Emotional (3)

The child beside Charlotte awakened, and he met her gaze. He was so stunned to see his mother rub his head. But even if he wanted to move away after being caught sleeping beside her, his body wouldn't hear his command. So he waited for her to tell him to get lost, but those words never came.

Charlotte smiled and said, "Hello, kid. Can you tell me your name?"

Louis was so shocked that he couldn't answer right away. But before he could, the door opened, and Alexander went in. "Don't you remember who you are?" He asked with an expressionless face.

Charlotte was calm on the surface, but the man's godly appearance made her heart skip a beat. She answered, "Who am I? I don't remember my name."

Alexander's gaze was dark and cunning, but Charlotte was unafraid to meet his burning stare. "Louis, go back and eat breakfast. I need to talk to Mom about things she has forgotten."

Louis wanted to stay with his mother because it gave him the opportunity as she lost her memories. But his father's scary aura engulfed the room, and he knew there should be no room for discussion. "I'll visit you later, Mom."

Alexander walked toward Charlotte and pinched her chin when they were the only ones left in the room. "Don't pretend in front of me, Charlotte. If you can fool a child to make him believe that you lost your memories, that doesn't mean you can do the same trick to me! Be honest with me!"

"Husband," Charlotte whispered. "I am innocent. I lost my memories and can't even remember my name." There was a slight smile on Charlotte's face even when she could feel the tightness and pressure of the pinch.

Smiling was something the original Charlotte couldn't do in front of her husband, but seeing her relaxed smile shook Alexander's heart.

"If I learn that you've lied. You wouldn't like the consequences." Alexander suddenly bent down, and his lips found Charlotte's. He slowly nibbled her lower lip and bit it lightly. "Never lie to me, wife."

Charlotte could feel the madness deep in the man's voice. 'Is this the villain? Wasn't he too involved with the female protagonist that he wanted to kill his wife and son in the book? How the heck did he appear to have feelings with me now? And I could sense that it was not just a simple liking. It is, in fact, an obsession! The book is very unreliable!'

Charlotte's body was lifted, and she was already sitting on Alexander's lap in the blink of an eye. The man hugged her from behind, resting his head on Charlotte's shoulder. It was as if he was inhaling her scent, making Charlotte tremble with a little bit of fear.

The villain's psychotic tendencies were severely described in the book, and she feared that he would hurt her. She held his hand and sighed while saying, "I feel hungry. Let's eat breakfast."

Alexander kissed her neck and said, "The kitchen will send breakfast for us."

"Wouldn't it be better if we eat as a family? I may not remember anything, but we can't leave our son eating alone. It's not ideal for the child's development if his parents can't support him," Charlotte spoke her inner thoughts out of nowhere, surprising Alexander.

His wife used to be a good woman loved by everyone, but because of her parents' accident, she became hard-headed and weird. Alexander once thought she died with them because after she gave birth to their son, her personality changed drastically. She became bad-tempered and shrewd. 

"Wife, don't leave me again. I might go insane and end the world if you do," Alexander whispered against Charlotte's ear. 

Charlotte felt nervous. 'He did not bother to answer my question, but he spoke of lines filled with cheesiness. I don't understand! Why would the villain be intimate with me? Is there something wrong with the plot I read?' She rubbed her husband's hand and said, "Okay."

They stayed in the same position for thirty minutes before the servants interrupted them as they delivered their meals. Alexander helped and assisted Charlotte as they ate, but this move made Charlotte's ear tips red. 'What an immortal beauty, but his role is a psychotic villain! My almost fifty-year-old soul still feels refreshed, even if I know he's secretly dangerous!'

'There were rumors about him in the original text. Alexander Magnus the man at the top of the pyramid that controls half of the nation's economic power. He voluntarily entered the army at a very young age.'

'His grandfather, the admiral, supported his training and sent him to different life-threatening missions that could give you several nightmares and severe trauma. But the young man never feard anything, not even until he retired early and took over his father's business.'

'When he became the man in power within Magnus Empire, his first achievement was to devour two old business empires and turn them into branches. The wealth of the Magnus family became second to no one in the country and fifth most powerful within the continent. Yet, Alexander was never contented with his achievements.'

Charlotte stared at the man who was continuously stirring the porridge to let it cool down faster for her.

'Alexander, being targetted by several factions, decided to send himself to the largest assassin's guild in the world. He trained as an assassin and, later on, succeeded in becoming the leader of the guild. This secret was only known to five members of the Magnus family, including his grandfather and father.'

"Open your mouth."

Charlotte opened her mouth without hesitations.

'Not just that, Alexander's mother, Serena Bloodstone, came from a royal household. She's a scientist protected by the continent, and Alexander could barely see her when he was young, which influenced him to become an independent child earlier than his peers. But if there was a skill that Alexander lacked, it should be cooking. This book says he can burn a house by frying fish.'

"Wife, what are your plans?"

"I want to be a salted fish." Before Charlotte could stop her mouth from opening, the words had already flown to Alexander's ears.

"A salted fish?"

Charlotte had never felt so embarrassed in her life. She wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in. "I mean, I want to think about what I will do in the future. Recovering from the accident is my top priority. Besides, I have forgotten who I am. I don't even remember where I completed my studies."
