Emotional (4)

Charlotte thought Alexander would reveal the schemes and evilness of the original Charlotte Magnus, but she did not expect that he would hide all of her wrongdoings since the day they married. The man also covered up several old news and bad articles about her, as if he forcibly erased her existence. 

What Alexander presented to her was a piece of plain information about her birth, childhood, and outstanding educational background. Nothing else followed. He also showed her the grandness of their wedding, which looked unbelievable to her.

'How could he burn so much money for a woman he only met as an arranged marriage partner? Was there more story than the book described? If I was not mistaken, they only met once, and that was a month before they got married. Alexander's mother insisted that he date Charlotte and spend a day getting to know each other.'

Alexander sat beside her like a support. Oddly, his hand never left her waist. "You do not need to remember the past. Just bury those old memories you couldn't remember with the accident and move on. You have a new life ahead of you."

"I know. I'll keep that in mind." Charlotte sealed the file and closed her eyes. On the other hand, Alexander moved her head and made her lean toward him. For the first time, Charlotte finally felt what it felt like to be cared for. "Why are you so good to me?"

Alexander kissed her forehead and replied, "You are my wife. Who would take care of you if it's not me?"

Charlotte was bothered by Alexander's response. The man was so deep in his actions that she couldn't decipher his words, even when she was relatively older than him by her soul's age. Charlotte couldn't feel any warmth in his words nor see the love in his eyes. But she could sense that he was sincere, and being around him gave her security. 

'Maybe marriage cannot be defined by how deep love is involved, how many business interests couples consider, or how much money is there to gain. Instead, it should be by how much sincerity and security you are willing to give to each other. I think this is Alexander's principle. I secretly like the way he thinks.'

When Charlotte completely fell asleep, Alexander carefully laid her on the bed. As if everything was under his calculations, he glanced at Charlotte one last time before leaving the room. Louis was waiting for him outside obediently.

"Let's talk to my office." 

Louis followed his father and sat on the couch. The same dark grey walls greeted him. They moved into this house when he was only three years old. His father always reminded him they would only stay here until his mother returned.

At first, he didn't understand a thing but still followed his father's words. He used to question his father's thoughts. Why would they wait for his mother to come back if she was already living with them? But his father never gave him the answer.

His father warned him not to cause trouble, so even if the woman he calls mother lost her temper, he would only turn a blind eye. A few years later, he got used to watching her and noting what was different. But the answers to the questions running in his mind were still left unknown.

Not until his mother got caught in an accident.

It was the first time he saw how much affection his father kept from his mother.

The news that she almost died and fell into a coma made his father a person comparable to a vampire, never sleeping or getting tired. His father never left his mother's side and cared for her day and night. If not for his father being a person who doesn't believe in God, he would also think that he kneeled and prayed for his mother to wake up. 

A month of his father's absence would impact the operation of several businesses in their family. His father had no choice but to leave his mother's side. But he was not expecting his father to ask him to accompany his mother to sleep and guard her.

The first scream he heard as he was guarding the door made him panic and call all the attending doctors in a hurry. The voice of his mother had changed. It was no longer the lifeless and monotonous pitch she usually uses.

The only thing in his mind was that his mother had transformed. He no longer wasted time, so he went inside and checked his mother's condition with the people his father trusted. 'Father was right! My mother will return.'

He glanced at the woman nursed by everyone. 'Mother is different this time. She did not curse the people around her or throw a tantrum. Her eyebrows no longer knitted together, and her mouth didn't pout. Even the darkness and gloom around her vanished completely.'

The first night Louis slept beside his mother was also the most comfortable sleep he had ever had. "Dad, mother returned successfully."

Alexander nodded as he stared at his son. "Pack all your things, and we will return to the old mansion tomorrow. I've asked the doctor, and your mother's condition is almost stable. Your grandparents also miss us."

"Dad, can you tell me why my mother's soul left us before?"

Alexander sighed, "Before I married your mother, a grandmaster monk visited the old mansion. He said my wife would bear a great calamity to help the Magnus clan survive. Your grandfather's eldest brother was a scientist protected by the country. He was a great researcher who contributed a lot to advancing our country's core technology."

Alexander shifted his gaze to the medal on the shelf.

"Uncle's direct superior was your mother's parents. Someone stole the data and burned down the laboratory where they worked. The accident caused the country to lose not only money but also all research data within that year. And because our family had deep roots in the military and business industry, the upper class wanted us to take the blame."

Alexander sighed and continued, "Your mother lost her parents to save everyone under them. She got also assassinated and forced to leave school countless times. I thought losing her loved ones was a great calamity, but she woke up differently after surviving an assassination. That's when she was forced to give birth to you prematurely."

"Dad, will there be assassinations in the future, now that my mom is back?" Louis asked with a worried face.