Abandoned house

The classes after the lunch break were undisturbed, and the teachers were polished in their subjects. The students in the class did not hesitate to ask around, and although a few murmured, the class was disciplined. 

The very last subject was "Economics and Innovation," which also had an hour-and-a-half-long lecture. Teacher Haruma, who taught this subject, was perhaps the very first female lecturer she met. 

Her teaching was eloquent, and on the topic of "living standards around the world," which they studied, the teacher brilliantly broke down each piece of information. Luiza found the class much more interesting and noted down the few lines she spoke that were not in the textbook. 

"I want you to bring me a proposal for the upliftment of living standards in Ever Hills by the end of the week." She then dismissed the class. 

The faint sound of the bell rang, and all the students hurriedly started packing their bags. The corridor was packed, and student's loudness, waves of laughter, chatter, and footsteps took over the dull, grim building. 

Enviously, Luiza gazed at the students, who could freely feel giddy and have friends. She then started packing up her books. 

"Are you not going to go home?" Nellie's voice reverberated inside the classroom. 

Huh? She looked up and saw Nellie with her bag behind her and a squarish jute bag on her arms. 

"Um, wait a minute, I am packing." In a rush, she just threw her goods inside the bag and stood up. Side by side, she walks through the hallway with Nellie.

On the path, each student would at least spare a glance at her or perhaps even continue to stare. It felt uncomfortable and was a reminder that she was nothing but a foreigner. 

"Oh, don't pay heed to those stares. Though you should poke their shameless eyes, it becomes unbearable." She spoke loud enough for the boys nearby to hear and turn away their eyes that instant. 

They passed through the academy gate, and Nellie pulled her sleeve slightly. 

"Where do you live?" 

"I live a little down the road from the family bakery," Luiza stated. 

"Oh, that bakery? I guess we are heading the same way then." Nellie had a bright smile and linked her arms around Luiza's, and they walked together.

"You know," Luiza turned her head slightly to face Nellie. "My family owns that Bakey." 

Her lips slightly gaped, and her pupils widened. She was surprised, but it was a pleasant surprise. Nellie, although not a chatterbox, was good company and even offered to drop her off at her house. 

As they started to stray away from the village houses, Nellie tightened her grip and got closer. With no houses in sight, they continued to walk until they finally reached another group of houses where Luiza resided. 

"So, you stay in this abandoned house," Nellie commented. 

"Abandoned?" She tilted her head slightly. 

"Well, long ago, this house served as a little getaway for the Lord of the Ever Hill. He donated his chateau, and that is our current academy, but this house was never given to anyone and was unoccupied for a long time," she said.

Luiza agreed with Nellie, as the house was very spooky and dirty too. 

"Well, I'm sure it must be easier to live here, at least. This house, although abandoned, has the most top-notch furnishings that even the entire village does not have," which made Luiza raise her eyebrows.

She parted her lips to speak up, but Nellie instead waved her bye and headed off. Out of words, she simply waved back and walked inside the house. 

The house was mostly worn out, but the furniture was intact. She wondered about the living standards of the people in Ever Hills, considering that such a state of house was considered a luxury. Back in Appleton, the living standard was up to par. Due to the farming of the kingdom's top-notch apples, the people there lived a fairly good life. 

The living room was empty, and her library books were neatly kept on the table. Perhaps Hael had gotten better and shifted to his room. She comprehended and went to the luggage room, where she changed into a simple evening gown and wore a thin scarf over it. She took out her notebook and the mystery book and headed upstairs while also carrying the books to the table. 

It had been days since she had last translated, but that did not mean she had forgotten about it. This mystery had become the sole reason she lived. With a pile of books in her hands, she kicked the door gently and placed them on her desk. 

She went to her table, sat comfortably on the chair, and started to decode the words from the very first page. The book in the library had the basic alphabet written and also taught the formation of words. Following the directions of the book, she transcribed the very first line of the book within two hours. 

The decoded text read: "When Mephistopheles is given a sacrifice, the deity grows stronger, but if it's the sacrifice of the greatest woman of her time, sacrosanct power will be manifested."

She could feel a lump form in her throat, and an icy feeling crept down her spine. 

Perhaps she would translate more, but the sudden creak of the door took away her attention. Someone had barged inside. 

Full of doubts, she tiptoed downstairs and first headed to the kitchen. She took the most sturdy and big pan and tiptoed to the living room; her arms covered in goosebumps. 

In front of her was a tall figure in a black cloak. "Ha!!!!" she almost hit the pan when suddenly the figure turned around, and she saw Hael's face. Unable to control her arms, she accidentally hit him on the thighs. 

'Ouch!' He whined and hit the floor on his bum due to his slippery shoes. Luiza, who tried to pull him but could not, also fell on top of him. 


It was an odd position, and she quickly stood up! She would have complained, but Hael, who too had stood, had lots of snow on his cloak. His hands were frosty, and most of all, he was sick. 

She felt dumbfounded. How could a sick person even go into the cold??!

"I had a few words at the academy," he stated. She felt baffled, but again, it was none of her business. 

"Do you feel better now?" 

"Yes," he answered, and with a nod, she was about to leave when he continued, "Also, let's go shopping in the nearby town, Lindone." 

Huh, did she hear correctly? She swiftly turned back around and asked, "Lindone?" 

"Yes. Although it is not as big as Mary Hills, it still has a big bazaar." 

"Sure," She squeaked, "Let's go!" promptly agreed.