Noctis, The White Devil

'If only those other four guards hadn't fallen ill, we wouldn't have to hire someone to escort us. It's obvious someone poisoned them, and an attack will happen...'

The girl sat inside the carriage, contemplating their predicament, surrounded by green and yellow ethereal orbs, spirits from the realm of Yggdrasil something only she could have, a greater blessing of Yggdrasil. Though she couldn't directly communicate with them, she could understand their emotions and occasional thoughts. These lesser spirits were her companions, providing solace in her lonely childhood and shielding her from loneliness, where others only sought to exploit her high status.

Perhaps one day when she grows stronger, she would be able to talk properly with them and summon higher spirits...


'I hope we find someone strong enough. The time between when we put out the request and the deadline was only two days...'

She harbored little hope, knowing the short notice given for a strong adventurer to answer their call and come to Nfael.

As if Yggdrasil itself had heard her, a commotion outside the carriage caught her attention.

"H-hey, is that..."

"The White Devil..."

"No way he's joining this mission as well..."

Fear and awe permeated their voices, and she could sense his formidable presence. But what intrigued and bewildered her more was the tumultuous emotions of the little spirits dancing around inside the carriage—happiness, sadness, joy, and grief swirling together.

Recalling the tales of the White Devil, the renowned adventurer with a flawless mission completion record, she pondered his significance. 'They say he's on par with multiple A to S rank adventurers,' she thought.

Yet, she couldn't fathom why the spirits reacted so strongly to him, their feelings a confusing mix of sadness and joy in his presence.

'I want to know more about the White Devil and what makes him so special...'

With resolve in her heart, she spoke, addressing the figure whose name stirred both admiration and trepidation among those around her.

"Sir Noctis..."


As Lucas sat with Luna on his shoulder in front of the girl inside this huge luxurious carriage, he had only one thought: 'Beautiful.'

No, he wasn't talking about the carriage. The girl in front of him was simply 'beautiful.' 

The way her silver hair was like a reflection of the moon itself, her blue eyes as deep as the ocean, her long lashes glittering in the night, her skin as white as snow. 

There was no other way to describe her except for beautiful.

[Father, why are both of you staring at each other so much?]

Thankfully, Luna interrupted in time before she would notice him staring.


"I appreciate you allowing me to skip the test. So, what did you want to talk about?" Lucas asked in his usual cold voice.

"Ah, yes, I apologize. You see, I-"

Before she could talk, she noticed he wasn't looking at her anymore, but instead at the spirits floating around.

[Father, can you see those floating balls in the air?]

[No, but I can 'feel' them instead.]

'Luna can see them because she is a full dragon, and I can only feel them because I am a half dragon...'

"You... you can see them, can't you?" Suddenly, Lucas turned towards the young girl, who looked like his age, as she called out to him in her usual gentle and soft voice, but it was filled with disbelief.

"No. I can't see them, but I can feel them," Lucas answered honestly.

"What are they?" 


"They are spirits... lesser spirits from the realm of Yggdrasil. I have a greater blessing from Yggdrasil, making me able to summon these spirits and talk, or at least have a way to communicate with them, though they are only lesser spirits."

She answered honestly as well.

It looked like both didn't like to keep secrets, as they were equally interested in each other.

"Can you... summon only these lesser spirits, or can you summon stronger ones?"

"No, only these lesser spirits for now. Perhaps one day, when I become stronger," she answered.

Lucas was surprised at how easily she was revealing this information, but he knew she would want something of equal value. Due to his pride, which he acquired as a trait when becoming a half-dragon, he would have no choice but to give something that would make them even.

"My turn,"

Lucas smiled behind his mask upon hearing the girl. He knew that this might happen the moment she started easily revealing her information, and honestly, he didn't mind telling her whatever she wanted. He just really didn't care about keeping secrets, since he was going back in two months anyway.

"Sure, go ahead," he said in his still cold voice.

In a teasing tone, the girl asked, "Noctis, the White Devil. Who are you behind that mask?" Her grin was something Lucas found extremely cute.

Instead of answering, he started taking off his mask.

"E-eeh!?" Bewildered at what Lucas was doing, she immediately interrupted and stopped him.

"W-what are you doing!? You were actually about to remove the mask hiding your face?!" She asked in disbelief, her voice soft, while swaying her arms around in a panic.

'Looks like she didn't expect me to actually reveal myself. Well, it's not like I care anymore; my purpose for this two-year journey has already basically been accomplished, so I don't mind if people find out if I am Noctis, I suppose.'

"I don't mind telling you who I am, you know? Besides, you told me something you normally would keep secret as well, so isn't it fair if I do something of equal value?" Lucas reasoned.

"B-but don't you have some reason why you don't want to reveal yourself? Why you hide behind a mask?" She asked, still trying to persuade him.

'I don't know, but I kind of find her bewildered expression cute. I doubt most have seen this type of face of hers...'

"I have already accomplished my goals, so I have no need to wear a mask anymore. Besides, after this escort mission, I was planning to retire as Noctis."

"Eh, this is your last mission as an adventurer!?" she said in further disbelief


"Yes, so do you still want to see my face or not?"

"S-sure, if you are fine with it, I guess... I am curious who the White Devil is." The last part was almost inaudible, but with Lucas's hearing as a half-dragon, he easily heard it.

And so he removed his mask, revealing his entire face to the girl in front of him.

"I am the one you call Noctis, The White Devil, also known as Lucas Nightstar."