A new person

The dreary white curtain of snow hung above her as she peered upward. Her pinky finger left the edge, and her hands, fragile as ice, felt broken away from the surface, and her eyesight began to fade. Her body was too numb and heavy to attempt to float.

The tiny voice in her heart shouted, "Is this how I perish away?"

It was a curse to not know what you wanted out of life. Why, exactly, did she wish to live? Every night tormented her, and in the recesses of her consciousness, her condition continued to worsen each morning. She closed her eyes and sank even deeper, filled with regret.

In the farthest part, where she could feel no pain or sanguinity and where it was peaceful and safe, she heard a fleeting voice: "Do you want to live?" 

"Yes, please save me," she said in desperation. 

In the dream, she was lost until she felt like she was sinking again, but this time she was robust. She was surrounded by water. Her hands and feet started to paddle, but in doing so, she used up all her oxygen. Her desperate hands and legs continued, but they never reached the surface. 

"Ahem! Ahem!" she coughed. Her throat felt bone dry and coarse. Her eyes gently opened, and everything seemed dim. The vault above her was made of rustic wood. As she tried to use her hands, an immediate pain jolted, and she closed her eyes, scrunching, and slowly the pain drifted away. 

She inhaled deeply, opening her eyes once again and, this time, elongating her neck to see her body's condition. She wore an outfit completely different from what she had when she left the mansion. It was a fine silk dress, and her hands were wrapped in a warm cloth. Each part of her body ached, and her thoughts went spiraling.

'thud' The door opened, and she slightly shivered. A very cold gust of air made its way inside the warm room.

"You seem awake. How do you feel?" A manly voice greeted her. He had a tray in his hands and a glass of warm water. She followed his actions with her eyes. His black cloak fluttered as he got down on his knees and came closer to her face. His hands touched the back of her forehead. 

Underneath him was the blushing red face of Luiza. Despite the haziness, she could immediately tell he was the man from the library. Moreover, she got the most upfront view of the stranger, whose left eye was covered and on the right, he had black irises, his hair neatly comped into a braid at the end.

A blue sapphire in the shape of a teardrop adorned his left ear. He had the demeanor of a man who did not care about anything or anyone but was tied to his anguish. His pale skin was devoid of blemishes, as were his cherry-red lips, which he slightly licked.

"No fever," he commented, and he gazed down at the eyes, which intensely stared at him. "Are you able to walk?" he asked.

Her head was slightly tilted. She was questioning his question, but as her lips parted, a very hoarse and dry sound answered, "No, my body hurts."

The man hummed in acknowledgement and brought forward a wand inside his cloak. 

"Heal," he commanded, and a golden ivory light glowed around her body. Within a few minutes, the light went out, and she was back sleeping.



In a very long time, she had slept so soundly without any disturbance. It was a dream of nothingness. The creak of the door awoke her senses, and her eyes flung open.

"You are awake again," she heard a comment. Slowly turning her head towards the source, it was the same black cloak in her view.

Um, she hummed while her hands freely touched her tummy.

Wait! Her purse! The mysterious book!! Her eyes froze, and she ogled. How could she have lost it?!

She immediately sat upright. "Excuse me!" She called out to the man, "Have you seen my purse, which I had with me?"

He gave her a glass of water, and she chugged it down in a second. He placed it back in his tray and said, "I have. Also, if you feel better, come downstairs to have dinner." With that said, he left the room. A sight of relief was bestowed upon her. 

She then gazed around the room. Above her was the wooden ceiling, and at her side was a squarish window that was closed. The curtain was tied, and at the corner was a small wooden drawer. Her bed was oddly comfortable and fluffy; it had floral embroidery at the very end of the blanket cover, and the room had a hand-knitted rug. 

Its simplicity reminded me of her days back in the village. 'No! I should leave the past behind' she said, patting her cheeks with both hands. It was no time to drown in reverie.

She immediately got out of bed. Her body felt wobbly, but she still made her way and slowly got out of the room. 

The walls were painted white, and the floor contrasted with the dark wooden pathway. As she got downstairs, a delicious aroma of cinnamon lingered in the air. Following the scent, she walked into the dining room. 

The ceilings were low, and the room wasn't large, but she found it cozy. She sat on the chair and saw the man from before at the kitchen counter. He turned around and walked to the dining area with a copper pot filled with porridge.

He placed the warm pot on the table and got two little porcelain bowls. Stirring the porridge with a ladle, he poured it into two bowls and sat across from Luiza. 

"Thank you for the food," he said, joining both his hands and praying. 

Uh? Taken aback, she too joined hands with him and repeated his words. The man eyed her from his side view and started to have his porridge. She followed his lead and had the warm porridge. 

"AH!!!! It's hot!! phoooooo!" 

She burned her tongue! She quickly swallowed the hot porridge. 

Tsk. The man chuckled at her humorous behavior. 

Um? Her head tilted. Did this man, who had a weary and gloomy appearance, have his lips curled up? Even if it was for a second, she couldn't help but admire. It was the most beautiful scene she had seen that day.

"Were you the one who changed my clothes?"