The wheels have to start turning

When Kellen and Rhys got the knock from Brent that Taylor had arrived, both of them had calmed down significantly. Kellen had stopped crying, and Rhys had joked that he looked good with tears in his eyes. 

It had taken Kellen a minute to get what he was implying, but when he did he had gotten flustered and smacked his shoulder. Rhys had laughed, and it was around that time that Brent had knocked. 

The trio headed towards Kellen's apartment, Brent silent, and his face unreadable. Kellen didn't know what that meant, and that continued into his entering the apartment. 

Taylor had Gunther sitting at the bar, her supplies spread out to tend to his wounds since she wasn't allowed to heal the outside wounds. Her back was to Kellen and Rhys as they entered, so they couldn't see her expression. Kellen didn't think he needed to. 

He could feel the anger radiating off of her.