
Ania and Arkadi were on edge, nervously glancing at each other.

Sergei, the composed one as usual, stepped up to handle the situation. He quickly thought up an excuse. "Miss Everly, we had a bit of an incident last night. A burglar broke into the mansion. I managed to catch him, but during our struggle, he pushed me against the glass window, shattering it."

Everly's eyes widened with concern. "A burglar? Here? Are you okay?" She stepped closer.

Sergei nodded, bowing slightly in apology. "I'm fine, Miss Everly. There's no need to worry. I should apologize for the damage caused, though. It's my fault the window was broken."

Everly shook her head, her concern overshadowing any annoyance she might have had about the window. Not that she has one to begin with. "There's absolutely no need to apologize, Sergei. I'm just glad you're okay. If anyone should be apologizing, it's the burglar, not you." She chuckled.