At the expense of Kellen's mental health

Taylor, rather loudly, cleared her throat. 

"I am still here, Captain. Please keep your seductions to a moderate level when I am still in the room, please." Taylor's cheeks were flushed and Rhys laughed, pulling the shirt up over Kellen's head before he nodded, his eyes more bright then they had been since he'd found out. 

"Sorry Green. It's just so easy to get distracted by Kellen. Especially in his Field Guide uniform." Taylor rolled her eyes, while Kellen scrambled to get the monitor pads on his chest. Rhys was already hooked up, so it was just sitting down on the hard, plastic chair that was his next step. 

All day today Kellen had either avoided sitting down, or had sat down on soft surfaces. This was because he hadn't brought it up, but his ass hurt. It was sore, swollen, and every time he sat down on a hard surface he remembered what he and Rhys had done the night prior.