A dangerously good actor

"How is everyone doing?" Kellen asked as he opened the door to his Dad's room. 

Kellen wasn't surprised when he found that his Mom had been let back into the room and Casper and the new Guide were near his Dad's bed making arts and crafts projects. Casper had glue in his hair, his brows furrowed in concentration, while the younger Guide held up his string of misshapen creatures up for his Dad to see. 

Kellen's Dad's complexion looked better. His eyes weren't as stressed, his shoulders were relaxed, and the large, awful bandage around his neck was on full display. Kellen swallowed thickly as everyone turned their gaze to look at him. 

His Dad broke out into a large smile, pulling down his own craft project and held out his arms, asking for a hug. Kellen couldn't resist him, and made his way over, wrapping his arms around his Dad delicately, much to his laughter.