Sylviette Velariah

"W-what! The White Devil was Lucas Nightstar all along!? Aren't you the same age as me, basically!?" The girl said with her mouth basically wide open in shock.

"Hmm? You heard of me as Lucas Nightstar?" Lucas asked, confused, long having stopped using his Noctis personality with the girl, but he didn't remember doing anything as his real self for her to recognize him.

"You don't know? You are pretty famous, you know, for that cool entrance you made to the world 3 years ago! Look!" She said while taking her phone out of her storage ring and handing it over to Lucas.

'Huh? Since when the heck did we have phones in this world!? How did I never notice!?' Lucas was shocked at seeing the phone in hand.

[Oi Luna, why did I never buy a phone?]

[Huh, Father? Wasn't it because you never cared about those weird devices?] Luna asked, cutely tilting her head.



[Remind me to buy a phone when we are free, Luna.]

[Hehe, yes, Father.]

Without Lucas noticing, the girl somehow was sitting next to him, her silver hair brushing against his face.

'Damn, she smells nice... Wait, no, why is she sitting next to me!? Is she always this carefree? I mean, she doesn't even know me, dammit!?'

What Lucas didn't know was that the girl was extremely cautious with most people except for her family, and that was all because of the lesser spirits. The lesser spirits would always surround a person at how likable they found the person and if you can trust them, which they only did for the girl's family. And now, for the first time, they surrounded Lucas and danced happily around him. They weren't even doing this with her family.

So the girl naturally believed Lucas was someone good and trustworthy, and as this was the first time from someone her age she could trust, she wanted to become friends with Lucas.

"Look, Lucas, you were trending on MyTube for an entire year as #1, and even now, you are still trending as people started making edits out of you when you came out of that car and released your scary aura on them."

She said as she opened an edit as the phone was in Lucas's hand.

"I-I see. I didn't realize people were actually making edits about me, and damn, 267 million views..." Lucas was genuinely shocked seeing how popular he actually was for only appearing once, which naturally helped make him popular since people don't know anything about him. He was like a famous person who would only appear once in a blue moon.


"By the way..." Lucas suddenly turned her head to the girl next to him, making their noses almost touch each other. Both froze at the spot until the girl finally came out of it and jumped back to her previous seat, making her sit again in front of Lucas.

"Ah! I am sorry. I was excited and got too close..." She said, with the tip of her ears dyed red from embarrassment, and hung her head down.

'Damn, she is cute!'


"It is alright. It was no problem, so no need to be upset," Lucas said calmly, showing no trouble on his face, though if one read his thoughts, they would call him one thing: 'King of poker face.'

'Shit! You fucking heart! Stop beating so loud! Do you want me to rip you out, you pathetic piece of shit!'


Trying to dispel the awkward atmosphere, Lucas suddenly asked a question he probably should have done in the beginning.

"So, I was going to ask...what is your name?"

"Eh, I didn't say?" She said, as if in shock, not realizing she never gave her name.

"No, you didn't. I never asked. My bad."

"No, it's fine."

She suddenly stood up and gave a gracious bow fit for a noble elven lady in high society.

"My name is Sylviette Velariah. It is nice to meet you, Lucas Nightstar."

Seeing this, Lucas couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Haha, it is nice to make your acquaintance, Sylviette Velariah."

Lucas said while standing up as well and bowing theatrically as well.

"Pfft, how dramatic, Lucas."

"As long as you are happy, Sylviette."

"Please, call me Sylv. No need to be so formal."

"Very well, Sylv..."

'Have I heard the name Velariah before? I can't remember... whatever.'

They both sat back down after formally introducing themselves finally.

Suddenly, Sylviette stiffened up as if she realized something.

"Hey, Lucas, you are the White Devil, aren't you?" She suddenly asked this weird question.

"Huh, well yeah...?" Lucas answered, confused.

"T-then what star level are you? You are the same age as me and yet you are so famous as the White Devil, said to be between B to S rank adventurer. So, how strong are you really..." She asked nervously, understanding that revealing his star level could be a little too personal.

"Hmm, oh, I am a Mid 6 star level currently, but I doubt anyone in the Master stage could fight me head-on and win in a 1v1," Lucas said. He wasn't arrogant; it was just a fact that most people in the Master stage and beneath would simply fail fighting the anomaly known as Lucas Nightstar.

"I-I see... I am a high 5 star level and known as one of the best of the best in our generation. But compared to you, all of us 'champions' in the new generations pale against you. In fact, I was supposedly the strongest of our generation..."

Champions were referred to the new generation who possessed the best of the best talent and have the highest potential to become a saint.

"Is that so? I really never bothered, comparing myself with our generation."

"That is understandable, I suppose. Unless you fight a champion, I doubt even then anyone in our generation would stand a chance. After all, I doubt anyone except for us 2 are even above Mid 5 star level in our that means that currently the 2 strongest of our generation are inside this carriage, hehe," Sylviette said, realizing that what she said was indeed true.

"Hmm, are the others really so weak?" Lucas asked, confused if the 2 of them are the strongest then how weak were the others...


"Lucas, you really need to learn more about the world. You have been adventuring too much without understanding how much of a monster you truly are... The average people in Myrniel are only 5 star level, and those are mostly adults or students of Shield in their 2nd to 3rd year. Most people our age currently are barely 3rd to 4th star level," Sylv explained patiently.

Lucas, hearing this, had his eyes wide open in surprise.

"Huh, so wait, you mean we already surpassed the average star level and only at the age of 15..."

"Yes, that is correct. And besides, there aren't many above the 6-star level due to it just being too hard to advance, especially when you try to get to the Grandmaster stage where only a handful of people are in... In a sense, we are the ones who are too strong for this generation of ours..." Sylviette said with a bitter smile.

"I see...thanks, Sylv, for explaining. I didn't know that I was this abnormal compared to others my age..."

"Hehe, no problem. Besides, you will be attending Shield in 3 months as well, right, Lucas?" Sylviette asked with sparkling eyes and hope.

"Yes, that is right... I will be attending Shield in 3 months, but before that, I will have to visit my parents a month before Shield in Moon City."

"Great! Then we can meet again in Shield after this mission is over. Wait, I'll also give you a tour in the Elven Capital when we arrive there!" she said enthusiastically.

"Sure, I would love that. Thanks," Lucas replied with a soft smile of his own

[I feel left out...]" Luna said as she gazed at the spirits in front of her.

Suddenly, they heard a voice outside of the carriage.

"My lady, we have finished the test and selected 3 of the most capable bunch. We can now leave."

Turning off the sound barrier artifact inside the carriage, Sylviette replied with her voice changing to an elegant one, saying in a soft and gentle tone, "Very well, we can now depart."

As she said that, the carriage finally started departing towards the elven domain.