, it worked so damn well," Isabelle purred, her lips brushing against Rayleigh's in a teasing manner. "That woman is in your bed right now, isn't she?"


Rayleigh's heart swelled with love and adoration for the woman in her arms. "I love you, Rose Isabelle Jenisen," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.


Isabelle's eyes sparkled with happiness as she gazed up at Rayleigh. "And I love you, Doctor Rayleigh MacKenzie," she murmured, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'd love to spend the whole of my life being taught how to wash my hands like that."


"Oh, you're on," Rayleigh growled playfully, pulling Isabelle into a deep, passionate kiss that left them both breathless.