A new house (1)

"Um," she groaned, turning her face to the other side. Her hands were clutched around the blanket, and her legs were partially scrunched up. It was a sweet dream, but a fluffy little paw kept tapping on her cheeks. 

"What… is… it?" Her heavy eyes forcefully opened. It was a black cat with shiny fur. It had round, black, mesmerizing eyes. Taking a deep breath, she sluggishly straightened her back. The room around her was airy and had a very coastal, beachy white vibrance. 

The large windows with soft white lacy curtains let the light in, and as the cold breeze got inside, she felt more awakened. She calmly stretched her arms out and bent her back, doing a long stretch, when suddenly the door was unlocked. 

"Ahh!" she exclaimed as the boy walked towards her bed, suddenly picking up the cat in the air and cuddling it. Um? She peripherally gazed at the scene while avoiding his face when, abruptly, he said, "You must be Luiza Moonstone."